Ms.Marvel the teenage female Pakistani Muslim super hero who can stretch her body and who fights bigots and racists is coming to the MCU, it's about fucking time as well.
why is hollywood getting more and more based lately?
this hurts neo nazis like no tomorrow and i approve
theres nothing wrong with being a national socialist you bigot
>mindy kaling
Lol wut.
Is she paying the mother?
this is what you deserve, comicfags. This is what you get for shining mainstream cinema. Watch your empire burn
Good, fuck marvelcucks
Every time a Muslim beats up a libtard in my city I laugh. It’s going bad for gay people and sheltered white people here, who thought you would all march under little rainbow flags together and live side by side in multicultural Utopia. Reap the whirlwind :)
i dont see any hijabs so its ok with me
just a cute brown girl
based muzzies have been the only ones willing to fight school trying to teach 5 year olds about fags. You can't rely on the christians anymore, the ones that do have all adopted a live and let live mentality and are far too cucked to have a public opinion about anything.
...what? She’s fucking 40 and could never pass for athletic. Why would she even discuss the role of a teenage heroine? Who does she think she is?
Kamala Khan isn’t that bad as far as characters go. She’s original, with her own set of powers. She took the name that Captain Marvel decided to drop, which I think is better than just being SPIDERMAN BUT BLACK. This won’t hurt anything too much. If they do it right, anyway.
It doesn’t say anywhere that she wants to play the character
>he lives in a city that has Muslims in it
WHY HER ARM IS SO BIG? Is it her fap arm?
It's so glaringly obvious that all these minorities and women are using the current political climate to get the Marvel bucks.
>Having a Muslim character
>In a magical world where countless other Gods, Demigods and other immortal beings have been PROVEN to exist while the Abrahamic God hasn't.
What's even the logic of this? I mean I get they're trying to shoehorn muslims into more shit but in the context of the MCU it makes zero sense. Cap had his 'there's only one God ma'am' line in the first Avengers movie but after that he's made absolutely no reference to being religious at all, neither have any of the others.
why didn't she catch bin laden lmao
Mindy Kaling likes to cast herself as the lead in everything she's run so far.
Or cronyism gets her cast as a lead.
>a poo in the loo having anything to do with a mudslime character
I hope this causes a shitstorm with in their little circle.
Please do it already. I've been waiting years for the MCU to be infected by the garbage that totally murdered Marvel Comics.
Why did cancer lady steal Thor's name?
Thor is a title
Why draw reaction panels of characters with masks that completely cover their face?
Cast him
Kamala Khan is one of the better recent characters.
I love how awful the art is
There's everything wrong with it. Fascist cocksucker.
Your guy lost. YOU LOSE.
Vision looks like he just joined /pol/
Barrack Obama
I feel like this is important to note
That is from the one shot preceding the run with female Thor. It was written by someone else. It kind of makes me sad that people shit on femThor so much because her actual comic was great and it felt pretty justified that she was the one with the hammer instead of Odinson. It’s really a shame that they couldn’t stop themselves from doing at least one WOMAN POWER DISGUSTING MEN MYSOGINY issue.
I don't understand that character. She can change the size of her fists? How does that make her a super hero?
Also I love how Marvel Comics wants to be woke but they're too scared of the muslims so the character can't be in a relationship or have any character development.
Am I the only user that find Mindy Kalig to be fucking ugly? I like indian women but she's just rough in the face man.
Looks like it's finally time for Mel Gibson's capeshit debut
She can change the size of any of her body she can stretch like plastic man.
You don't want to offend the christcucks
So can HotKinkyJo, does that make her a superhero too?
And sex isn't real and gender is a false social construct.
She can change the size of all of her body, just separately in parts. And I’m confused why you would think that ‘isn’t enough to make her a superhero’. It’s literally a superpower. Captain America has less.
Also she’s had multiple love interests.
>size of any of her body
Ok, but Thor has been a title for a lot longer than this in Marvel Comics. It’s basically the person wielding Mjolnir.
the important question to ask is will she accidentally grow her boobs while trying to figure out her powers?
No it isn’t. Beta Ray Bill and Thunderstrike weren’t called Thor when they wield his hammer
can she make her pusy big
ms marvel? i thought we already had that, the no-ass no-tits insufferable twat? are they already replacing her?
This is shopped and none of you retards can convince me otherwise.
or make her ass incredibly enormous
she is american
>her actual comic was great
No, it wasn’t. Had it been Roz Simmons it would have been 100 times better.
Or both?
That's haram, they can't do that.
I doubt it, she didn't in the comics. Annoyingly enough, they completely ignore the shape-shifting part of her power set in her own comic, despite that being fantastic if used right.
They didn't even use it for her to alter her appearance, proportions, and height (for the cliche story about accepting herself and who she is), despite the fact any teen would alter their appearance in a heart beat.
>If they do it right anyway
You know they won't. The movie might be just a normal cape pleb film but you and I know they can't resist the temptation to go full libtard with the marketing.
The truth is that comics were always a kike business, they've been masquerading the same rhetoric we're complaining about now for decades.
After 2008 they just dialed it up to the absolute max. We have to burn the jews user, you know it's true.
