This movie is a masterpiece, better than the original for sure.
This movie is a masterpiece, better than the original for sure
Fell asleep during cinema viewing
Hahaha! No
Way better than Kong school island.
Fuck off, reddit newfags. Jackson's Kong is Yea Forumscore and has always been
Refrain from posting until you have lurked to archive (from oldest to newest) for two years.
>Jackson's Kong is Yea Forumscore and has always been
The (questionable) veracity of this assertion notwithstanding, I give you my personal guarantee that I will shill against this shit so hard that it will be shat upon by the overwhelming majority in 1 year max.
t. The guy who made Yea Forums UNIRONICALLY hail Eyes Wide Shut as Kubrick's best film
Better than the Lord of the Rings films.
absolutely agreed OP. never understood the criticism of the start either. works great as a comedy and the gradual tonal shift as they encounter skull island strongly impresses on the viewer that we are entering a strange and mustical world. it is supposed to ground us in reality and pull the rug from under our feet, by which the disorientation of the characters becomes palpable. great tension building all throughout. the relationship with kong and naomi is fantastic as well.
I will shill for it so hard Yea Forums will praise it as the greatest film ever made
t. The guy who weaponized the sneedposters against Steven Universe threads
>No argument
It's the Spider Pit scene you braindead zoomer
Jessica Lange was hot back then.
Andy Serkis
by the BUG!
woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah kino woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah........whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
>Anyone who likes this film must like it because of this one scene
Also, zoomers haven't even seen the film as it came out before they were born. Skull Island is tho zoomercore flick.
Though you are a retarded zoomer after all so you'll reply with the same thing again anyways
Every time Yea Forums fellates this dogshit movie the ONLY thing they can even remember is the garbage bug scene with the giant cartoon bug eating Andy Serkis. Everything else about this supposed masterpiece never gets brought up.
Also pretty fuckin funny you deny zoomers would love this trash while you actually say with a straight face that it's better than the original. No doubt your worthless fucking ass prefers 1998 Godzilla to the original too you fucking stillborn waste of excrement.
have sex
>Every time Yea Forums fellates this dogshit movie the ONLY thing they can even remember is the garbage bug scene with the giant cartoon bug eating Andy Serkis.
That's a lie
>Also pretty fuckin funny you deny zoomers would love this trash while you actually say with a straight face that it's better than the original.
Because it is, only pseud zoomers think it isn't
>No doubt your worthless fucking ass prefers 1998 Godzilla to the original too you fucking stillborn waste of excrement.
I prefer it because it's better.
People here constantly praise the T-Rex fight you dumbass
whats more kino, the king kong bug scene or the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ant scene?
the original has no jack black, so it's superior
the remake tries too hard and falls flat on its face
NPC detected
>t. The guy who made Yea Forums UNIRONICALLY hail Eyes Wide Shut as Kubrick's best film
Why are you wasting your effort on shit like that? Why not make the entire board hate capeshit and do us a favor?
Too long
Ultra Cringe