Episodes about the dangers of incels

Episodes about the dangers of incels

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Incels aren't dangerous

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Hapas are dangerous.

>One madman who happend to be an incel

If incels are so dangerous why don’t women want to have sex with them?

That has been proven dead wrong. Repeatedly.

Half jews are twice as dangerous as a regular, wholesome jew.


As organ donors? Maybe.

>these 1's and 0's have feelings too!
The only thing he did wrong was removing their genitals.

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Because death is a better alternative desu

>killed only 7 people
Those are rookie numbers.

how do you know meth damon was an incel? because he was into normalfag nerd shit like retro sci-fi comics? he probably got laid once or twice in school. got his heart broken and became an angry fag who decided it's more fun to abuse his sims.

Crazy ex girlfriends kill more people than incels. We should ban females

>Oh no, pixels are getting tortured

>Be respectful to your sims, or you might die

But majority of women were at some point exes while incels make up like 13% of population and are responsible for abnormally high percentage of shootings for such a small population

women are. more likely to be iced by shitty boyfriends than us


I hate this fucking faggot for giving autists a bad name.

True, user. They'll destroy anything and everything than to face and pretend to be interested in an incel.

>Two lunatics
So said the boy,while overwatching they both walking down the horizon
We could only see their shadows

Elliot Rodger was not an incel, he was 5'8 and had a decent face and meh phenotype.

The guy with an armenian surname wasn't an incel, he was of average height and had an average face.

One more recent shooting was from a guy that was like 6'3 or more.

Roslyakov was chad-lite

The columbine dudes were average whites

Breivik was a full fledged chad.

That's some mass shooters I remember.

I dont see what he did wrong. Those characters wernt really conscious. They were a simulation.

He didnt die. The game would kick you out after 12 hours and demand you log back in before letting the game continue.

You are now realising that women are more afraid of sexually unattentive men than mass shooters.

I can think of another group that makes up 13% of the population and is responsible for an abnormally high percentage of shootings.

Why do i think Brooker's line of thinking leads to laws against Sexbots?

He literally did nothing wrong. He was /ourguy/.

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you guys dont understand
just try and sympathize with the poor versions of his co-workers stuck in the simulation, repeating the same shit over and over again
it's soul rending, he had to be stopped

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They're not real though

>he was 5'8

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Yes, it’s begging the same recurring, boring question that 60% of BM deals with: Is intelligence worth less if it’s artificial. The answer is yes, because 1s and 0s don’t have rights. But if you play enough sappy music and give them a human avatar it’s somehow not ok to abuse them.

USS Callister is completely absurd
>Daly acquires a saliva sample from the office
>An unspecified future technology analyzes this sample for DNA
>This single sample provide ALL of the memories of the person it was sourced from, enabling his software to produce a perfect artificially intelligent 'clone'
>These 'clones' would literally just be an AI, lines of zeros and ones, within the software of Dally's simulation and could not possible possess personhood.
>BUT IT'S BLACK MIRROR so they're somehow self aware, capable of feeling pain/emotion, and possess complex problem solving that enables them to execute an escape plan.
>This somehow doesn't require an absurd amount of data storage, as it fits on Dally's desktop computer
>Dally then gets trapped in this simulation then later dies as a result, which is insane because the neural interfacing nodes would run out of battery power long before Dally would die of dehydration.

To think I used to believe the people behind Black Mirror could some day make a proper "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" episode/miniseries. Bunch of fucking hacks.

Only 2 mass shooters are confirmed incels. What are you talking about?