Other urls found in this thread:
First for the queen
Who got the best death scene in the entire series? Who got the worse one?
Why didn't he die?
what even set off her autism in that scene
>Gandalf coming back is bad writing
Jon gets resurrected
>Ruling is hard
For the autistic treeman it'll be easy
>What did Aragorn do to orc babies
WW babies all shattered with NK
What a hack.
Theon for best, Baelish for worst
Absurdly based
>best death
>worst death
Would've been a kino ending
GRRM's self insert
Grrm cant kill himself
How would you recast Arya?
Idris Elba
>There was a lantern hanging just inside the cabin, and he managed to bang his head on it going in. “Ow,” he said, and Dany said, “Are you hurt? Let me see.” She leaned close …… and kissed his mouth.
>Jon found himself kissing her back. She's my aunt, he thought, but her hands were tugging at his blacks, pulling at the laces of his breeches. He broke off the kiss long enough to say, “We can’t,” but Dany said, “We can,” and covered his mouth with her own again.
>The Cinnamon Dragon was spinning all around them and he could taste the rum on Dany's tongue and the next thing her breasts were bare and he was touching them. She's my aunt, Jon thought again, but one of her nipples found its way between his lips. It was pink and hard and when he sucked on it her milk filled his mouth, mingling with the taste of rum, and he had never tasted anything so fine and sweet and good. If I do this I am no better than Jaime Lannister, Jon thought, but it felt too good to stop. And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast. It looked so silly standing there that he might have laughed, but Dany pushed him back onto her pallet, hiked her skirts up around her thighs, and lowered herself onto him with a little whimpery sound.
>That was even better than her nipples. She’s so wet, he thought, gasping. I never knew a woman could get so wet down there. “I am your wife now,” she whispered, sliding up and down on him. And Jon groaned and thought, No, no, you can’t be, you're my aunt, you're my aunt but the only word he said was, “Yes.”
Maisie was a great cast at the time, no one could have predicted how she'd grow into the role. It's also tough because canonically she's supposed to be "ugly" in the horseface way, but Maisie is more goblina looking
Dany's winning would've indeed been kino.
Maybe have her execute Tyrion instead of burning KL though. Less black-and-white.
Changing her hairstyle would have been a good start. Same with Bran.
>Got half her people killed fighting Jon's pointless war, people she considers her children
>Thought she could trust Jon and lost a child for him, loves him but he was just using her and immediately tries to usurp her and betrays her
>Loses another dragon, she considers dragons her children
>Thinks the battle was too easy, thinks tyrion is betraying her and the bells are a trap, thinks she'll lose everything if she listens to him again
>no one could have predicted
Anglo genes bruh
>she's supposed to be "ugly" in the horseface way
She's supposed to be looking like Lyanna, who's meant to be a 10/10. Mainly Sansa calls her horseface.
Podrick singing was the only good part about season 8.
He didn't write any of that
and sweet robin
>tfw no Amazonian Knight gf who'll genuinely love you back if you show affection towards her
It hurts bros
>Woah, that shot was really amazing Weiss, like really subtly telling the audience that Daenerys is literally satanic now.
>I know right? Hehehe, bet the audience will be so shocked and love it! Told you we can do it better than you George!
>Dany wins
>executes Tyrion
>locks Jon in her rape dungeon
>burns winterfell and Sansa to the ground
>Liberates the world under her benevolent guidance
Good ending
And Qyburn
Ellie Kendrick would've made a better Arya if she weren't slightly too old for the part.
She did nothing wrong
fag/got/s the lot of ya
>Daenerys is literally satanic now.
She literally didn't do anything different from any halfway competent character in the show. Even Jon Snow has flipped out and killed little kids before. Every single person had to act out of character to be horrified at Dany's actions, instead of being like "good job". Ned Stark is the ONLY person in the series whose actual character requires that he wouldn't have razed King's Landing to the ground
Dany should have sit on the iron throne as that theme plays and all the children of KL burning
Her casting was fine at the time, no one saw her bong genes coming is all.
