Kinos about the nature of women?
Kinos about the nature of women?
Do women not have hobbies?
My girlfriend thinks just like this, at least currently. Its fucking depressing
she's right tho
Not until some company tells them to adopt one which the company has stolen from actual hobbyists.
Get a better one. Mine keeps trying to make me watch love island and I’m getting bored of telling her no
>woman feels her life is shallow and yearns for more
>user screencaps it and humiliates her on Yea Forums
OP is a small souled bugman
She's kind of right. Capitalism is the best system right now but it's kind of crushing. Very little room for innovation of your life. We're stuck in little boxes mode again except way less comfy and everything is constant anger. We're supposed to be angry and do nothing about it until we die
>white American women
So women are just now getting Fight Club?
>the nature of women
This is like saying - what is the nature of men? Are Snoop Dogg and Kim Jong-Un basically exactly the same person? How about you and peak Arnold Schwarzenegger? Or Jim Jones?
This meme is a few months old already
Maybe. I may be retarded and collect Gunpla but at least I have a good time and enjoy life to a certain extent and don't wallow in my own made misery
Someone probably payed 1000s for this shit
Unm you're supposed to have wonderful children to care for sweetie oops you decided to fall for the wageslave meme instead of finding a husband oopsie Daisy!!! Pwned!
>a women’s closed approximation of mundane drudgery is coffee and podcasts
That’s the real existential nightmare. You rolled 50% for life on hard mode being born male.
She makes like 100k a month in paetron
No, but they all love pussy and their drive for success and power is all based around wanting quantity and quality of it.
iToddlers btfo
>women being soulless retards is the fault of capitalism
Only half true
I know.
I meant that someone requested this video and payed a shitton for it.
>stealing from hobbyists
Cry more gatekeeper
Capitalism is fine as an aspect of society. But making it the driving force and highest moral value of a society will drain it of all its soul.
>Do women not have hobbies?
They don't. If a girl has a hobby (hiking, photography, movies, etc.) it's 99,99% chance the hobby of her dad, boyfriend or her ex-boyfriend.
This is not an incel womyn-hating post, it's actually true and I urge everyone who doubts me to look and ask around. It's amazing how bland women are when it comes to hobbies.
You're supposed to be angry and do nothing about until the government and corporations want you to unleash it on some random brown people.
The only hobbies I've seen women genuinely care about are draing, painting and photography.
>thinking only women live lifes like this
How fucking delusional you must be
And men aren't the same? How many boomers go around saying they used to go fishing and hunting or camping or whatever with their dad, and now they want to do it with their kid?
Don't tell me you have nothing in common with your father when it comes to interests.
We don't need the government or corporations to convince us to hate blacks, jews, mexicans or arabs. They manage that one on their own.
Who is the worse case for humanity, her for putting this greedy degrading facade or the fools who enable her?
Two sides of the same coin. Destroy them all.
Find better gfs both of you, after work and before/after sex me n mine watch something we can both really enjoy because I picked someone with motivation and a good worldview/work ethic who really enjoys my company (no malaise and boredom) and who doesn’t have normie instagram taste in entertainment (no interest in fucking reality tv)
I thought all girls knew about the cock carousel... what's this dumb bitch doing?
The fools, you can't blame her for taking advantage of her social capital
Isn't it crazy to think that people have existential crises when they're past the age of 15 or so?
You'd think any being with free will would actually ponder these things before adulthood, but somehow literal NPCs make it out into the real world without questioning anything.
It's fucking terrifying. It's like being surrounded by robots made of glass. One word wrong could just shatter them into a billion pieces.
she sure is good at shaking her ass
Did somebody say the nature of women?
How new are you that you ask such question? To life in general.
women are property that our ignorant grandfathers gave rights. and now the world is going to end.
You're the type who never blames women for anything. They can drown their kids in the bath tub and you'll still blame the nearest man for driving her to it.
Have children
>Don't tell me you have nothing in common with your father when it comes to interests.
I don't.
And I didn't "steal" my hobbies from anyone.
okay I thought this chick was an ignorant whore but she's actually buBASED as FUCK
Don't make me sad, user.
