There will never be a crossover where predators land on earth to hunt for the ultimate trophy, skynet

>there will never be a crossover where predators land on earth to hunt for the ultimate trophy, skynet

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better than the current way they are milking

Hi there Mr movie producer
Doing a little research?

When did Terminator get hearing aids?

Flesh can't cut through steel. Skynet winds shitsf

i've already got ideas

>one of the predators gets killed
>skynet takes its body and creates a predinator

>Predators seeded terminator technology to create the ultimate lifeform
>The same way the engineers engineered the xenomorphs

I'll like my cheque now please.

Why does a robot need teeth?

Comic book nerds are the biggest disease on cinema

humans tend to notice when there's somebody walking around with no teeth

So they can eat

The movie you’re asking for would be terrible. Just make a good predator 3 instead

What do they eat?


skynet identifies as human

Does that mean they have genitals too?

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Unironically robocop vs terminator vs aliens vs predator should be a movie. These franchises have all been run into the ground anyway. This is the only thing that could turn them around.

computer chips.

Well duh, how else is he supposed to rape prostitutes in Hong Kong?


moviegoers need at least one human on screen at any time to identify with the movie and be at least the smallest bit entertained
said human must also be marginalized in some way


what good is aesthetics to a robot? A robot designed to terminate, no less.

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terminator's are made of steel with an extra alloy added to make it stronger.

predators use space metal that slices through steel like a knife through butter. as well as plasma canons
predators have this in the bag.
but at the same time they would not hunt a robot, no honor or sport from it

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The hunter becomes the hunted.

Goddamnit I lost

that sounds so fucking tacky holy shit

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>Predators rely on cloaking with light refraction
>Terminators simply spot them through infrared and instantly target them


to bite people, its just a metal monkey and monkeys use teeth

sounds better than termator

Thank God.

It would be more logical with a Dark Horse Universe which includes Alien, Predator, Terminator and Robocop, don't see the connection between Terminator and Predator alone.

Arnold beat Predator as a lousy human without advanced tech. As a Terminator he'd beat their entire race.

Lame, how about a Predalienator?

you can call me dave

They are more legit human than a trannie is female.

It's like reverse Covenant.

good it sounds shit

T-1060p, Predator. (It’s not like they’ve ever explicitly named them predators

/toy/ here.
Neca created a backstory for one of their Predators wherein he supposedly got tired of humans and started hunting robotic "organisms" including terminators.

Attached: neca-series-16-03.jpg (1200x795, 230K)

Instead of shitty sequels like The Predator and Terminator: Dark Fate, why not just pitch a crossover? At this point people would much rather see something like that instead of the 50th reboot or requel or whatever the fuck.

how about Alien vs Predator vs Terminator vs Warwick Davis

Warwick wouldn't allow that unless it's explicitly stated in the script that he's the lone survivor at the end.

Not in the south or England HAHAHAH literally fuck all of England lol


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