why hasn't hollywood ever made a movie with a white, straight male as a lead?
Why hasn't hollywood ever made a movie with a white, straight male as a lead?
They have. It's called "Tinfins".
You get free tix with the purchase of a 96 lbs blooming onion from Grizzlebees.
They have. It was called Paul Blart Mall Cop and to this day non-whites still can't top it.
The better question would be why they are now vilifying white men when they pretty much made the modern world.
fuck off shill whites have been oppressed for thousands of years
I mean, there were the serfs in Europe, and the Irish were indentured servants. I guess you're kinda of right, but I'd say everyone has been oppressed at one point or another. It does seem to be starting again though.
White people don't actually exist, do they? I mean, it sounds crazy to think a group of people could be responsible for so many advancements.
>everyones been oppressed
yeah the blacks were so oppressed when they forced us to bring them over to our country on cruise ships and then forced us to house and feed them for hundreds of years.
>white people have it great bro just look at all their advancements
yeah right, libtard, whites have been toiling under the boot of systemic oppression for thousands of years. We'd be lucky to advance our fork to our mouth.
And we didn't get ANYTHING in return. Fucking niggers!
OP you reek of salt.
shut up, fig nuts
you reek of marxism
He's a garbage man that makes 120k a year.
unironically cringe. get better material discord tranny
Imagine being too afraid to engage right wingers in genuine discussion and instead have to resort to falseflagging on a loation yak herding board.
You realize he's being sarcastic, right?
imagine being a liberal who genuinely believes whites aren't oppressed.
>the systemic oppression of whites is cringe
yeah we get it, shill, you hate your own race
In the future, children will unironically ask this
>the future
it's already a reality, libtard. Name one film with a straight white male lead
this is embarrassing, you have to stop. your pathetic ruse didn't work.
so you don't think whites are oppressed?
john wick 3 just came out you fucking self victimizing mgtow weirdo
>he's still posting
>can't answer the question
yeah you're an obvious shill, dilate
>john wick 3 just came out you fucking self victimizing mgtow weirdo
He's Asian.
imagine actually believing fake news
discord tranny are you having a breakdown again?
lmao but keanu is white tho, wheres the stereotypical sjw outrage?
anyway, woody from toy story is a white straight man, does that count? and also apparently jim gaffigan is leading in some shitty comedy about a straight white guy recently. this whole victimization complex just because white fellas arent the vast majority of leads is pathetic and makes some folks sound like whiny babies
>shill gets found out so starts calling others shills
so predictable
none of that is true
how does it feel being the fakest of all the news
John wick isn't good. The reason normies flock to it is because it's the bare minimum to be considered a movie, there's so little substance nothing can go wrong.
>Wyld Stallions Man kills shit in a suit because that's what he does.
>No children
>No damsel in distress
>No deep state
>No save durr world
>No good guy bad guy bullshit
It's a 7/10 average film and a waste of reeves acting ability.
upboated and gilded ;>)
Kill yourself fucking hapa go back to Asianfeminity
>reeves acting ability.
Come on user, I like him as much as the next guy but he really isn't a good actor.