What do y'all fuckers think about the leftovers, i'm finishing the first season right now...

what do y'all fuckers think about the leftovers, i'm finishing the first season right now, it's alright but they keep pushing that "no purpose" shit and it gets tedious.

also i find it weird that the catholics didn't get extra boosted by the event, you'd think the sudden disappearance of 2% would mean the church was always right so people would be flocking to it for salvation.

Attached: chief.jpg (306x552, 37K)

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1st season - ok
2nd - kino
3rd - greatest piece of television of the last 10 years

glad to know it gets better then

Last episode sum good fuckin kino mate

sluts sleep with chad cop having daddy issues

kek pos show

I saw it last summer and I fucking loved it. It's one of my favorite shows ever and my favorite one by far in recent years. Can't wait for a few years to pass for people to realize just how great it was and give it the cult status it deserves. Lindelof redeemed himself with it and then some.

hey it's mac from it's always sunny

The series is terrific. It takes a sharp turn with the start of season two, but stick with it.

Anyone who likes season 2 is such a brainlet

You're suffering from face blindness dude.

This completely. Also end the show before the finale. The episode before the finale has the absolute best ending of any show. Finale is dogshit and ruins a lot of the show

>you'd think the sudden disappearance of 2% would mean the church was always right

Why? There was no correlation as to who did/did not disappear.



Attached: BigDoggo.jpg (540x546, 70K)

Retarded, overwrought and emotionally manipulative bullshit.

Just gonna leave this here.

He sleeps with a total of 3 people over the course of 3 seasons including flashbacks.

because it's the Rapture, you can't know god's way so they would flock back to the church since it's the only one that provided a meaning to the event.

but people did flock to church, some at least, and the show addresses it at the start of the first season so the fuck you aiming at man?

how can you say they flocked to the church in the first season since there are cults sprouting all over the world and the priest character constantly complains about the lack of people coming to church, eventually even fucking losing the church to a cult.

Absolute fucking pleb