I just watched Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time, and I'm pretty sure I hate Indiana Jones

So I was coerced/talked into/ok let's just call it what it really is, bullied into watching this movie with my Discord squad.

For a movie from the early 80s I did like it quite a bit, but I am fairly certain that I fuckin' hate Indiana Jones as a person/entity.

Constantly self-serving, always out for himself
Straight up bullies Marion for like 90% of the film. I'm pretty sure he's in a relationship with her when she's underage pre-movie.

He's lazy and whines a lot. He has every opportunity to escape but constantly keeps trying to get the Ark, something he doesn't even really want.

He is a shithouse person and all of his side characters are better people than he is. I wish the movie was about Marion instead, shit I would take Alfred Molina or John Rhys Davies instead.

Anybody else not a fan of this devastatingly evil human? Also are the other two movies like this or nah?

Attached: Raiders-Of-The-Lost-Ark.jpg (1920x816, 145K)

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Holy shit, please tell me this is pasta.

What compels a man to think this way? What causes such thoughts to form in his head? Is it demonic influence? Do demons reside inside them causing them to make such outlandish opinions and statements?

Indiana Jones is supposed to be kind of an asshole, but a charming one.

Out of curiosity, are you a woman?


>my Discord squad
>I'm pretty sure he's in a relationship with her when she's underage pre-movie.
Drink bleach

It's called being a fucking decent human being

Hi resetera!

You truely have a terrible taste and mindset for film. You are literally the only person who watched this movie and had those ridiculous opinions. Lets face it, you'll probably hate almost every great or popular movie til the end of time so you outta just stop watching them now.

great bait 9.6/10

max replies incoming

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Go away zoomer.

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Good luck on your blood test

enjoy raising your wife's chocolate baby when it poops out.

Dont stop now, id love to hear your review for temple of doom

Is this a reddit or resetera post you just copied here?

Have sex incels