Yeah, ruining everything for everyone
Is a shame that there may never be a research done to identify what brings these people to spend so much with all the existing alternatives?
based and doomerpilled
literally based
I dunno, if I had the kind of money to waste on this bullshit I'd pay her 20 grand and fuck her ass for a couple hours just for the pompousness of it. Like buying a diamond encrusted bluetooth headset.
u w0t, i'm not worshipping her actions, just saying that it's an easy way to extort money from losers, no problem with gaming the system
You can literally rent your favorite pornstar for a fraction of that.
Guys, capitalism is just a tool, it isn't supposed to give us a moral framework or how we set up our society.
I'm not religious but the fact nothing has yet to replace religion is very alarming considering people are becoming less religious as time goes on.
When/who is that?
wow, these new ones are nice, hate to admit it
Yeah, but when you're filthy rich to the point of retardation you don't go for the sensible buy. You buy the retarded thing, just to prove you can.
The digital age covers only a tiny fraction of human history, we barely understand this new world
yes thank you for the observation mr peterstein. we realized that like 150 years ago
I blame the Jew media/ internet.
Just imagine the blood pouring from her svelte neck as your thrust your knife into her throat.
People here act like they're interesting multi-hobbyists but it's always the same cookie-cutter bullshit like hiking or lifting or reading. Not that much better than women.
I had my first existential crisis at 15 but I also had no friends and everyone else was more focused on how much debt they could acquire in the next 5 years
>had reddit mods crying over her being married
Huh? I paint, volunteer and host.
Can confirm the drawing. My first gf was really into it despite no one else in her family or friend group being into it.
lmao, you're an NPC
You believe every polturds infographs too?
my gf rides horses and she came up with it by herself desu lad
and yes, she's crazy. but she has a hobby
The trend you talk about is true but there are exceptions. I was my ex’s first and she got me into renaissance art, anime, literature and surfing (watching pros and doing), while I got her into scuba, natural history and playing music. Her dad died when she was 10 and we were both dorks in a small and very superficial school so her influences didn’t come from trying to ape/impress the men in her life, and if you’re gonna say
>well she only got into that stuff because of people around her/celebs/pop culture
Then that literally applies to every human on earth, no one just magically gets an interest in anything for no reason
Reading in the form of fanfiction also.
vietnam POW comes home to his family only to realize his whore wife had given up on him and started fucking others
So I could request a footjob from her if I donated 2,500 dollars?
MatPat’s wife Stephanie is the perfect woman.
Horse girls are all fucked in the head mate
Are you retarded? You used to be able to just see how much they were making by going to their patreon
sure. you wont get it though
Capitalism may just be a tool, but consumerist cultural marxism has definitely replaced religion.
You only live for hobbies?
Are you American?
dumbass boomer probably put that pussy on a pedestal and thought it would all be worth it just to see her again. lmao I hope his soul exited his body in that moment.
link? that sounds funny as hell
Living for hobbies is living for yourself--freedom. Something a eurofag would never understand.
Yeah like when Saddam had wmds right?
Every woman has the same hobby: spending every cent they have on stupid, pointless shit, and then complaining that they don't have any money.
yup, she is too.
but at least she has a hobby
americans live to slave for corporate masters
>You only live for hobbies?
Literally nobody has said or implied that except you.
There's a screencap of a reddit mod going full meltdown
it's not 1820 and you're not a mountain man out in the sticks hunting grizz
we live in a society
The government lied. But plenty of people were happy to go shoot some A-rabs anyway. That song-and-dance was for you Euros, not for the homeland. We don't give a shit what the UN thinks here.
Example of men vs women
>Huh, learning to fly a plane would be pretty cool, I think I'll put effort into looking into what it takes
>Wow, 60 hours of inflight practice and 30 hours of practice, and it costs $10k. But I am determined, I will put the effort into my life so that I have enough money for that, and then I will put the effort into getting my license
>Nice, I finally have enough money, now I will put the time and practice in to getting my pilots license
>I finally have my license! I can't wait to fly around just for pure enjoyment, and to take my friends and family around to share the joy this hobby brings me
>It's been 15 years now, I think I have enough money to justify buying a plane. I am secure enough to do this with my hard earned money and hard work
>Flying a plane would be cool...
