Characters that ARE Yea Forums

Characters that ARE Yea Forums

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How many times did he have to fap to win his award?

14 times
I can't believe I remember that

17 if you count the times it didn't come out liquid

Sorry friend, it was 11; 13 if you count ghost loads.

Attached: Luck.png (213x274, 87K)

But he watches movies.

I unironically masturbated 15 times one day when I was a teenager. It just hurt towards the end but I was driven by hormones.

It paid off, the longest I was ever able to continuously fuck my wife for was a solid 90 minutes.


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I made it to like 8 once


You know you can get to 90 minutes if you fuck her once and then fuck her right after that? You don't need a numb, rug burn dick...

>not obese
>actually leaves the house and has a couple of real life friends
>not a nazi
yeah nah not very Yea Forums imo

Based buzzfeed bro

what about my post implied that it was a bad thing?

Only retards talk about nazis in 2019

Yea Forums must be pretty retarded then. but i mean we knew that much already

they had roger play someone who works on set at a studio and he wore a problem child (2?) shirt
that persona is /ourguy/

That's called death grip syndrome, user. It's not a good thing. You've desensitized your dick so much that you're not enjoying regular sex anymore.


I cant cum during sex at all so I just go until my gf orgasms or we get too exhausted