Name an uglier actress

Name an uglier actress.

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poots is cute

Tessa Thompson is the most beautiful woman in the world. You are just racist.

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Elisabeth Moss, but only just. Both are garbage.

that gook from Greys Anatomy

choosin' a black is cheating

I hate that cunt so much.


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Leslie Jones. C'mon OP there are ugly black actresses but what you posted is objectively 6/10, more if you include whole body of work

I don't know its name nor I want to.

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>"We need a young black actress but Zazie Beets isn't available"
>"I've got you covered"

jake gyllenhaal's sister

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>instantly ugly

Nah. Get some taste. Black actress from the 70s % 80s are hot as fuck. It's how the jews portray black women to be masculine today.

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Please tell me Niko ditches long face lesbian and bangs the hottie Geography teacher

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>instantly ugly

Nah. Get some taste. Black actress from the 70s & 80s are hot as fuck. It's how the jews portray black women to be masculine today.

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Daisy Ridley

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That woman is ugly tho

nice tired cleaning lady you posted

She looks like poop

Is she shedding her meat suit?


Emilia Clarke sans makeup

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She's cute af wth

Shes cute tho. I dunno maybe i have yellow fever

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i laffed, but why?

Hahaha, not her again.

Attached: leslie jones.jpg (660x371, 58K)

Your mom


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She's cute. That's what most women look like sans makeup. You would know that if you weren't a virgin.

I get it, it's because she's black. Truly a brave and based opinion, OP.

have sex

Is that why EU imports ugliest and dumbest niggers en masse?

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i bet you'd fuck her instead of this woman

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I'd kiss her. I love actresses in general: so much passion, so much talent, so much expressing themselves. It's great.

People in tune with their emotions make for the best relationships. It's absolutely glorious.

Based Chads exploiting incelicious autistic betas like it's nothing.

Fucking incels should die.

Is Daisy Ridley really the ugliest woman in Hollywood?

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Gabby Hoffman was a cute teen in the mid 90s

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She's also a terrible actress though. Hardly emotes.

it's always funnier when they try to look blacker than they really are

she's literally fine, not beautiful just your average asian that's hit the wall.

Fungus Brie

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Lol thé dress is hilarious on her

Fuck off mew

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This looks interesting, please explain what it means

Why does the love story of the Creed movies suck so much compared to Rocky?

kill yourself


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Nigga you gay

She's objectively ugly. Stop whiteknighting her, she won't sleep with you.

amy schumer can lose weight.
tessa thompson can't make herself less of an ugly nigger.

Wasent she on a show

And you're objectively a faggot

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we all know it’s you homewrecker puta

What does this have to do with Poots, or that Riley chick with the dogs?

she looked good in enter the void

you all just lost

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MEW go away


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Leslie Jones is more attractive than this muttstrosity

hey teevee

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shes bad but theres worse

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She looks like a late 40s early 50s Ayi that you'd have no problem getting your end away with in China with a modicum of effort.

Can't believe no one posted her yet.

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nigga you gay as fuck

actually looks pretty fucking good without makeup wtf

Brie Larson. Easy

t. niggelicious neckbearded incel

i would absolutely destroy her, both looking like your pic and otherwise

>not wanting to fuck the backyard hobo from Mulholland Drive bareback while you star into her eyes

Alpha as FUARK

>only 40 years old
yeah bros, I think she could get it

>You can't

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so she was only around 24 when she did this. interesting

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strange how a fucked up nose can make you ugly in spite of everything else being pretty good

reminder this is the man who signed the Immigration Act of 1965 into law which led to letting in millions of Hispanics

>jews in a nutshell

I'm sorry user.

Is that The Nun?

ugly racist nagger

i like my women with prominent noses

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*blocks your path from 2000's

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It looks like someone stretched out her face on Photoshop. lmao

nigga u gay

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Could we get some more jews in this photo?

Black people are entitled and women are especially entitled

Black women are the most entitled people on the planet.

"I'll have those nigger voting democrat for 100 years."

wow you mean people look older as they age wow who would have guessed holy shit

I'm so tired of seeing this bitch. She's a female Agent Smith.

There's no way she can properly suck a dick with those two front teeth.

hey you leave steven tyler alone. Aerosmith are a natural treasure.


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basically my wife before and after wedding. +75lbs on the right of course

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All I wanted in Westworld was for her to die and then she did and then 5 minutes later they brought her back to life again, this time in a role more central to the plot. I've never dropped a show because I hate an actor in it so much but damn, she did it.


I’m sorry that you’re so suicidal user.
maybe if you have sex it might cheer you up

Do something about it. Don't be fooled by her blaming you. Act now or be forever lost.

Jesus that’s like a whole nother woman

Literal Jew midget goblin, ugh.

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i polygamist now

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weight gain can be very aesthetic

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Successful transition from girl to crossdressing man.

i still fuck her

t. red blooded

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she cute for a wog

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fucking hate her lips, gross flat nipple skin stitched onto her mouth. Also, Glass was shit, thinner than a fucking piece of paper

Rhea Perelman when she was her age.

It's more like the opposite. This bitch has the best agent known to man. She was in every significant movie and tv show in the past 5 years.

I win.

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Fuck you(you win)

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idris elba


Steven Tyler? I thought that was Mick Jagger

Oh wow this quote totally negated the bad aspects of negroes.

why did you post a duplicate image

White women are actually "people of color" instead of "people of brown" and can look good without makeup.

lyndon b johnson was a kike

So is she:

holy shit, thats the bitch from junji ito

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I get it, you "find her attractive" and lower your standards in solidarity just cause she's black?

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No woman is in tune with her emotions.

Looks like a negro Tarantino.

Yeah because criticising a genuinely ugly, talentless racist actress means we hate all black people. Fuck off.

I can’t bros. She really is hideous.

Christ girl, control your face. Botox will fix that brow mutation.

Agreed. Nobody is telling me Pam Grier isn’t hot. And the black girls in Carwash.

>objectively 6/10
Dude the trashy single mothers and washed up middle aged women I work with are hotter than the pig in OP. She doesn’t even qualify as “office hot” she’s just unattractive.

She’s actually just ugly. She’s more racist than OP, incidentally, but sure “liberal” keep sticking up for her.

bitch looks like she entered the void

her best role is unironically in 'My Scientology Movie'. what a ride that was

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I dropped the MCU because of her, not watching Norse culture degraded so badly. Taika Waititi Cohen and Kevin Feige should shit on their own Jewish culture instead of aiming at Europeans every single fucking time. They’re racist as fuck.

brie larson

Good choice, her long weird head, she also screams like a moose shitting out a pineapple.

>Will ya?
What, is he Curly from the Three Stooges?