>Omgggg pilots are so hot I want to date one maybe he'll let me control the plane!!!!
you mean that fake amourouth one?
She divorced him and got custody of two children and half his pension
USA is a fucking shithole man
Oh yeah, forgot that in Europe they banned videogames and movies.
this society sucks though and is sucking the life out of every individual it gets its claws on. great men make society great. society doesn't produce great men.
I was about to take you seriously until that last line.
Their only hobby is ruining other peoples' hobbies.
>no offence but
Who the fuck would take offence over this?
Yeah but you also didn’t just pluck those hobbies out of thin air without hearing about them and seeing why they might be interesting to check out. Like it or not everyone is influenced by their life and those around them, you
>I’m a specail snowflaek, my taste is sooooo deep and original
Well, the woman said that there's no point to living, and the dude asked if she has no hobbies, implying he does live for that.
Which is honestly pathetic, it means he lives to watch movies and play videogames.
And who do you think runs the globalist experiment you call the EU?
What a fucking moron. Kill yourself shitskin. No White is this retarded.
>here's an example
>let me just make it all up
>video games and movies are hobbies
>it means he lives to watch movies and play videogames
nice projection. get a real hobby you niggerbrain
>Commerce bad! Stop allowing people to willingly pay for stuff that other people are willingly offering! COMMERCE BAD!!!
>....but leave the Antifa patreon and the tranny models alone! They are good for society!
Gatekeepers are needed to keep a hobby on target and not so large the company can pivot away from what they should be doing because there's enough normies without standards to lap up everything until they chase something else and then company fails. If Star Wars had stayed the domain of fat nerds in the basement it wouldn't be in the sorry shape its' in now. And don't act like all these women are suddenly into true crime and Marvel and GoT and video games organically and because they have an intrinsic love of those mediums.
How could you? Britain was famous for banning some tame shit you could get at blockbuster here. In Germany you can't even make nazi hand gestures or display symbols in video games.
All we have here in America are voluntary rating systems.
european but not part of EU, gl with all your shit on both sides, I'll be in my bubble
In America you have SJWs demanding censorship and everyone agreeing with them.
Not government enforced, but it happens anyway.
fuck outta here you mouthbreathing monkey
She will be gone the literal second YouTube checks stop rolling in.
I had a kid with a woman a few years ago. We both hated having a kid. It was a mistake. Never getting any sleep and never going anywhere. We gave the kid to an orphanage when he was two. He got adopted by some family soon after 5 or so months. Me and the chick split too. Now I’m happy again. Kids aren’t for everyone
Beta orbiters were a mistake.
How any man can be sad enough to actually pay money to some internet thot is beyond me.
Belle Delphine is pretty cool, actually. I've seen her make fun of leftist/social justice retards on occasion. She's based.
if society allowed your bitch to stay at home and take care of the child it would have been fine. women take care of the child until puberty. men guide the child through puberty and to adulthood. any man who's ever changed a diaper is doing women's work.
Most people don't agree with them. The media pretends they do, but they only represent 8% of the media and 72% don't pay any attention to what the media says.
The tech companies will be broken up and regulated. It's already begun.
My wife didn’t have many hobbies until I married her/started dating her. She adopted my garbage, but it is interesting seeing how it worked.
And the same thing isn't happening in Europe? WITH government blessing?
Should have figured that out before creating a life.
>Most people don't agree with them
And you think in Europe they do?
It just happens anyway in both places.
MatPat and Stephanie seem to love each other very much. Their livestreams on GTLive are very entertaining.
their hobbies are : friends, eating and social media
Hey, man. She probably waited at least a month. That's like 10 years in women's time.
To: all the virgins of Yea Forums who happen to be in this thread
this guy is more evolutionarily successful than you and he doesn't even want to be
that's how the world works
get used to it
from: a jaded motherfucker who wants this society to burn to the fucking ground so all the weak faggot fuckboys like yourselves will be purged from the face of the planet
>only men can be dedicated, profound, self-improvement-focused, self-determining people
>I am such a man
>only women can be vapid, boring, status-obsessed morons who only like stuff because it’s cool to like those things
>I know the deepest motives of people I’ve never met or spoken to based on the shitposts I’ve read on the chan
See how retarded you sound? Get out more
Are you implying Trump is going to stop it?
