anyone else think the reaction to the SW prequels by the manbaby boomers/genX was one of the most evil and repulsive displays of humanity ever seen? It was like the very picture of late stage capitalism and identity confusion and then even after the chinks and zoomers came out and made film 1000x worse
Anyone else think the reaction to the SW prequels by the manbaby boomers/genX was one of the most evil and repulsive...
The only thing more repulsive are the Prequels themselves. And niggers.
or maybe they were just terrible. no one hates on clone wars for example so clearly a SW property can be made that the fans will like
bravo normies and critics, thanks alot
>reaction to the SW prequels by the manbaby boomers/genX was
Generally positive. The negativity came from early zoomers spreading the contrarian memes referring to RLM as to the fucking infallible objective authority on the principles of movie making.
>anyone else think the reaction to the SW prequels by the manbaby boomers/genX was one of the most evil and repulsive displays of humanity ever seen?
Their critique was that the prequels were simultaneously too childlike and also too much adult trade talk. That generation cannot be pleased (unless you shove hamhanded leftist politics into your movie). Obviously the prequels weren't as good as the originals, but these faggots acted like Lucas just raped and murdered their grandmothers in front of them. Gen X/Millenials are such wastoids
>you now remember that RLM praised that hunk of garbage TFA simply because they hated Lucas so much
same reason you ever did anything ie because you're a greedy, whiny fatfuck surrounded by yes-men pretending to like your shit
they were disliked before RLM, RLM just made hating them popular. or are you going to pretend everyone loved ep 1&2
>these faggots acted like Lucas just raped and murdered their grandmothers in front of them
like you bitches over the new movies then?
of course not, it's always specially different when you stunted 90th trimester abortion candidates do it
yikes and cringepilled if i may say so
I don't watch new movies unless I trust the director. I certainly don't willingly subject myself to capeshit
>Their critique was that the prequels were simultaneously too childlike and also too much adult trade talk.
because they were
>or are you going to pretend everyone loved ep 1&2
Not everyone, as with every other movie. But it was nowhere near as memey to dislike it as RLM made it to be.
unintentional irony==best irony
It was bad but hardly ranks alongside the shit humans have gotten up to over the millennia.
back in 1999 people couldn't express their opinions as they can today, sure it gets echo chambered but they wren't thought of positively by the average person
Still haven't seen this one. Or Revenge of the Sith. I guess the planets weren't aligned. Don't care too much for the new ones. Maybe I'll give it one last go with Han Solo. Otherwise I'm pretty much done with it. The fact that I can't get my hands on the original trilogy on DVD to this day is a bit annoying. So, in a nutshell: Star Wars sucks. Thanks for reading my blog.
PT apologists are scum
The virgin Lucas
>creates the most beloved franchise in pop culture history
>sells his life’s work to jews because manchildren bullies him
The CHAD Stoklassa
>revolutionizes movie reviews with a feature length comedy video ripping apart every aspect of the prequels as films
>makes Space Cop
George is a one hit wonder, almost everything he made that was good was because of "oppressive" movie studio leads making them good.
When he is let alone to do whatever he wants "he goes too far in some places"
The prequels being terrible was a meme long before RLM. You zoomers need to stop talking about shit you know nothing about.
>George is a one hit wonder
>one of the most evil and repulsive displays of humanity ever seen
You're pretty fucking sheltered.
He made the safiest and most money baiting franchise ever just to sell toys. He killed the role of writer and directors in Hollywood, everything became money making stuff only and was made to please the audience because of him.
Then he decided he was an artist and made the prequels conflicting.
He's stupid and got what he deserved. Star Wars was always trash and considerably harmed cinema. Too bad for the kid who got his life ruined though.
>Too bad for the kid who got his life ruined though.
(Pic unrelated)
OTards deserves Nu Wars I hope they enjoy it now
So why didn't he stop after the first?
retard bait
kill yourself nufaggot memeshill. Just because your balls hadn't dropped when you watched your retard movies doesn't make them less retarded. Makes you more retarded.
>It was like the very picture of late stage capitalism and identity confusion
what the fuck does this shit even mean. The entire movie was just an industry-facing commercial for ILM and THX. The only thing he cared about was getting his company's foot in the door for the CGI revolution. And when it came to making the stories, adding new toys and expanding the IP was the primary thing motivating the script. The PTs are some of the most cynical, "capitalist" movies ever produced, and everyone saw right through the bullshit. Before TPM came out it was pretty widely speculated that it'd be the highest grossing movie ever. Lucas thought he was going to be competing with Titanic. The box office numbers showed just how much of a piece of shit everyone realized it was, after we all got bamboozled into being hyped about it for most of the 90s. It was a blatant fuck you to everyone.
