ITT: Careers you wish weren't dead

ITT: Careers you wish weren't dead

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ITT: Literally who.

That of my penis.


He looks weird with hair.

Eh he may have a future on voice acting. He voiced Kratos in the latest GoW and i believe his work was praised.

Anyone got pics of that thirsty thot VA who was all over him at the panel they attended?

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You should be serving your god shol'va!

Living the black man's dream

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previously on stargate sg one


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hmm milf

He was in one of the biggest games of 2018 so he has a big voice acting cheque coming from sony for sequels.

Thirsty thirsty thots

Its actually funny how little you need to work out for women to grope your arms and shit

I used to gym it and my numbers were super unimpressive and my arms were only like 17 inches but women would always ask to hold onto my arm on the tube ("because the rail is too high") and shit like that. I guess it helped i had a relatively low bodyfat.

His career is hardly dead when he voiced kratos last year.

If could live comfortably from doing that alone.


man, Leslie Jones got all chunky again

kino jaw line

too bad about the race

He is Kratos in the new God of war



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He's like the only respectable black man besides Laurence Fishbourne.

How nice. Good for him.

and Patrice O'Neal


Based but also IT'S NOT FAIR

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im not a footfag but why are the bottoms of her feet purple
he's fine

>missing the casting couch whore

Kill yourself

is that tealc goauld from star trek

honestly hes honorary. for once I dont care.

In D'd

His career isn’t dead. He was based in disappointed father simulator

best indeed scene

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What about Morgan freeman?


>I had not noticed
Indeed kek

Just watched the first Mummy from 1999.

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K, don’t know what he did to rub you the wrong way.

Mike Tyson

Did an image search just now and in a bunch of photos it looks like the skin on his face is getting paler.

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Are The Mummy 1&2 the most re-watchable movies ever made?

He has a face like a deepfake.