User reviews vs professional reviewers

What explains such huge discrepancy between user reviews and professional reviews?
I noticed it more in recent films, but having recently watched 5th element, I realized that it's actually not something new (pic related).

Attached: 5th element.jpg (1121x761, 193K)

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Honestly both are shit but user reviews are even more shit

>metacritic film reviews
everyone either votes 0 or 10, same with IMDB, use Letterboxd instead

Letterboxd? More like Letterbotsd

before the internet:
>people are easier to please than critics, who spend just about every waking hour watching a movie

after the internet:
>"critics" have to suck every dick as hard as possible in order to get the adbux and early access necessary to get traffic as a critic.

>user reviews are even more shit
at least they're not pretentious

Professional reviewers know how to watch movies, user reviewers don't.

>implying there's a correct way to watch movies

Yes, I am implying that.

The masses have become increasingly dumbed down with corporately designed repetative bullshit and have lost track of what true quality actually is.
On the flip side, the "professional" review scene, particularly in hollywood (for film) and the Northwest (for gaming) have become increasingly obsessed with political ideologies being less transparent and using their employment as a way to push socially progressive agendas.
The result is two sides exhibiting an incredibly tribalistic nature towards each other while both get further way from true objective analysis.

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Look just fucking listen to the critics OK, they have far more experience judging cinema than the masses

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most viewers are brainlets

I always go by critic reviews

how good is fifth element?




>What explains such huge discrepancy between user reviews and professional reviews?
The "professionals" here are mentally ill

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Most critics nowadys don't care about what makes a good movie (story, cinematography, character developement ...) anmyore, just if it fits their political agenda. You can make a mediocre movie, just add some "strong women" and PoC, plus some gay relationships and you'll get a great score.

Use your eyes, moron. Ideally you should be seated, and facing the screen directly. Not complicated.

companies game review aggregators hard now


in fifth element case its cos its pretty good but it's so fruity i wouldn't be caught dead admitting that as a critic

Movie critics are pretentious twats and also sometimes bought off

The Dunning-Kruger is strong in this one.

Pffft, how's psych 101 going?

Users give either 10s for movies they love or 0s for movies they hate. Can't be trusted.
Critics are far more objective and will rarely give anything below 2/5 stars or above 4/5. You may not like it but critics scores are objectively more accurate than audience scores.

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Except when money is involved lol

explain this pic

It may come as a surprise to you but people other than you know about stuff beyond what they get force-fed in schools or universities.
But I totally understand why this is a concept alien to you.

this is when I knew never to trust reviewers

Attached: homealonetomatoes.jpg (700x211, 69K)

>I read this wikipedia article...

Attached: tosmart.png (680x788, 117K)

>dunning kruger
>literally everyone on the internet knows this
>thinks he's some tough shit for bringing it up

>critic reviews
Does this movie check off certain boxes that I'm told a movie needs to get a good review

>audience review
Is this the movie that I wanted to see based on its advertising

What you thought I was saying
>I am smart
What I was actually saying
>You are dumb

Attached: laughing-1488908382[1].jpg (480x305, 15K)

But wait, a second ago, only people who attended psych 101 knew this? Why the (desperate, reeking of shit in your pants) goalpost moving?

As dumb as someone who conjured up some convoluted bullshit about requiring know how to watch a movie? Unlikely.

>muh logicul fallacy
Did you get raped in high school or something? Have sex.

Attached: brainletgrayons.jpg (720x736, 32K)


>goalpost moving

back to redit/pol/

>As dumb as someone who conjured up some convoluted bullshit about requiring know how to watch a movie? Unlikely.
That's gonna be tough for you to swallow, but you are sadly mistaken that it is unlikely for you being dumber than I am. The truth is, it is a fact.
>Did you get raped in high school or something? Have sex.
No and I had sex yesterday. Not tooting my own horn here, I just know that when I say that you
1.) Know, deep inside, it's the truth
2.) Completely seethe at it
3.) WILL reply to my post and make EVERY effort to make it look like 1. and 2. are not true.
Come on. Hit me with all you got. No, seriously. Give me your best shot.

Attached: smug[1].png (1280x720, 441K)

Samefag (increasingly agitated) btw.

>people disagree with the retarded idea that you need some prerequisites to watch a movie
>they must be samefags!

speaking of psych 101, look up persecution complex

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If we're gonna take time to make user here eat crow...

Attached: Capture.png (493x116, 6K)

Oh, look. You fired up your browser's dev tools and removed two (You) strings from the DOM.
Holy shit, the absolute gnawing desperation on you.
Holy fucking shit.
And stop the samefagging already.

>this level of delusion
>believes he is being conspired against

Attached: Laughing_King.gif (240x180, 702K)

Only retards care about rotten tomatoes scores

Not that user but he's right : this the Denning Krueger effect x10

>he screencaps his devtool DOM edits twise to increase likelihood anyone is gonna fall for his shit
Samefag and
>one increasingly agitated, desperate autist fighting a losing battle can be considered a "conspiracy"

Attached: 7JV1[1].gif (500x281, 806K)

Wow, so it's not a conspiracy? You're actually an increasingly agitated desperate autist? For your own sake, stop posting.

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you still didn't explain how professional reviewers "know how to watch movies"

>no u
If I had to guess, my guess would be that I have broken you by now.

They have a more formal educational background which provides them context for properly analyzing, deconstructing and interpreting movies.

>movie review centrist
Oh what a novelty

the average person is a pleb moron who likes any fucking dumbed down garbage force fed to them

critics on the other hand are braindead shills, who suck the dick of any film they are paid to suck the dick of

Fifth Element was such a great movie, I don't care what the score is.

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>The masses have become increasingly dumbed down with corporately designed repetative bullshit and have lost track of what true quality actually is.
>On the flip side, the "professional" review scene, particularly in hollywood (for film) and the Northwest (for gaming) have become increasingly obsessed with political ideologies being less transparent and using their employment as a way to push socially progressive agendas.
>The result is two sides exhibiting an incredibly tribalistic nature towards each other while both get further way from true objective analysis.