Potatoman got a gf, what’s your excuse?

Potatoman got a gf, what’s your excuse?

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I don't want a gf, I enjoy having free time

My inability to succeed

>Potatoman got a potatowoman gf.
How cute.

That's clearly sloth from the goonies

Face height frame. He has the frame so he can still get by in life. I have none so I'll never be able to get anything.

I'm not internet famous

it sounds like your excuse-based attitude is pussy repellent as opposed to physical attributes

Im happy for mr potato. L chaim

but she's potato too
If I wanted a deformed, morbidly obese or fugly gf I would have one already

and that's why you'll always be an incel. women only date up.

I don't have his balls. Dude's a chad in the body of a potato, I'm a potato in the body of a potato.

There's no way you seriously believe this

Nice /r9k/ thread.

Pussy is the most overrated commodity in history. It's been given the status of sacred. It's a smelly hole. Fuck pussy aggrandizement

Awww, I'm happy for him.

She's actually a cute match for him. Bless them.

It's just undergoing hyperinflation currently, wait for the pussy market crash.

Stew in your self imposed inferiority then. Like anyone gives a fuck.

Good for him. It always bummed me out thinking how fucked up people probably were to this dude because he was dealt a really shit hand.

The woman I love is far from me.

Potatoman got a potato gf. There are no girls like me, and the ones that come close are cocksleeves for chads.

I always wish someone with such complications the best, and pray for them. I want him to be happy.

>women only date up.
Not him but that's fucking bullshit. Men tend to hope for women who look far better than them while women tend to date worse looking men. They only take the 10/10 CHADS as ons or fuck buddies, only stupid bitches date chads.

You call that a girlfriend? I call that a blob masquerading as a human being. no thanks

Nice attitude. He's probably infinitely happier than you.

I don’t have one, I can only say this is the exception.

Rich Evans?

All I know is I'm infinitely happier than I'd be with that fat cow

She's the best thing he can hope for user. You're probably an ugly motherfucker too so you should be able to relate

She's clearly a family member.

Isn't he borderline retarded?

This is wrong. There are tons of hot ass celebrities or models that have a joe schmoe BF that is barely above average in looks.

>be 26
>only had 1 girlfriend at 22
>she was ugly and virgin
>tried to take her virginity and could only insert half my penis since it hurt her
>broke up with her since i couldn't stare at her
>got another girlfriend a month ago and finally lost my virginity
>she's actually cute but she's chubby
But hey, it's alright.
And my dudes, stop fapping.
The first two times with her was kinda bad, since I my erections were porn induced, but now the sex is great.

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>only insert half my penis
that still counts like sex retard

Only 1 stroke of half my penis? Kek no. Couldn't count that as sezlx

I waited for a cuter one

I have extremely low self esteem, girls are repulsed by that

I suffered from the same. Than I said, fuck it. Tired of being a virgin and started to talk to girls and don't be that "hi, how are you?" dude. Come up with funny and quirky pick up lines. It worked for me and I'm just a pretty average dude

Average Yea Forums poster sill would be an incel even with Chris Evans look.

Actually no. With Chris Evans/Henry Cavill look you can get laid even if you are numb and low IQ.

>Come up with funny and quirky pick up lines


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I'd rather remain a virgin for the rest of my life than fuck that.

He's white and probably of average to tall height.

The only factos of inceldom is height and being an ethnic.

That's not a gf, he's grown a second head.

I only want one specific person.

My inability to make new friends and meet new people

I can talk to all of my highschool friends just fine, but even if I find a cute girl sitting right next to me, I tend to simply shy away and focus on what I'm doing instead

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Let’s be honest. Anyone can get a girlfriend so long as you pursue people at your level.

sorry but am not interested

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I do

I dont like freaks

user, don't

Because this shit will happen to you and you will be left in the lurch

Non-meme social anxiety. I haven't been out of the house for 8 months.

If I could work from home every day, I would honestly do the same lel.

I have kind of done this to myself, then when an opportunity to get into a relationship arises i dont pursue it. Have turned down some "decent" girls.

Get yourself some neetbux my man.

Many reasons:
No job, no car. I want to fix those problems first, I find it hard to transition to working aka adulthood. I am grateful my parents are letting me study first and paying off my college so I can just live the comfy life for now. Not to mention I want someone compatible with me. I would feel more at home with a sweet girl with a similar personality as mine. I would feel isolated with the average basic bitch.

>8 months

lel, it's been 11 years here

>>tried to take her virginity and could only insert half my penis since it hurt her
That's normal. You are literally tearing shit up.

Ugly truth is you probably need to drop your standards.