Trump has proved to be a fake, he hasn't done anything, just submit to Israel like all US presidents since JFK, who refused and we all know what happened to the poor man.
My girlfriends doesn't have any hobbies and it slowly makes me resent her more and more. I have alot of hobbies, kayaking, hiking, camping, landscaping/yard stuff, cooking
She works. Watches Netflix, goes on her phone. Or constantly wants to go out to places, or be with her girlfriends so they can gossip.
Why are women so boring. Like actually boring
A hobby only counts if you are either
>doing somethings physically exerting
>producing an output
>the hobby has no limit on possible experiences
Examples of physically exerting hobbies:
>hiking, boxing, rafting, etc
Producing an output:
>carpentry, playing an instrument, making videos, coding, working on your car, etc
No limit on possible experiences
>fishing, travelling, hunting
What I mean by no limit on possible experiences is that there is no pre-defined parameter for what might happen to you while you are enjoying your hobby. You can go fishing in an infinite number of spots, catch any size or number or variety of fish, during an infinite number of weather conditions, etc etc. You have influence over the outcome with skill, but the outcomes are infinite.
The difference between that and video games/movies, which ARE NOT HOBBIES, is that with video games, a group of programmers that work for a corporation planned and calculated the entire possible experience for you. You can only play the same maps, do the same campaign over and over, etc etc. It was all made by someone else. You are strictly consuming. You are buying a product and consuming it.
are women really this plain and simple in their thoughts?
i can't wait till we have Sharia Law. InshAllah.
>MatPat and Stephanie seem to love each other very much.
Women are really good at creating the illusion of love. Men are stupid enough to fall for it.
Women cannot have the same drive that I described. You are right though, not only women can be vapid, boring morons. Most men are like this too. But men have a capacity for dedication and self-enjoyment that women don't have.
That's what he gets for taking the Marriage Pill. Unless you're marrying into wealth you're getting cucked into FinDom.
>evolutionarily successful
>unironically caring about that
Your existence is sad. You're chasing phantoms and you're confusing yourself into irritability because of some artificially chosen, forced viewpoint. I don't know how to convey anything illuminating, but you don't have to be that way.
>BTFO Applefags
>15 years of perfect eyesight when all u do is stare at screens all day
yea no
what about a physics based sandbox game where no two attempts will be exactly the same? Or a multiplayer game with custom creations like warcraft 3 or unreal tournament 2004 which had a bajillion unique custom games. also why do you think you are qualified to decide what the definition of a word is? you just want to look down on people, right?
at last, I truly see
>making thirsty betas a /pol/ flame war
I’m going to murder you
All my life people have been telling me it would be the best feeling of my life and it was nothing but dread. I didn’t know I would feel nothing for the kid.
That’s an interesting philosophy, user.
>We're supposed to be angry and do nothing about it until we die
The 99% are supposed to be angry at frivolous things that don't really matter whether they decide to do anything about them or not, stay ignorant to the things they should be angry about, and stay "content" until they die.
Lmao, good luck with that. Every politician will 'submit' to Israel until the boomers are gone. Then Israel will wither on the vine.
You know nothing about American politics or our political system. He will win re-election, his party will retake the house and he'll appoint another judge or two to the Supreme Court, and then a lot will change. Most of his 'fakeness' is a Eurotard's failure to understand how many chokepoints exist in our political system. But the court's will strip federal injunctions from district judges. They used to be very rare and have become common thanks to Democrat lower-court justices, so they weren't really challenges except on a case-by-case basis.
JFK got shot by some retarded commie who liked to beat his wife. Stop mistaking make-believe conspiracy theories you see in American media for real life.
This isn’t even real. You can’t view her monthly capita because it’s private. Retard.
i lol'd
My comment was a bit unnecessary, sorry. It just contributed to the negativity. I'm sure it must have been difficult and you did the right thing under the circumstances. Thankfully there are people who want to adopt, I'm sure they can give him/her a good life.