*monkey noises*
I didn't know someone from /d/ became a filmmaker.
They were already their own thorish thing. They had hammers before.
Where were you when you finally realized he was right all along?
you cant kill an idea
you cant kill nature
Remember goy, looking out for your own race is bad if you're white and you'll have you life and career ruined, but brown people can actively seek to promote and identify with their own skin color with no negative consequences
you go kill yourself
Stop this holocaust at once and donate to the anti-defamation league
I hope they do an America movie next.
Fuck Hollywood's genocide of gingers. It's the new holocaust.
im not
im gonna live long and see retards like you cry
Damn, básed
did a child write this
Worse, a woman
No, a fat lesbian LARPing as a latina.
No, it was written by "Latin-American LGBTQ novelist Gabby Rivera"
This. Comicfags didn't call out Disney shenanigans now they have to suffer more indoctrination and political correctness.
What the fuck kind of writing is this? Virtue signaling is one thing but at least write it into the dialogue naturally. Probably the worst line of dialogue I've ever read. Worse than a webcomic.
Yeah, anytime someone says 'vritue signalling doesn't hurt sales' or 'sjws coopting media is a conspiracy theory' i point out the sorry state of the comics industry.
Imagine the length of time it would take to say all of this out loud, in the presumably dreamy, sing-songy way that Kate would be doing so in this scene. Just sitting there speaking to herself aloud in an empty car for like a solid minute after the others are gone.
Why do comicfags even bother? I'm so glad I never cared about them so this shit doesn't annoy me as much as it could.
>fights racists
since when lmao
Right, it doesn't flow naturally and makes no sense. Even just an "Aww, how sweet!" would have been more effective there. Instead it's an essay about how lesbians are very cool and hip and attractive and the character's future aspirations to become one.
>Why do comicfags even bother?
They don't. The comic medium is shockingly dead, like the deadest fucking thing out there, newspapers and radio shows are doing better than comics.
Popular, A-list titles like Spiderman and Batman have a hard time reaching 100,000 issues per month. 25 years ago, fucking Spawn was moving two million issues a month.
no one cares have sex
If they're going to get a negro why not get a hot one like Lupita? Why do they always cast fugly ones?
And like everything else in the entire property, nobody has been JUSTED harder than Star Wars
>Average Marvel Star Wars first issue 2015: 301,656
>Average Marvel Star Wars first issue 2016: 122,866
>Average Marvel Star Wars first issue 2017: 60,034
>Average Marvel Star Wars first issue 2018: 37,026
90% of their market evaporated in just four years
Dilate you faggot nigger monkey piece of homo cunt.
>literally a dumber, weaker religious nut version of Reed Richards with none of the good stories and supervillains
People always tell me Kamala is one of the better characters but I know the only reason they say that is cause of waifushit. I have literally never heard of anyone in rl actually remember Kamala outside of Yea Forumsmblr who obsessively worships her for no good reason
>hot negro
Kill you're self before you breed dumb nigger.
Yes that’s what names are, a title that your parents give you. Why would Jane foster use her ex boyfriends name?
Eat shit bigot. You and your ideals are just as retarded as the commies you hate
neo nazis and national socialists are not the same. neo = new. new nazis and traditional nazis. i like the traditional more.
pic related is a tattooed, bald headed, degenerate, shame for the white race, stupid neo nazi. please don't compare these losers with real national socialists. they are nothing more than white trash.
Tasty white tears
Go die in a fire you dumb whitey
That's not Lupita, I don't understand what you hoped to accomplish by proving my point about them casting ugly coons.
Tony has a completely secular funeral devoid of religious imagery yet this bitches religion is going to get more exposure then Caps Christian faith (which based Whedon made canon). I don’t expect the MCU to do a movie like this tastefully like (surprisingly) Netflix did with Daredevil.
She's a muslim the second Carol saved and was inspired by her. She turns out to be an Inhuman with an inflation power that's similar to Mr Fanstic and Plastic Man. She's an alright character. Depending on the writer, She isn't insufferable.
That's all you've got left? Very poor attempt. Admit it to yourself - you think she's attractive and you're seething.
shes gonna flapjack the fuck out
>tasty white tears
>indian stealing arab representation
this has too many layers
B-but Inhumans and SHIELD aren't canon!
Indians and Arabs are the same thing to a lot of westerners.
I swear to FUCK, Mindy better not be playing Kamala or so help me FUCK
The comic is quite fun, it's pretty much free of the "drump/republicans/white men BTFO" that all the marvel series after it have.
Plus it means we get a cute giant girl in the MCU.
Pakistani and muslim Indian kinda blend together
She's cute but her powers are stupid.
Comic fag here, everybody I know who hasn't dropped it whole moved to other comics or seeks old ones. I haven't brought a new capes comic since One More Day.
She cute though
Will she kill the gay guy in Endgame?
I unironically welcome this if it means we get to see Mindy's juicy braaper shoved into skintight superhero spandex desu
I fap to her rule34 many times
It reminds me of CWC
Ok, I'm sold.
my penis is insanely confused
lmao, imagine caring this much for a lame Mr. Fantastic knockoff.
But she’s not pretty :(