Was it kino?
Was it kino?
It started as satire that quickly devolved into extreme SJW garbage with EVERY character needing to be a minority in anything; be it racial, sexual or diseaseal, also characters would get some sort of development for one episode only to get it thrown in the trashcan in the next one.
There are few things worse than the fucking contemporary musical aesthetic. I mean fucking LOOK at it.
was the top middle guy the one who killed himself after they found loads of cp on his computer
and then fact that it got so big gave a foot in the door for sjw shit to spread everywhere
Other shitty aesthetics:
slam poetry
folk punk
metalcore and djent
early '00s 'street art'
protest art
conspiracy theory
clickbait pop
walmart dvd covers
bluray / 4k / 8k covers
Marvel movies
'twee' / quirky commercials aimed at white collar people
Yes, he filmed himself having sex with a child.
>someone in your house is watching glee
>without headphones
>could be four stories apart from you, locked in a bathroom
>doesn't matter
some more bad aesthetics:
middle aged indie rocker 'professionals' in glasses flannels and ugly, patchy beards
social media 'alphas' with squared-off beards
clueless basic bitch instagram models with 'thicc' bodies and generic 'kodak' color filter treatments posing on generic beaches
'hot people' with orange skin and botox lips
fedora / neckbeard / gamer
looks gay as fuck
>Its 2019 and Yea Forums is still SEETHING about homosexuality
>2nd top turned out to be a pedo
S1 and S2 i think up to RHPS songs. I still can't stand the horrible shit gay storyline of Kurt
Has any other show risen and fallen in the public consciousness so fast as this one? Season 1 was legitimately massive, but by season 3 not a single person gave a fuck
Two down seven to go.
Guilty pleasure, fell apart in the 2nd season. Crazy how two of those guys are dead.
>be turbochad
>can get any women you want
>even legal teenagers
>chose to fuck 10 year old child and film yourself doing so
what a fucking moron
Correct, except for:
>early '00s 'street art'
All "street art" is garbage. Some murals are redeemable, but it's a one in a thousand thing.
why are pedophiles so dumb tho..
Terrible, perhaps a bigger pusher if SJW culture more than any other show or movie. I’m convinced this is what made faggot marriage legal
Based. Season 3 was not as kino but still would have been a satisfying ending. Things got really fucking weird after with multiple plot lines in multiple cities. Also there was that one time Gwen and Santana hooked up that nobody talks about.
first three seasons were, then the quality just nosedived from there. should've canceled it when cory died
no, it was degenerate as usual from american tv faggots
Most unforgivable sjw shit was when they made that gigantic fat blob thing act like she was hot and that several 10/10 dudes were into her.
It's weird how many of the main actors ended up super fucked up in real life
but she was hot
The entire endgame was for him to become the glee club director permanently in the finale and Rachel comes back to be with him forever. Then he died and they kind of gave up on the plot.
its already forgotten
I mean it's pretty much what happened to any big Disney actress. They got grinded to the ground by Fox.
This is the only thing my younger sister ever watches. It’s obsessive- she has rewatched it many, many times.
I hate the main gay character. Why can’t Hollywood encourage gays to just act like humans and form their own personalities instead of acting overly feminine and weak-wristed in all aspects of their lives?
>one guy is a pedo
>other guy offed himself
sounds pretty kino
I guess they make gays limp wristed otherwise how would you know they're gay? oh wait they kissed and the bully hanged himself
100% BASED
I just always have to laugh at the ongoing narrative associated with being part of the LGBTQ+BBQ demographic as embracing who you are and establishing your own identity. Meanwhile, all the queers act the exact same way.
>always wanted to check out the show
>too late to get on it now thanks to what happened to the guy who played Puck in real life
Yeah, I agree street art is just bad, definitely including murals which are always cringey and corny. I was just thinking that 80s and 90s graffiti could be alright but shit with stensils, or political making statements, like Banksy, is Rage against the Machine-tier.
I enjoyed the Singing and Glee.
Didn't care for all the added on Drama.
Ironically , Tumblr hates it .
Maybe focus on characters and not just being stereotypical minorities , cunt .
What went wrong?
Doing drugs after her boyfriend died from doing drugs
The pedo offed himself too
>That episode where Puck masturbates to child porn and kills himself
What did Ryan Murphy mean by this?
Season 1 was unironically pretty good. I watched it with my wife while we were in college. But it quickly went to shit and we dropped it around season 4.
very jewish auntie
the main gay character auditioned for the cool jock role but the director saw a young, flaming version of himself and wrote the part for him.
It became the very thing it once mocked.
Apparently he had 50,000 images of child pornography.
That's the same person. The other one who died was Cory Monteith (middle left) who died overdosing on heroin
is it worth watching?
what the fuck was wrong with the guy that commited suicide?
an avid collector
Look at his face and compare him to the other chad on the middle left. One has a crime face the other doesn't.
Physiognomy is real.
>when Sexy Caramel Cheerleader and Big Titty Blonde Cheerleader became lesbian lovers
it made all the tiresome bullshit worthwhile
I remember my sister being obbsessed with that show. Out of the blue my walked in to find her watching an episode and out of nowhere music from the 90's Godzilla movies starts playing. I thought it was pretty based, not kino, but based.
Hated the hell out of the rest of it though.
there was a lot of fun times in my country around this show being out because here the word gee is a slang term for a woman's vagina
This was the kino of kino relationships