>everyone keeps recommending Shin Godzilla
>look it up
>it was made by some guy who directs anime
What the fuck is wrong with everyone?
>everyone keeps recommending Shin Godzilla
>look it up
>it was made by some guy who directs anime
What the fuck is wrong with everyone?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's kinda a big deal to non-plebs.
Anno is the only based anime director.
where do you think you are?
>oh no it wasn't made by a child molester from a dubious eastern european origin living in the US, it must be shit
Don't watch it then, you already got pleb filtered.
And the anime he directed was kino, your point?
>Some guy
Post the lazer porcupine thing
Where is best girl Mari?
Not even the best girl whose name begins with M
i gotchu brah
be nice mang
oh great a youtube video essay for a chink toon. fuck this gay generation
Jay said it was good. Should I watch it?
>muh generation sucks
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>some guy who directs anime
the guy who changed anime forever, you mean.
It's good but it's overrated. Ending is retarded.
I would watch it if Godzilla didn't look so stupid
it a fucking godzilla movie. the only one worth watching is the original. all the rest are inferior products made to milk retards who like power rangers and other juvenile shit
Why don't you try watching the movie retard.
I don't understand how Asian CGI is always so bad. Those fuckers love animation AND computers, you'd figure there'd still be a solid contingent of amazing CGI animation studios, even without Hollywood's bankroll.
What's the controversy with the scene? I'm not watching some wannabe e-celeb's shitty, 20-minute-long youtube essay to find out.
budget really
Oh so it's literally eva then? Looks neat.
All Yea Forums recommendations are shit
Its a still frame for over a minute.
People who love the show call it an artistic way to compromise with no budget, critics or haters or whatever laugh at it for the same reason.
Its a good microcosm for the entire debate of the show, is it art or pseudo-art?
Most kino shot in the whole movie.
Anno made 3 live action movies before that, 2 arthouse ones and one cheesy manga adaptation
Co-director and effects guy Higuchi did special effects for Gamera movies which looked better than higher budget Godzilla movies of the time
Shin Godzilla is arfuably the only one to aviid falling into that pitfall.
That said, it still drinks a lot from the original, just changing the imagery from then current events to now current events.
Because you do need bank to make CGI look good in high definition. Western big stduios have farms for rendering everything.
Higuchi also did the live-action Attack on Titan movies IIRC
lol shut the fuck up faggot
Who tf wants a "cool wine aunt"
What does this even mean?
I do if it means she's also sexually frustrated and looking to diddle me.
If that was the case, evangelion wouldn't still be the best one by far.
What's the best version of this to watch?
i remember i drove an hour out of my way to see this in a theater. one of the best experiences i've ever had, just love this movie. i actually liked the human drama which was new for me.
The japanese one directed the master Hideaki Anno
Longest version you can find, there’s a version that exists that cuts out about 15 minutes of footage from the first half... for some reason
Since we are having a shin godzilla thread. What was up with godzillas tail?
I meant does the dub suck or is there one of the subs that's superior to the others (I know there's a bunch of text on screen)
I think the Funimation blu-ray removes the Japanese title cards (see @ 1:41 - 1:50 for an example)
Some people think they're worth having on there.
I thought the CGI was pretty good, except for the scenes where cars where flying and shit. The design of godzilla was way better then KOTM
Yeah fuck you, I'm the biggest evafag and you should fuck off with your pretentious retarded 20 minute highschool analysis of """"""""DEEP""""""""
Tiny godzilla clones to conquer earth, if you didn't get this from watching the movie alone then you can't hang out with us
The envy is palpable. Channels not working out how you wanted?
Fuck those title cards, I tried showing the movie to my friends and they couldn't read shit with the infinite amount of text going all over the place
I agree, some people love them though.
are you kidding me retard? If you need some smelly weeb to explain fucking NGE to you then you must have suffered from severe brain damage
>some guy who directs anime
what's it like being a complete pleb void of anything resembling culture
Wow, whole lot of envy and now projection. Sad.
Roman polanski had some fucked up things happen to him
Does... does the "Atomic breath" have a range? Or does it just cut like a lightsaber indefinitely until the curvature of the earth leads it into space?