Your show it's over, what's the point of this general?
please stay there and don't come back here
>Thought she could trust Jon and lost a child for him, loves him but he was just using her and immediately tries to usurp her and betrays her
That's wrong though, if she felt this way about Jon he would have never been able to get close enough to stab her
Better ending
Dany kills tyrion after his plans fail in season 7, Dany lets Jon die north of the wall, goes and takes Kings landing, but prepares for the dead. When the night king eventually breaks through the wall somehow, no dragon ex machina, let him kill everything north of the twins, then she burns his whole army at the twins
i want to be Brienne's little spoon
got your arya right here
they did my boy dirty. he shoulda come out in a mecha and if he had to die then it shoulda been a battle death
fuckin anglos really do ruin everything
>That's not my blood
Guess the movie
>Tyrion dying
>good ending
you had one job
What aspects (characters, plot, settings) of the books do you think was hardest to be translated to the show?
If they really wanted to subvert expectations they would have had Jon side with Dany, and the two of them go on to bring freedom and liberty to everyone through fire and blood.
fixed, here's your arya
She was completely insane at the end after burning them all, she was in love with Jon though she wanted him to love her
Ferris Bueller's Day Off?
What the fuck am I looking at here?
Tyrion's the worst character ever after season 4, literal marvel movie protagonist
No no this fixes nothing
Maisie is the perfect girl now and forever
The politics were practically non-existent since Season 4. It was dumbed down to be the dragons and tits show.
Kek what
Not sure about best, but littlefinger's was just fucking horrible
>The Freys and the Lannisters send their regards
do marvel movie protagonists wandering around aimlessly in depression? give it a rest, your mentality is annoying enough when you're right but it's downright infuriating when you're just babbling nonsense and still letting yourself off the hook
>I’ve never had so many laughs. It took a whole week to do it with the different stab wounds and the preamble speech, which I found funny. The guy’s got a sense of humour about luring people in with bread and salt. I should imagine Stalin had quite a good time inviting people he knew weren’t going to be leaving the building.
>After the Red Wedding, Walder Frey skipped seasons 4 and 5 before returning in season 6. There, he met his doom at the hands of young Arya Stark. Despite a measure of revenge for House Stark, the fans have yet to forgive Bradley for his role in the Red Wedding.
>I’ve had taxi drivers wind down their window and say ‘I can’t forgive you for what you did!’ Now I’ve gone people say ‘sorry to see you go’. No, you’re bloody not!
Bruh tyrion's character is shit ever since they removed the tysha reveal in season 4, everyone knows that, he becomes a quipping funny dwarf going on wacky adventures, and does nothing but give bad advice and be useless while everyone listens and calls him smart, the becomes hand for no reason. Peter dinklage does great with what he has but you could tell he had checked out by the end with how they ruined him from the books
more like walder gaaaaay lmao
like this
He deserved better bros. Fuck arya little goblina mary sue shit
who is that
>There was a guy in the street who came up to me and said ‘Game of Thrones, brilliant, you’ve got a great death scene’. And I said, ‘oh do I?’ He told me the manner of my death so I went into Waterstones, got the book and saw, ah on the khazi (toilet). Right. OK. Suitable demise, I thought.
Read this screencap buds.
Do you think he liked the books
That artsyle, design, and character theme blows.
*ting ting ting*
Please post that screenshot of The Long Night episode of Melisandre with fire on her eyes
Imagine if this bastid lived and gradually became more competent and replaced Cersei as endgame villain? Would it have gone better?
>I think he's a purely cold, pragmatic man who needs to get done what needs to get done. Whatever it takes. There's no morality. Morality doesn't come into it at all. It is purely "do that." There is no good nor evil; it's just what needs to be done. So he is an amoral man, I think.
>I like Roose. He was very good to me. Look, how can you remember Roose Bolton? He was a cold, callous, heartless man. He was a good baddie, I think, and there was a lot of great sparring with Ramsay in those scenes. That relationship where he was like a dog on a chain; no matter how cocky he got, Roose always had the upper hand, would always pull him back. Until the very end.
no Arya was supposed to look like her dad, and Sean Bean as Ned was well cast.
