Was it really that bad?

was it really that bad?

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Not really, but it was just barely mediocre.

Bad creature design and CGI usage, Broderick as the lead, plus Emmerich at the helm? Yes, yes it was that bad.

The puff daddy(before he was P.Diddy) music video was kinda cringe.

Uh-huh, yee
I like curly blondes tho

It wasnt and you know it. It was great. Also Jami.. Jamiq.. you know whose clip was kino

>hating on based memerich

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It was a bad Godzilla movie but a passable monster movie

At best, his movies can be enjoyed ironically.

yes, they just kept dumping cars on him while he kept dancing.

Yes, easily the most believable and interesting version of Godzilla.

The problem with the other Godzilla movies is just how stupidly unrealistic they are. A monster the size of Godzilla able to unleash his kind of power would level society in a very short time, therefore the movies have to leverage this with dumbass excuses and reasons why Godzilla would ever tolerate us on his home turf. The 98' Godzilla was the perfect size. Large enough to be an immediate and dangerous threat, but also not indestructible. Gave the movie a great sense of tension, because you genuinely didn't know who was going to win. Everybody watching the new Godzilla's fucking knew he was gonna be fine in the end, and after showing us all of 4 seconds of footage of him slowly turning around that's exactly what happened. You may not like it but the 98' zilla movie at least gave us a hefty serving of giant lizard monster vs America.

Yeah, Broderick is a pretty shit actor but the dialogue in this movie is so bad you can't blame him. Even Jean fucking Reno couldn't salvage that trainwreck of a script. That being said, if you're going to a Roland Emmerich film expecting great dialogue, then there was never any hope for you anyway.

I meant No at the start, obviously.

It’s awful. Tried watching it when it was on local TV recently and it’s honestly even worse than I remember it being in the 90’s. Godzilla design would be cool for something that’s not Godzilla, but in this case it’s so off the mark in appearance and behaviour to what Godzilla should be and a general audience’s conception of Godzilla they may as well have not paid for the rights and called it its own thing. Broderick is terrible as the lead, Jean Reno is wasted, the love interest is unbearable, it’s full of Roland Emmerich’s shitty autistic attempts at “humour”, scores of annoying side characters, horrible soundtrack, effects work veers wildly between competent and looking like a PS1 cinematic, and worst of all it drags on for over 2.5 hours. An absolutely wretched film that wasted some solid talent in front of and behind the camera.

Nah I liked it

I love the snub to this movie in Godzilla: Final Wars.

>Toho bought the rights to the character, design, etc from Sony in 2004 to prevent it ever being used again, renamed it “Zilla” through some kind of retroactive copyrighting because the heads of Toho “felt it had taken the God out of Godzilla”
>give it a couple of scenes in Final Wars; it’s the only monster in the movie realised via CGI, the animation for it is awful, and the model was allegedly taken directly from a Trendmasters toy
>Godzilla kills it in a matter of seconds, by impaling it on the Sydney opera house then burning it to ashes - this is allegedly a reference to the planned sequel to Emmerich’s film slated for a 2000 release that would have been set almost entirely in Australia
>In the original Japanese audio, the film’s villain laments after Zilla is vapourised something that roughly translates to “dammit, I KNEW that tuna-munching lizard was useless!”


The 98 cartoon was unironically better.

It was cheesy but fun to watch

The 2014 version was just boring as fuck

Probably the only Godzilla movie where I remember the human characters.

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Name a comfier setting than rainy 90's NYC

rainy 70's NY

redditors hate this movie for no reason

It would've been better with a different title and name for the monster. Similar to how the Doom movie was pretty good, but if you're going into it expecting Doom vidya feels you're going to be sorely disappointed.

I remember that too lmao. Jap Godzilla slapped american zilla with his tail and launched him onto the opera house in a matter of seconds. I had a good laugh

>70's NY
pick one

visually it was great, story wise, the humans as usually were subpar, overall story was decent. its one of the many products where you could say "if it wasnt XXXX it would be good" if this was some fucked up jurassic park sequel, people would have loved it, but it was a giant monster story based on people in rubber suits and nuclear power allegory

it would have been better if it were more bad

It's not as bad as it's made out to be, but it isn't Godzilla. It's discount Jurassic Park, with significantly less charm and no likeable characters. It's ok at its best.

Back in that time, I always laughed whenever I see Toho's Godzilla because it was too silly looking. The eyes were big and cartoonish instead of menacing. Godzilla didn't come off monstrous or intimidating, instead he looked like something off of Sesame Street. The rubber suit wasn't convincing and didn't look cool at all, even as a kid I thought this. The 98 Godzilla actually looked monstrous to me, a big monster looking head without the sesame street eyes. And the cartoon series of it I enjoyed more than any Godzilla film barring the original, Shin, and Final Wars. 98 Godzilla is a decent monster flick if not for the name. If it was its own kaiju I think people would be less harsh on it.

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rainy 90 British Hong Kong

Would have been watchable with a better lead actor.

Yes, it was very boring. I saw in a theater back in 1998 and have not seen it since.

>it’s the only monster in the movie realised via CGI

If you bothered watching the the 1st minutes of the movie rather than getting opinions from others you'll see Manda also was CGI for most of the part.

