Will either of them have a career after Stranger Things?

Will either of them have a career after Stranger Things?

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One in the left will be in rehab by 19
One on the right will be on my dick in 15

the left chick already has a career outside ST

Milly isn't aging well. She's starting to look like an uglier Sandra Bullock. Hollywood will probably lose interest in her after she turns 23.

The Zoomer will graduate to rom-coms and then join the MCU in her thirties.

the red head could be my wife, if she likes !!!

He doesn't like kissing negroes.

*She. Wtf

Millie looks like a hag already and the other one has as much screen presence as air

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Sucking dicks isn’t a career

Everybody looks ugly in the middle of puberty, it’s when your adult features start to come in mixed with your kid features plus acne

dumb phoneposter

She always had a weird long face. She's slowly turning into HP Lovecraft

she could be my mom on the right

I see it


Nope. The boy who plays Mike is the only one got a chance if he didn’t fuck it up.

One of the beautifully reassuring about female privilege is that it's gloriously fleeting. She'll do alright for a year or two then she'll age like milk and be on the scrap heap with every other woman over 20.

She'll eventually play Anita in her biopic

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>join the mcu in her thirties
>implying it’ll still exist when she’s in her thirties
I know people have claimed before that it would be the death of superhero movies but marvel have ended their story now, people will lose interest
And the other superhero movies like dark Phoenix really aren’t turning out well
And even if dc are improving a lot now that won’t be enough to maintain interest
Aquaman was less a superhero movie than a fantasy adventure movie

Both are devoid of any talents or charisma.
I hate you mindless shills who constantly promote these little kike kids trying to make them relevant. They've done nothing of relevance in their entire lives.

I really hope the ginger stays relevant. She actually might have a decent chance since she isn't hyped to death and is somewhat cool.

plus they have an ugly fatass certified jew rat playing WW.

unironically BLACKED, the sooner, the better

Is this the Jim and Pam of our generation?

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he's gay

>flees the nigger
based all around


Sadie is for kisses and slow, gentle love making. Millie is for violent and sweaty doggystyle and prone anal

Repeating numerals confirm