How would it have been the Netflix version lf Chernobyl?

How would it have been the Netflix version lf Chernobyl?

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>interracial relationships for no reason
>obvious parallels too trump

Legasov and Shcherbina sex scene

I wish

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but the regular version is unironically a trump biopic, if you didn't get that on the first viewing you need your head examined

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Most of the characters would be women, trans, or niggers doing bad russian accents and talking about how evil capitalists ruined the communists plans

It would’ve been 3 seasons long with a spin off announced and canceled and then rebooted by Disney and Jared Harris’s character with a black guy.

Strong homosexual woman saving the day

>Legasov is portrayed as tranny
>Gorbachov played by black actor, potrayed as good guy
>Boris is homophobe and misogynist but redeems himself in the end

>doing bad russian accents
Local autists would piss on walls from joy

Epic trolle my fellow redditeur

>the accident was due to incompetent males (and not due to shitty commie incompetence)
>Strong Wamen arrives to save the day
>Patriarchy still holding her back, resulting in unnecessary extra deaths
>Fireman dude was a misogynist, abusive fuck that beat his wife and raped their daughter; his death liberates them and live happily (no radiation poisoning ofc since the wamen must end up victorious) as a single mother & daughter duo
>Gorbachev eventually resigns. His seat is taken by a trans, Muslim, black nignog
>gives a speech about the failure of patriarchy while the camera zooms into the tearful eyes of the plebs
I got radiation poisoning just by thinking of/ writing this. Fucking clown world.

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but the first 3 are the actual show lmfao did you even watch it?

You forgot
>The uranium is trans
>The radiation is in an open interracial relationship with the reactor

You forgot the part where the main stronk independent womyn get fucked by a black male

I was actually surprised by the lack of sex scenes, given it was HBO and their series are like conversations inbetween sex scenes

>the 3 heroic divers that volunteered were gay/trans that were bullied by the other cis white scum
>In the end, a gay parade is made to honor the fallen lgbt victims
also this

I love how you jokes unironically think that multi-billion corporations are against capitalism.

The best we are gonna get are trendy social justice politics. No real deep leftist thought.

radiation fucked a baby

They're not, they're for woke capitalism which is embracing all the retarded shit they think except for higher taxes or nationalization to ward it off.

Pretty much, yeah.

Which is a little better than capitalism with racism mixed in, but not by much.

And like I said, it's all just "trendy politics" that helps them market their stuff. It's all pragmatic.

It really isn't though, the only thing that can be "linked" at least in the mind of a leftist is the broader theme of "lies and their consequences" which is hilarious.

But that's my take on the show and its creators, giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Here is what I dread to admit is the actual connection, which is in no uncertain terms the dumbest and most pathetic.
Just Russia.
I'm not kidding, if you turn off your brain and look from the perspective that makes the least sense it's just Russia therefore Trump.
They still believe that horse shit.

>Which is a little better than capitalism with racism mixed in, but not by much.
lmao no it isn't

>White firefighter looks directly at core
>turns skin black
>many scenes banging Jessie Buckley
>has superior, radiation super powered, BBC

How? I mean it's nonsense for capitalism to pretend it has ethics. But still I'd prefer a system that doesn't treat people like shit based on their skin colour

>waaaaaaaaah Netflix casts black people and women how dare they

Complaining about things could have happened is a bit pathetic, don't you think?

Welcome to the internet outrage machine and behold that the real "snowflakes" are conservatives.

you guys really are that bored?

although I wouldn't mind a netflix version if it means we get to see hickeyfu getting blacked

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Depends on your race I suppose but for white people the previous system was better

Leftists get people legit fired for the most innocuous shit. Conservative swhine on forums read by teenagers. You really can't compare the two.

Of course. In the same way, feudalism was great when you were nobility and capitalism is fucking awesome if you are a billionaire.

Besides all racism does is give poor whites a false sense of superiority.

Except, you know, feudal lords and billionaires have always been an extreme minority, while still over 50% of the US is white. The majority choosing a system for itself that benefits them makes complete sense.

Many POC in Chernobyl area somehow who, are suffering from the nuclear catastrophy created by a white man.

Thanks to the podcasts the writer comes off as an unbelievably pretentious fag

The forced shoe-ins of blacks and women as the good guys in historical occurences are caricatures with no flaws whatsoever. They are distorted caricatures, and it gets unoriginal and boring after a while.
t. loved Will Smith in I am Legend.

It's more a passive aggressive complaint on things that have happened desu

But it's unethical. You basically summed why I loathe democracy. It's the belief that if a lot of people like something, it's good.

By that logic, Soviet Communism was the best since most of the country were dirt poor.

Learn English you braindead moron.

I don't disagree, but there is a huge moral distinction between a small minority of privileged elites oppressing a large majority, and a large majority of not-so-privileged people oppressing a small minority

In the utilitarian sense, yes.

>A nuclear reactor runs on balance. In the employment field, there are two major factors
>*Puts up red card* straight white males
>*Puts up blue card* and the others, to keep white male privilege in check
>On the night of the disaster, Dyatlov ran a test that would prove fatal: hiring purely on merit, without taking historical discrimination into consideration
>Diversity rates catastrophically dropped *removes blue card*
>And the white males, with nothing to keep their privilege in check, converted into something toxic
>*Dramatically displays red card* Incels
>Interest in KGB crime statistics rises, and beauty standards become no longer possible in this dimension
>*puts up two red cards*
>Society begins to destabilize
>Dyatlov, realizing his error, demands emergency diversity hiring. But the hiring process has one, fatal flaw.
>You see, the diversity hiring process favors underprivileged minorities. But not the first hires! The first hires are white homosexual men, who, in fact, have higher average salaries than even straight white men!
>Privilege runs completely unchecked, misogyny from incels and disinterest in women from homosexuals accelerate each other exponentially in an endless loop, until the impossible happens
>Chernobyl is now a Fortune 500 company

Anarchy is the only fair system. No authority is legitimate

they still snuck male nudity in

the virgin conservatives vs the chad leftists