And idk wtf "identity confusion" has to do with anything, other than you projecting your trannyfaggot feelings.
low-iq post
yeah it fucking was. Maybe not for some faggot kids in elementary school but high schoolers fucking hated the prequels. They were not liked by adults or adolescents at all. Them being trash was a cultural event.
It’s the biggest pop culture mistake of the century. Episode 3 alone is the pinnacle of the artform.
>george lucas in his prime without the dishonesty of steven spielberg holding him back
>innovative lightsaber mechanics
>opening theatrics involving anakin and obi-wan trying to rescue palpatine operates as both a good star wars film and some of the best monty python material in decades
>dooku and anakin fight concluded with utter decapitation establishes that this is finally a star wars film for adults
>all banter between characters is meaningul and not uttered by one designated quip robot spouting one-liners throughout the duration of the film like in disney wars
>obi-wan has a satisfying arc that drives home the emotional turmoil of the clone trooper betryal
>anakin and padme sublot is a romantic tragedy, a literal greek tragedy on film
>the fight for anakin skywalker’s soul between obi-wan and palpatine is one of the greatest cinematic stories ever shown on film
>the drift between padme and anakin on the mustafar scene alone rivals titanic’s entire 3 hour runtime
>the mace windu and sidious lightsaber fight is a stealth intergalactic reindition of the phantom of the opera
>”Only a sith deals in absolutes”>“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn”
>The Yoda and Sidious fight fluidly juxtaposed alongside the Anakin and Obi-Wan duel is a cinematic achievement and genuis directorial effort by Lucas
>the “I have the high ground” line is a saying with endless layers to it that can be deconstructed both literally and figuratively
>the birth scene of luke and leia signifies a newborn age for cinema with padme’s death being a metaphorical depiction of george lucas’ sacrifice for the longetivity of film
Revenge of the Sith is unequivocally the best film ever made.
>(unless you shove hamhanded leftist politics into your movie)
which he literally did. Episode 3 is all about the invasion of Iraq and terror war shit. You're just a fucking retard.
>Obviously the prequels weren't as good as the originals
They're not as good as anything. They are insanely incompetent and poorly produced. They're fucking garbage.
>, but these faggots acted like Lucas just raped and murdered their grandmothers in front of them.
No we just watched TPM, got depressed, and moved onto LotR for the rest of the aughts. Most people just didn't fucking care anymore. He already "ruined" the OT with special editions so most of the nerd culture was already someone skeptical about TPM, and then TPM ended up being even fucking worse than we could have imagined.
>Gen X/Millenials are such wastoids
Your entire understanding of "politics" is probably "diversity casting in kids movies. " Fuck yourself kike.
>reddit spacing tripfaggot
when you kill yourself nobody will mind
The prequels sucked and it's a meme to say they're good.
3 was the saving grace. Anyone expecting 'Empire Strikes Back' from 'Clone Wars' went home with shitty dialogue and forced acting.
Attack of the Clones*
brain smoother than silk and twice as thin
They really weren't good and it's pretty obvious that Lucas just wanted to sell more action figures instead of having an actual script
It felt like a first draft
I still prefer the prequels to these new ones. Now star wars is dead to me. Fuck the mouse
If George didn’t keep fucking around with the OT then his credentials as a filmmaker wouldn’t be so scrutinised, and the PT would be seen as a flawed but enjoyable trilogy.
Seriously, you have to question his choices, like adding that “NOOOOO” to Vader in ROTJ.
If Star Wars wasn't "dead to you" after TPM you're just a PT babby that is now an edgy asshole. ST is "less dead" than the PT. And Rogue One is legitimately better than Jedi.
>And Rogue One is legitimately better than Jedi.
yeah but that throne room scenes. also RO is bloated with diversity hires, the paki pilot, blind chink and nog with chain-gun can all be cut and the movie would greatly improve. great aesthetic and effects though
Why doesn't he just try smaller indie projects, something that is different from the Star Wars movies?
THX is unironically the best thing he's done
you should watch it
He should make more movies that aren't Star Wars related, do more indie projects.
At the end of the day, the prequels served their purpose to fill in the background of the OT and don't fuck up the genuinely good movies like the ST.