Maisie was perfect
Adèle Wismes, she was originally rumored to play lyanna back in season 6 iirc
It would have been more fun
>QYBURN! You fucking idiot, your stupid scorpion doesn't even kill that dragon
>Fucking cunt! How dare a woman claim to be the iron throne! The iron throne is mine by right!
>Uncle Jaime! I want you to bring uncle Tyrion to me alive. So I can kill himself!
>Heh, I like that Euron Greyjoy! A true warrior and a loyal friend to the crown. Finally someone we can trust. He is special among those faithless degenerates of the Iron Island.
>Gregor!! I command you to say by my side!!!!
>NOOOO!!! This can't be happening! I AM THE KING! If I can't have the iron throne than no one can!!
Reminder that Lena Headey spent near a decade portraying Cersei and still didn't bother to read a single book in the series.
So in season 6, Arya basically starts a war between the Lannisters and the North by killing the Freys and pinning it on the whole north instead of just herself. Why does no one talk about this. And why is Jon defending cersei when he's at war with her. None of this makes any sense
He said that they were too long
she did a damn good job, this is difficult to believe but if its true wow.
it's not like Cersei was a deep character or anything though
I can imagine offering Euron to tag-team the sneks with their BIG COCKS
Explains why she acts so differently from the books
Neither did Tyrion and Jaime
This feels like a Dune re-design, or sci-fi fantasy re-design anyway anybody else got that vibe?
Will it ever be finished?
based Lena
she does? they try to portray her as more sympathetic in the show but her behavior itself is still the same arrogant, refusing to accept criticism, everything is everyone else's fault, spiteful, villainous bitch
if you watched the show and actually think Cersei was supposed to be a stronk wymyn anywhere outside of her own head you need to rewatch
Explains why she's so bad in that role.
I really like the art design for Littlefinger and The Mountain in this
POV's are always suffer from unreliable narrator, Arya thinks she's ugly due to lack of self-esteem from Sansa and Jeyne making fun of her as a kid
she's objectively attractive according to 3rd parties, why would a Faceless man lie to her about her attractiveness?
>"You believe this is the only place for you." It was as if he'd heard her thoughts. "You are wrong in that. You would find softer service in the household of some merchant. Or would you sooner be a courtesan, and have songs sung of your beauty? Speak the word, and we will send you to the Black Pearl or the Daughter of the Dusk. You will sleep on rose petals and wear silken skirts that rustle when you walk, and great lords will beggar themselves for your maiden's blood. Or if it is marriage and children you desire, tell me, and we shall find a husband for you. Some honest apprentice boy, a rich old man, a seafarer, whatever you desire."
>He cupped her chin, turned her head this way and that, nodded. "A pretty one this time, I think. As pretty as your own."
and an actual noble lady
>I'm sorry, my lady." Arya suddenly felt bad for her, and ashamed. "I'm sorry I tore the acorn dress too. It was pretty." "Yes, child. And so are you. Be brave."
>when he sucked on it her milk filled his mouth
Is she pregnant?
That's all show stuff.
We don't even know Jon is actually dead in the books.
in the books she's an absolute alcoholic retard who fucks up everything she touches, in the show she faces no logical consequences for being a retard because D&D liked the actress and wanted to keep her around
Best ending.
Not only that but she's much more malevolent in the books handing off people she doesn't like to be tortured qyburn experiments
I can't tell who half of these are. There's LF, the Cleganes, Tyrion, Drogo but that's it
Supposedly Tricia Helfer (Cylon No. 6 from BSG) tried to audition as Cersei Lannister. She is big fan of the books too.
>"I will watch the series because I've heard so many people just say that it's done so well," Helfer said when asked if she might decide to check out the HBO adaptation. "I think a lot of times, when you're a fan of the books, the series or movie can be such a letdown. But I have heard from numerous people that that's not the case with this. So I probably should just start the series now before reading the last book, but I've still got a little bit of hope that he's going to come out with the book soon. [Laughs] Soon enough that I can finish with my vision of it and then start the series. But that is one [adaptation] in particular that I will watch the series."
That interview was five years ago by the way.