KotM really needed shots like this, without the camera moving like a madman and you can appreciate the sheer size of the creatures.
>Made on 1/10 the budget of 2014
The destruction scenes in this movie were much better than the few we got from the Legendary movies.
How's Mana a cool wine aunt
Stay mad pleb
>I don't like so it isn't culture
Well it's stated he releases the same energy as a high yield thermonuclear bomb every minute. So calculate that out into a plasma beam and you could approximate the distance it would travel before dissipating.
I really really like the first hour of Shin, basically everything up until the end of Goji's big atomic breath blowout. The direction is solid, the editing is great, the music is great, the political and social satire is on point and entertaining as fuck, Godzilla himself is cool, etc.
Then in the second half of the movie the film's quality takes an absurdly steep nosedive, culminating in a wet fart of a climax that feels extremely laughable. Really wish it was a more consistent movie
it could be construed as his final step of evolution
supposedly the apex monster is humans
doesn't matter, what matters is that in a fairly grounded and realistic movie the big monster bisected tokyo in seconds purely out of a self defense mechanism so everyone shit their pants
those movies aren't never about quality CGI or well made practical effects... in case you didn't figure it out.
what's this from and what's the context lmao
2Ddrawn (digital or traditional) and 3DCG animation are very different beasts.
They do have some decent 3D studios though, but they are near universally in the videogame industry.
I like to think of it as a sign that teamwork is humanity's ultimate weapon since the only way Godzilla could defeat us would have been to split into human like beings
Why would they make a video about Godzilla's Shin? What's next, Ankle Godzilla?
japs can't even make characters for background crowds in animes that don't immediately pop out at you as terrible cgi, can't they at least import some dude who knows what the fuck he's doing? I've seen better stuff out of those sfm MLP porn guys clogging up e621
What did they mean by this?
That fire billowing through the city looks better than anything in KotM.
I feel pretty dumb not realizing anno was the main guy in the wind rises
the real monster is man
>everyone keeps recommending Jurassic Park
>look it up
>it was made by some guy who directs cartoons
What the fuck is wrong with everyone?
>even without Hollywood's bankroll.
Aoi Honoo. "Anno" as "villain" of the show.
Where can I get an uncut version of this???
The manga handn't caught up yet
But I thought the reason 2D animation died out in the west was because it was so much more expensive than CGI.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Kaiju movies are like like action anime. Why would it bother you that one was directed by an anime director?
At last we truly are the shin godzilla
nah lol
Anno is unironically great director. The direction is what makes EVA a masterpiece it is.
It's everything put together, the music, the designs, the plot, the direction, the voice acting.
And he raped a child
That's what directing is silly
I don't consider cgi-like stuff that japs use in movies bad really, for whatever reason it pulls me right in as opposed to most of the cgi in hollywood schlock.
that documentary is so comfy
is this true? Shin Godzilla really give me NGE vibes... the ost, the shots...
will he direct a NGE adaptation???
his final form is a female giantess godzilla god.
from The Art of Shin Godzilla
Yes, it's true.
not really, like you can animate cheaply in 2d in flash or other digital studios and cheaply in cgi. making something look good in CGI is very expensive.
watching it right now, it's really fucking good
but what did Anno mean by this scene?
I'm talking about 2D feature films here. The most common reason people cite for them being replaced by CGI is cost.
He's a thirsty boy.
Traditional animation is expensive because of the number of people and the man hours it takes for the filler frames. Computer animation automates all of that, so it's cheaper. The problem is that people expect more from CGI now, so you have to push to higher resolution textures, more FPS, smoother models. All of this creates a high up front cost that means unless you can reuse assets frequently, most of it is essentially expensive movie props you then throw in the trash.
>traditional animation is more expensive, but also cgi is more expensive
They were replaced because CGI was cheaper at the time, and now we're ramping CGI into more and more expensive territory.
But CGI looks worse than ever and hardware and slave labour 3rd world animators are cheaper than ever.
I got the same message from it
>some guy who directs anime
He directed THE anime.
reminds me of the album art on Blessed Are The Sick.
Kek, what's this from?
He is kino and you're a faggot op
I didn't watch the """analysis"""" but the elevator scene is literally kino.
>evangelion wouldn't still be the best one by far.