Zilla wasn't the one who got the worst treatment Kaijus like Ebirah got taken out by guys with rifles or Kamacuras that got impaled by an electrical transmission tower killing it. The military was doing fine against the Kaijus most of them were getting their asses handed to them by the military not even sure how anyone bough the Xiliens were good because when they removed the Kaijus it was clear they were saving them from getting stomped by the military. They only managed to deal with the military with help of the Xiliens and after the Xiliens mind controlled the super soldiers

I loved it back when I was an autistic 10 year old when it came out, I also loved Lost in Space unironically.

Still have the toys from both somewhere in my parent's roofspace, iirc the Godzilla one was a retarded puppet thing you stuck your hand in so you could close its jaw, and it had a button on the inside you could click to make it roar.

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It was one of my favourite movies as a kid, I watched it probably 3 or 4 dozen times and had multiple Godzilla toys based on that movie. I haven't seen it as an adult but if you treat it as a kid's film it's absolutely top tier.

>Bad creature design
It was far superior to the fucking Barney suit.

I remember getting bored watching it as a kid at the cinema - the exact moment was the Apache scene. The design was fine aside from the inconsistent size but it wasn't rad at all which is what a western Godzilla should have been.


Cruel and unnecessary desu :/

I'd watch a Red Dawn movie where France conquers America.

It's pretty bad. Even as young as we were, I remember watching the bit with the eggs hatching and thinking "they tried to rip off T-Rex AND velociraptors? are you kidding me? what is this dreck?" And this is at a point in my life when I thought Terminator 2 was the high water mark for all of film, so.. yeah.

the whole soundtrack was actually pretty entertaining, at least to my young brain at the time. I'd probably think it was a flaming pile of garbage if I went back and listened to it now though.

>the perfect size
he changed sizes every fucking scene and the footprint in the opening is the size of the modern American Godzilla.

This movie works a lot better when you realise that it's a love triangle between Nick, Zilla and Audrey. Possibly the most romantic Godzilla movie, at least top 5.

I appreciate this movie in that I loved it so much as a kid I started watching the other Godzilla movies afterwards. I only saw 1961 Mothra before this since it was one of a few monster movies my grandpa owned. I didn't even know Mothra was in the same universe till after Emmerich zilla

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It was retconned as a different Kaiju IIRC

>bad creature design

But its the best zilla

70s NYC was a complete shithole. It was Kino for dystopian settings, but don't confuse kino with comfy.


>horrible soundtrack
What m8

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Most entertaining Godzilla movie ever made.

it's an okay monster film but it's a shit Godzilla film

Did I stutter, you loli-loving space autist? It’s garbage.

It’s a better Godzilla movie than the blurry CGI shit we have now

the only reason people mock it so much is because the hype they created for it was gigantic and then it was a huge letdown, both in terms of quality and box office

No. It was good. Just not great like Shin Godzilla

Fucking hell, are you me?

>Puff Daddy - Come With Me starts playing 30 times per day at minimum on Mtv

It came out when I was 7 years old and I loved it. It released at the perfect time for me because I had recently been watching all the old Godzilla movies (new to me obviously) and I was obsessed with them and had loads of kaiju toys. Didn't know why Godzilla looked different but didn't care. When this movie came out they got me one toy almost as big as I was, and a Godzilla egg that hatched a baby. It was a grand old time.
As an adult, it's okay. Not terrible not good. But my memories of the experience are great.

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Yes. They should have killed off Jean Reno in the first 30 minutes like Bryan Cranston in Godzilla 2014.

What do you mean you don't love perpetual gray sky foggy rainy night scenes?

Emmerich's 2nd best work after Independence Day

I'm sorry to hear about your cataracts

No, autistic Godzilla fans will shit on it because
>hurr he dies, looks nothing like godzilla

As long as you don't take it seriously and keep your expectations in check, this movie is a fun ride for what it has. All the military scenes from Independence Day, plus a giant monster make it a great movie for me.

The fact that godzilla dies shows he is a vulnerable character and not just indestructible.

Would have liked to see a sequel involving the cut monster from a first draft.

I like the zilla design. Looks sleek and aesthetic.

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, I don't know who I am anymore.

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it's like Russia and Chernobyl

>Toho bought the rights to the character, design, etc from Sony in 2004 to prevent it ever being used again
What a bunch of sad autistic cunts.
Would have loved to see it in the new movies as a cousin to Godzilla's evolutionary line like the Skullcrawlers.

>cut monster from the first draft

It probably would have been better received if they had called it Giant Lizard the Movie or something to that effect. was it that bad of a movie? No. But it wasn't a godzilla movie.

>Broderick as the lead
What does everyone on the internet have against Matthew Broderick?

He's a kike weirdo who used his Hollywood connections to get away with murder, but you already knew that.

Firstly, he's a hack professionally. Ferris Bueller is the only role/movie he's done that was actually good.
Secondly, he's a piece of shit that killed a woman and her mother by drunk driving into them - swerved into the opposite lane and killed both in a head-on collision. Then he used his connections to get off on only a $175 fine, and has completely ignored their family ever since.

If you like Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich movies then you might wonder exactly this.


Final Wars is deserving of snubbing itself

Strangely, yes. Had potential to be a cult classic.

No, simply because it had a kino advertising campaign.

Taco Bell in particular was fully onboard the hype train, they had some amazing Godzilla-themed promotions going on at the time.

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Came here to post this
Movie is fine and In retrospect has a nice 90s vibe to it