>in the show she faces no logical consequences for being a retard because
because after Tommen dies she has free reign to kill anybody and everybody who opposes her including all of the Sparrows, Tyrells, Sand Snakes and that septa. The first thing she does is get rid of everyone who could stop her who isn't already on the other side of the world.
Arya was okay. Actually a decent actress and she isn't supposed to be pretty
This is overly simple and so are you.
Well, he gets stabbed plenty of times. Pretty hard to survive that.
Well, 5 years ago was pre-season 5. So she is right
that is good art and all, but I think it would have ruined the show if they made Arya just another jailbait waifu tragic anime character
There's no way she would get away with it, Kevan was the lannister commander, all cersei has is one zombie bodyguard and a mad scientist. Kevan's second in line would take command and he'd want her head on a spike
I feel like Charles Dance would be fun to have beers with
I am not entirely sure but my best guess, from left to right:
>The Hound
>The Mountain
>Cersei (post ADWD)
>Tywin (red and gold and what maybe the hand of the king pin)
>Jaime (golden lion)
>??????? Clown world?
>Khal Drogo
Was he in the Sept of Baelor when it blew up?
someone mixed in too much Silent Hill and Final Fantasy into this art
cool though
Yeah he was, the Lannisters would want her dead for that
He is a pretty casual guy from the interviews I read. Complete opposite from the stoic/authoritarian characters he used to play in his most recent movies and shows.
In retrospect, they shouldn't have killed Tommen by suicide in S6. Maybe that will fuck up the prophecy, but at least you can still someone reasonable to keep the iron throne and Jaime can kill Cersei and be lord of Casterly rock replacing Cersei & Kevan. Also it gives him a reason to fight Dany & Tyrion (to protect his son/nephew) and for Tyrion to be reluctant about attacking KL.
You think if the US blew up Mecca the muslims would give up and there would be peace in the middle east?
Hundreds of thousands of pissed off peasants would storm the red keep if cersei actually did blow up the sept. it took fucking dragons and maegor the cruel to crush the faith militant the first time
I REALLY expected Jaime to be the one to kill Cersei, big disappointment there
it's kind of her fault all their children died and/or were raised like dogshit, he didn't have much of a say in the matter because it had to be kept secret
he got next to no development by the time they died, literally all he did was fuck Brienne
According to Ned, but it is when describing Arya as a character. and he is pretty unreliable. Stop spouting shit as if you knew or read the books.
>Arya has low self esteem
we read different books or what? its Salsa the undesided cunt the whole books.
>have songs sung of your beauty?
the entire conversation is meant to contrast Arya's desition of taking her own path, contansting Salsa's courtesan lifestyle. It's all throaway lines.
>You think if the US blew up Mecca the muslims would give up and there would be peace in the middle east?
The thing is she made sure they were all there, in the sept, when she blew it up, it would have been pointless if she left any survivors, assuming that's what they were implying in the show, they were attending a trial FOR her. Literally everyone who mattered was there
Where are all my fellow Stannischads at?
JRR Martin doesn't really know how women work
Well, assuming Jaime somehow survive his Riverrun adventure in the books, he still has a chance to kill Cersei. That is if he is meant to be the valonqar.
>One of the Starks?
>Roose is Loose (The rondels give it away)
>Clegane bro 2
>Clegane bro 1
>I assume Cersei with the red and gold
>I have absolutely no fucking clue. Tywin? Rhaegar?
>Jaime, note the golden hand (on the wrong side however)
>Varys I think
I'm noting a trend on social media.
Normies complaining about season 8, who in turn are ATTACKED by all these cringe hardcore SJW "I live for social media" types, whom themselves personally seem to worship the show.
Why is this?
>you traitor's bastid
what did he mean by this? Like most of the Night's Watch are either bastards or traitors of some previous war. Was Allister Thorne autistic?
twitter leftists are literally subhumans
Got the same feeling
His interview for the Witcher he also puts it as: "You know, never done vidya VA before, let's try it while I still live. Sounds pretty neat"
she killed every religious person in the 7 kingdoms? Because they are all going to be pissed at her when they find out she killed the pope and blew up the vatican
add in the fact that every other major and minor lord in the crownlands and reach is going to be furious with her for exterminating Tyrells and her own family.
