What's Yea Forums's equivalent?

What's Yea Forums's equivalent?

Attached: 4chan memes.jpg (700x1554, 289K)

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drive and sopranos prolly
anyone who dislikes drive is a fuckkin redditeur

Million Dollar Extreme presents World Peace
Kitchen Nightmares
My 600lb Life

LOST, bladerunner2049

The Dark Knight Rises, I guess?

Yea Forums doesn’t really have a meme film or meme show that it has been championing for years.


Attached: bateman.jpg (500x500, 75K)

Difference is american psycho is not good.

The dubs meme isn’t the same as championing American Psycho
Also, check em.

evangelion, nmh and infinite jest are not good either, so it's a perfect match.


Attached: tenor (2).gif (498x278, 2.49M)

Fucking checked



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Do you want to know how I know you’re a fucking new faggot?

This. It was made by a woman, and therefore not of good quality.

Yup. Rebbit zoomies will tell you otherwise. Also checked

It was written by a man.

Attached: 9BA44B1B-A8F7-4EB6-9340-C37A29122CF0.jpg (272x204, 17K)

checked (formerly chucked)

Attached: 2A557AAC-32A2-420A-B46D-2A19AFF89F8F.jpg (500x375, 46K)

Wes Anderson.

Attached: 1532003266171.png (366x492, 217K)

Attached: wat4.gif (320x320, 2.46M)


Probably Taxi Driver or Drive. American Psycho has memes from it, but I get the feeling most people here haven't actually watched it

I can tell you've been on Yea Forums no more than 5 times ever. Also Loveless or TVU would be more appropriate for Yea Forums

>Also Loveless or TVU would be more appropriate for Yea Forums

no one on Yea Forums gives a fuck about NMH these days (and rightly so)

There are Eva threads everyday. What show would it be?

the same can be said about TVU and Loveless, Yea Forums only parrots whatever is trending right now

If the theme is confusing and iconic works, it should be Trout Mask Replica

so you've read it then?

the tripper has become the tripled

Batman v Superman

Synechdoche, New York

Brilliant post-modern masterpiece sometimes overlooked by plebs.

>t. has never and will never read a DFW book in his life