Ayyyyy lainmao
too late to go back
Man, this was so great to see in the theaters.
so godzilla flash froze when the coagulant reached his shin?
You shouldn't be browsing this website if you don't know who Hideaki Anno is. His other live action stuff is better though.
Anime is gay (99% of it) and so are you. Go back to fucking Yea Forums or /vg/ or whatever gay homo toxic shithole you all come from. God /vg/ is infested with you fags. Everywhere.
I need to watch this again. I watched the first couple episodes once and I remember enjoying it.
I love how nobody cares about this movie a month ago
anime website
>video game player calls people gay
>99% of it
Hipster weeb.
I watched it for you, it’s boring as hell and really shit. You’re better off just watching the webms that people post of the only good moments.
This isn't 2009 faggot, most decent boards here shit on you and even gorepost for faggotry. Go back
Most people on this board play vidya. Being able to escape from all faggotry and shit reality is kino fuck off.
No. 99% is cringey and gay. Akira movie, Serial Expirements Lain and I guess Evangelion is alright (kinda gay in parts but still cool mostly)
If you don't watch old Western Kinos and cowboy kinos then you deserve to be sold to Jafar.
based af, anyone who likes shin G should give this a watch
I said kino out loud when I saw that.
>Anime website
>The majority of it's users come from /pol/ and Yea Forums, neither of which care too much about anime
Imagine being a weeb on 4channel in 2019.
It's two years old.
>Go back
Guess I'll put it out of my mind for now.
I'm watching the Gaki no Tsukai Batsu Challenges right now, so I have hours of shit to watch at the moment.
Perfect Blue? Ghost In The Shell? (the original one)
That first analysis is a parody of youtube essays right? It has all the cliches that makes some of these essays so fucking awful. I mean fucking hell he starts digressing about Funny Games for no reason
You retart it was anons from here who put the subs in the first torrents
I don't look for animes anymore. Yeah I heard Ghost in Shell was good. Don't really care and the people it attracts make me hate all of it more.
Ikr haha, it's almost like there's shills on the board! Haha how CRAZY would that be? Haha. WACKY
RLM recommended it
Shin Godzilla is garbage and it's satire is poorly done.
my friend told me to watch it
it was pretty good
They're all shills user. Similar thebway they push you to watch it so hard compared tk actual kino. Reminds me of /alita/.
You're not really anonymous you know.
>shills for a three year old foreign movie
They were the shills for KOTM that started talking about other Godzilla movies like this. They'll shill anything related to Godzilla.
ah right, and they control the world too?
yikes user, drink some water and take a nap
why are you still talking to that retard lmao, imagine trying to prove the things you like are good to some retarded zoomer hipster rando on the internet
Probably, but this is good dumbass. Not difficult, but it's easily the best sci-fi of the decade.
Keep outing yourself. Doing a real good job.
>If you hate most anime you're a zoomer
Get off of Yea Forums fucking now
or what?
You're right. I'm being paid a large sum of cash just to post about a giant japanese lizard. What are you going to do about it incel?
>not a gif
>attempt to make the opposition sound ridiculous in the most reddit way
>implying shills get paid well
Keep going.
you mean Jewish
The real Godzilla was the friends we made along the way.
> if I die in this world
> who will know
> something of me
>aren't never
So... they are?
>retard makes a dozen short as fuck webms
>rightly gets told to turn it into one webm
>retard makes it tiny, blurry and nearly unwatchable
God you fucking suck at this.
I only just watched it now that KotM is out.
Should I watch evanggeliom
My son made that webm and I found it to be expansive, clear, and watchable. You will apologize to him. He has the potential for a career in the field.
you son is a faggot and a retard.
go tell him yourself, big man. he's 230lbs
It's a adaption of an autobiographical manga by a sort of "failed" Manga artist who was in the same art class at university the guys who founded Gainax. Sort of just the story of no matter how good he was, he was always shown up by the Gainax crew. Also goes into how Gainax was founded.
I don't like anime, but Love and Pop is a great film so Anno's alright with me.
I'd take that quality of CGI if it meant we got to see more than five minutes of monsters.
Shin cost less than 1/10th what KotM cost and it looks nearly as good and had better monster scenes as a bonus.