They had to butcher everybodies character to justify her not being killed, Randall Tarley siding with lannisters is as likely as the Umbers siding with Boltons, yet the show did it because D&D are hacks who rape the plot to fit the story they want, "lol you killed my dad at the red wedding and I'm fine with that"
Twitter lefties are contrarian idiots who want to feel special, so they defend literal shit and act like they're the only ones smart enough to get it
He was a pro-targaryen back in Robert's rebellion. He is still butthurt about having his old masters beaten, partly thanks to the Starks. Jon is a Stark bastid or so they all thought. So it all seems like a good chance to release all those anger at Jonny boy and call it part of an intensive training.
Don't get involved with them user.
>it took fucking dragons and maegor the cruel to crush the faith militant the first time
Actually not even that
Only after Maegor was dead and the next King promised amnesty to the Faith Militant who would lay down their arms was when they stopped their shit
Maegor is still the worse monarch in the entire series is he? Maybe Aegon the unworthy comes pretty close.
absolutely based
My lords and ladies. I suppose this is the most important moment of our lives. What we decide today will reverberate through the annals of history. I stand before you as one of the senior lords in the country, a veteran of two wars, and I'd like to think my experience has led to some small skill in statecraft
>Boy, we have a lot of complex political characters in Kings landing right now, a lot of interesting conflicts and plot threads that are tough to write, it's looking tricky for cersei here, I wonder how were gonna write ourselves out of this one
Nailed it.
>No one wants you for their king. You never wanted any friends, brother, but a man without friends is a man without power!
you’re people can’t fight
>burn them all
>burn them all
>burn them all
>burn them all
Uncle, (your life is in great danger. Your nephew Brandon no longer exists, the being sitting next to me is not my brother but the Three-Eyed Raven, a mystical entity whose intent is to rule the Seven Kingdoms. He believes himself chosen by destiny and has manipulated events so as to effect his rise to power, events he himself foresaw. Every tragedy we have suffered, the strife that has torn these lands apart for years, he allowed to happen and even encouraged, all so that he might become king. No one can stand in his way and live, he sees all, knows all, and as he stands on the precipice of his interminable tyranny, not even the bonds of kinship will protect you if he sees you as an obstacle. So, uncle, for the sake of the blood we share and the child that awaits you at home,) please sit.
No it wouldnt, everyone by the end of season 1 till the finale who actually watched the show figured she would have gotten the throne at the end. They may as well have just had her invade after season 3 then ended it.
imagine serving this ugly, obnoxious faggot with his mile long nails as he screeches autistically about torturing people just because he came out of some previous king's ballsack
god monarchy is fucking gay
... fewer
Maegor was awful, but most of the awful shit he did he took with him to the grave
Aegon IV decided to be a shit king and as a final treat to ruin the next 100 years as well
Queen Alicent is also up there, being the reason for the Dance of Dragons, which brought ruin to the Kingdoms and got all the dragons killed making ruling harder for the next Targ's
Come and take the throne, faggot.
If Arya was hot I wouldn't care at all that she killed the night king
Jon is dead
Bran isn't a ruler of anything
There are no WW babies as far as we know
That looks too much like Ygritte with black hair. No way,
>gets roasted by dragon
pawah is pawah
We know that skinchangers' souls survive in their animals when they die, so obviously Jon is in Ghost.
My guess is Melly burns Shireen to wake the stone dragon (Dead Jon Targaryen) after his parentage is revealed by Reed
no. fuck got
Based bimbo poster.
That was actually about Ginny and Sam.
t. Kingslayer
>Briennes helmet
Hayden Christensen?
>My lord please.
>You no longer have the support of /got/. For the time being, I suggest you to keep a low profile.
based and republic-pilled
dunno who best is but worst is prolly one of arya's victims because who cares
Well said my lady!
Would Tarlys back up Joffrey or Daenerys?
The only thing Jaime did wrong was not take the throne for himself. Especially considering the fact that he is a secret Targ.
Imagine those lips around your throbbing cock
If you have to ask, then no.
