Name an actor with a better filmography

Name an actor with a better filmography.

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Idris Elba

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You can't be serious.

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It's always cazale, isn't it?

Nah, he only did 5 good movies and one of them was a sequel.

*blocks your path*

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tom cruise

Every single movie he's been in, he's outstanding.

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Why not? He's unironically one of the greatest American actors, contrarian faggots only like to pretend otherwise because he's too popular and well know. His list of kino is a mile long. Road To Perdition is the 5th best gangster movie of all time, above Miller's Crossing.

not him but Road To Perdition is fucking awful. I agree Hanks filmography is filled with kino though

He plays the same guy everytime
(I like him and his movies but still)

Now look up Pitt's discorgraphy. Waaayy stronger than THanks.

Contrast the Believer to The Place Beyond the Pines

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Too many Fellini flicks. Pitt has a more varied resume.

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Maybe 2-3 of these are watchable.

Hes a pedo and part of Spielbergs child trafficking circle.

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Based and redpilled

Now the main problem is how would they end it? Is it just going to be the book, or the real life story? If the real life, are they going to include now CIA proven fact that he went to Colombia in South America?

he is fucking great in everything he's in

What thread was this meant for brother

That's like saying Pitt has too many Fincher flicks. Mastroianni has better filmography, he worked with Visconti, Antonioni, Germi, Oliveira, Angelopoulos, Scola, Petri, Monicelli, De Sica, Ruiz, Tornatore, Bellocchio etc.

sorry this is for the casting Mein Kampf thread

Pitt worked with Fincher, Terrence Malick, Alejandro Inarritu, James Gray, Tarantino, Terry Gilliam, Soderbergh, Andrew Dominik, Guy Ritchie, Coen brothers, Bennett Miller, Robert Zemeckis

Arnold Schwarzenegger

>Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, The Godfather II, Heat, The Deer Hunter, Once Upon A Time In America, Raging Bull

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Hollywood movies are mostly crap.

All hacks.

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Without looking either up let me just run through ones I can think of
>Saving Private Ryan
>The Green Mile
>Forrest Gump
>Road To Perdition
>Toy Story
>Apollo 13
>Catch Me If You Can
>Inglorious Basterds
>Fight Club
>12 monkeys
>Burn after Reading
>Interview with a vampire
>Oceans 11
Honestly it's closer than I thought but Hanks still wins

The downfall sort of undoes this though. He's been in like 20 horrible movies.

And the ones you named are all great because they're french/italian? Fuck outta here.
Perdition, Big and Toy Story suck.Captain Phillips is a good one you forgot.
Pitt was also in Moneyball, Kalifornia, Allied, Snatch, Inglorious Basterds, Jesse James and is in OUATIH and Ad Astra this year.

No, some of them are great and some of them good. Nothing about their nationality. Fellini, Visconti, Angelopoulos, Antonioni and Ruiz are among the best directors ever.

Dude, how could you forget the Assassination of Jesse James?

It's an absolute masterpiece.

Tom Cruise

Agree about Fellini and my boy Antonioni, but the rest of them aren't in that league.

check out this photo of Antonioni, Kurosawa and Satyajit Ray at Taj Mahal

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This is Yea Forums please use the full name-
the assassination of the fastest gun in the west, jessie james by former gang member and coward robert ford

AKA "Jesse James" :)

I disagree i think Angelopoulos is better than both Fellini and Antonioni. I have seen this photo, pretty cool.

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Literally not one single shitty movie.

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You don't think it be like it is, but it do.

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>Great Gatsby

I always forget how crazy his range is

He did a bunch of shit ones right after Titanic.
also Shutter Island, Gatsby and J Edgar suck.

>the revenant

also book of eli

The Beach

>almost entirely bland hollywood trash
>plays the same character every time

Its like hes trying to look like Benicio Del Toro

How the fuck does he do it

It's always a comfy watch at least.

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when did he play arseface

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Reminder that The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is far and away the best film of the century so far.

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No. I can name several better films. The amount depends on the inclusion of 2000 as 21st century.

There Will Be Blood is better.

the king

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Very based

An extremely close second.

I really wanted him to do the Toni Erdmann remake. Apparently he dropped out

He has trouble with remembering lines, that's why.


>block you're path
"Sorry, Brad... But it looks like your thetans are preventing you from ever being able to challenge me"

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gangster squad is shit

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>Luc Besson predicting today's haircuts in Fifth Element
Holy fucking based

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