Why should I roll? My waifu is Melisandre. And Ros my mistress.
Emilia is a cunt
I know this theory is unlikely, but I imagine it will be pretty funny & sad when Jaime realizes he is actually a kinslayer as well just like his little "brother". Together they can finally form the Kin(g)slayer Brothers.
>take the throne for himself
Lol. It wasn't a case of whoever sits on it first gets to be king you remedial. Bobby was the only one with a claim and would have pushed Jaime's shit in when he got into town.
What was the point of Ellaria again
Why didn't we get an episode where all of the Stark kids go to a beach to have fun and talk about their feelings and relationships?
To replace Arianne/Doran because D&D liked her actress
Bobby didn't give a shit about the throne. It was all the other Lords in his rebellion that decided to sit him there because of that one great great great aunt or whatever.
We should have a beach episode but with the Lannisters when Joffrey & Tywin were still alive.
>Myrcella the one with the least horrifying face
>she's still a 5/10
>lions in his collar thingy
Maybe that's why people call you a Lannister incest bastard, Joff
Gilly is the cutest.
>My lords
>My ladies
>I give you....
>King Joffrey
>Robb Stark
>Balon Greyjoy
Salsa has a cute face and is an 8/10
Please be Missandei
>drogon the ass destroyer
What's hilarious is this is even one of the most generous analyses of Cersei made by another character in the books. Tyrion, Varys, and Littlefinger all think she's a fucking moron to varying degrees. Her PoV chapters read like a parody of a Tywin type character.
I won't complain anyway desu
>Turner being a 8/10
She's more convincing in the beauty department, I could see her being Cersei Lannister
Better than season 8
>beach episode
Someone post that picture of some of the cast literally at the beach
got the next best thing
Imagine you on the lift and some random foreign chick just ask you this.
She is pretty hot to be quite honest. One of the main reason I binge watched BSG last year actually.
Better than S5-7 as well.
not the user you're responding to, but for pre-bloated coke face Sophie it was absolutely true you mong
desu i'm glad the show basically took a dump on his legacy, it'll always be what he's remembered for
he'd still be married to margaery so Joff
Roll for Emilia Clarke
Why do white women not have ass? Is it in the genes?
You did it
hear, hear!
You're retarded.
Tonic ass>Medium ass> no ass>fat ass>nigger ass
We're getting banned eventually. Calm your gash tranny.
For me, it's Dany
or Melly
>no Kinvara
Fuck off
Read it through
>If you post a nude picture of a Game of Thrones actress you automatically get to pic a 3-way partner with the above method
So you could do it with Kinvara's actress
imagine your lips around that throbbing cock
I'm ok with that too
roll for pancake tits
Ygritte looks like she is starving. Do they not have food north of the wall or something?
Tried Rains of Castamere lads
That’s actually Gilly and Sam’s sex scene, she’s still nursing Sam jr and they just happen to have sex on a boat
h-here I gooo
>iron throne
Valyrians, Dothraki, Rhoynar
First Men
>beyond the wall
>nights watch
bastards and traitors
Find a flaw.
Dothraki should not be in Westeros at all
>Iron Islands
>Valyrian, Dothraki, Rhoynar
Vale should be independent or belong to the North.
It pisses me off that in this mod I can't actually block enemy armies at the Bloody Gate if I play as Arryn
Dragonstone and Midlor Point have converted to Dothraki culture because of Viserys appointing those kinds of lords. Harry the Heir is married to a Dothraki wife and Drogo held Storm's End for a good while. Yung Griff's taken over since then, with his wife's son as heir (secret bastard of Arys Oakheart and Arianne Martell). Dany was cucked big time because Viserys had a son with Margaery who's next in line after the secret cuck kid.
Best whore and none of you schmucks claimed her. Boat whore was the second best.
>viserys as a king
>Dem borders
Arya is following show canon, while Aegon turns his kingdom into a theocracy.
Damn, you can see the creaks in her face getting deeper and deeper each year as her face becomes more and more round
High percentage of the fan base that associates with him wouldn’t be able to post as much of how cool he is for upvotes
Sea Arya ever show back up in the AFFC scenario, Bran did and I made him lord paramount of the north but Arya is still missing years later
Imagine he married Shireen. Best ending.
Will she come back
Reminder that in this run, Mance Rayder single-handedly defeated the White Walkers in a single war. They literally never got past him.
I married her to Tommen, so I can get their daughter married to my son and restore Baratheon looks to my dynasty as well as get that Stannis Azor Ahai bloodline. Tommen was assassinated so now Shireen's widowed and depressed.
That’s not Selyse
Fucking this. Everytime I see him I cant help but think thats its GRRMs larp character
gimme that 81
no one made a meme edit for cleganebowl finale yet?
why would he do this
not as much, they can't really grow all that much
One missandei gf pls
Should I allow it? I don't want this faggot killing my wife.
Post photos of the Cast RIGHT FUCKING NOW
The funnier the better
Bonus points if they're in costume
Fuggg I get a funni hore
Does she have a cock?
It makes sense, she looks both like Arya and Ygritte, Lyanna is said to have looked like Arya and making Jon have a subtle inadvertent Oedipus complex would've been kino. Jon was supposed to end up with Arya in the original script.
desu I hope jon gets stuck in ghost for the entirety of winds
>Promise me, Ned
older Joffrey looks based, all determined and shit. Meanwhile the last Bolton looks exactly like a younger Roose, except with a Hitler mustache.
>dies lost in the thousand islands
Out of it's context, "It's nothing" isn't actually too bad.
Imagine being Kit in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Rose Leslie, you fucking fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me"
I like danger
why were the freys always wearing arming caps
this is fake please delete this
Oh for fuck sake! I wanted to fuck a dragon, not a whore.
realest truth unfortunately
That doesn't really work when the actors got married. Should have switched it around and made it about him trying to keep his boner down.
holy shit, the living meme hated Jon so much, he deserted
This doesn't work because Kit married her.
He really knew nothink. And now in rehab. Rip in peas Kit.
rolling now
The wall was created from the flood the CoTF created. Sure as I’m born, after my re read. I’m positive that’s how the was created
She has a dragon, that's better
Do you know if this mod works with a cracked ck2?
Kit is a tragic figure. Money, fame, your perfect waifu, none of it will ever make you taller. It is a mercy that manlets never learn.
Notice the parallel between the Night King and the dragons:
>Episode 6 has Drogon rising from the snow, a direct reference to the Night King emerging from fire
>The Night King's most distinguishing characteristic is that he mind controls his army
>Therefore, Drogon must have a similar ability to influence the psyche of Dany
Therefore the sound of bells & seeing the Red Keep literally "woke the dragon" i.e. woke Dany's warg relationship with Drogon. She realized that all those people in King's Landing willfully accepted an usurper as their king, and she got pissed off & went full-on dragon mayhem mode.
Here's Rhaego. 17 and already has two kills, he's married to his sister.
>purple eyes
based bellabergolts
You fucking retarded niggers, have you no brains? Read the fucking books, Tyrion is the obvious author insert character. Dumb and Dumber recast Sam as the author insert out of contempt for Gurm.
Her art is pretty great imo.
4s for Draco
Brienne should be my wife
Except Gurm himself said Sam is his insert you fucking inept loser
Tyrion is the funny misunderstood tragic figure that George wants to be. Sam is the pathetic worthless loser that deep down George knows he will always be.
I can't even tell if this is satire anymore
Hello Thormund
I am so proud to have not watched a single fucking episode of any season of this shitty fucking show!
>bastard child of Renly and Ashara
Renly had not reached puberty when Ashara killed herself. It is obviously satire.
Actually its Jaime here
What was the point of this show?
Are you implying the kind of person who writes that stuff would care an inkling for continuity?
Such wasted potential. They could have developped her into a chilling villain over the span of 1 or 2 seasons instead of making her a pathetic incel.
The whore queen didn't deserve a satisfying arc
Bran is the God Emperor of Mankind.
>having to imagine
receive blowjob
Bran planting a Weirwood tree where the Iron Throne used to be in order to live forever when?
fucking kek
they made pyat pree look like a god damn disaster