Why the fuck would DC cancel this? Are they literally trying to sink their own ship? This is easily one of the most kino capeshit concepts of all time, and was even well executed and critically praised. What the fuck are they doing?
Why the fuck would DC cancel this? Are they literally trying to sink their own ship...
What do you expect, DC are literal kike retards
It was cancelled? The fuck?
They were getting a tax break from North Carolina that accounted for half the production cost. NC realized they made a mistake in accounting, and reduced the tax break from like 40 million down to 14 million, so DC cancelled it because it was too expensive
And now they're getting $0 from taxes and DC will probably never set up production there again. Bravo, lawmakers
WB enjoys the tears of DC fans.
the real question is why were they stupid enough to believe they'd get a 40 million dollar rebate for filming in north carolina
It's mediocre. I barely made it thru episode 2.
Its too high concept, DC is relying on good storytelling/source material to sell their adaptations. From the onset the MCU realized the general audience is too stupid for something like Swamp Thing, they built their success off that realization. So to answer your question logically, its simply too high concept for the general public who sees "DC" and expects super powered people punching each other, not to be emotionally challanged
this show is incredibly mediocre and cliché. and the way they're forcing in strong womyn was just cringe worthy.
Something about that they got some money from the state of Georgia, and due to a paper filing error they got 2 million instead of 40 million, therefore the show is seeing no returns.
it's horrible, on the CW level. With the "one big show per week" schedule that's a good news for us
Perhaps it's that he looks ridiculous?
The real question is - why aren't they making it at a loss just to keep us happy, right guys?
>From the onset the MCU
Company wars faggot shows up right on time.
its relevant conversation in today's age. Why is one capeshit succeeding while another thats better fails? How can you not bring up the mcu?
yeah meanwhile the flash is getting a season 9. Your argument is invalid. If this were actually following the cw formula ST woud have already been introduced through an arc in Arrow.
chad explains the canellation
>he doesn't know that 50+% of filsm and TV shows are tax schemes or money laundering operations
At least half of all productions exist for the express purpose of writing off it off on (((their))) taxes or washing illegal money.
It's obscure and would have been overlooked otherwise. By cancelling it, they get free publicity and look like heroes when they renew it.
Good marketing for this IP
Man of Steel is the best DCEU movie and made a tidy profit, but they freaked the fuck out over split reviews and look what they did to the sequel, full on panic mode they are fucking retards. Hell everyone likes Cavill and they are fucking around with him and any future superman shit while they make suicide garbage 2
Doesn't push a progressive feminist narrative - can't be aired.
Apparently something about fucking up their budget severely.
Dc had no say in the cancellation. WB executives wanted a show similar to Lucifer and those CW DC shows and they were looking for any excuse to cancel it. Hence why that silly story about NC came about.
He's saying the quality of the show is CW tier. If it was actually on the CW it would have 5 seasons
Is the rich dude supposed to be Anton Arcane in disguise or something?
I want to see them reenact that scene of him suffering in hell after his defeat.
No, he's another villain from the comics
It was boring as fuck
>Why the fuck would DC cancel this? Are they literally trying to sink their own ship? This is easily one of the most kino capeshit concepts of all time, and was even well executed and critically praised. What the fuck are they doing?
Why do you keep making these same faggoty-sounding dicksucking shill threads for this show here every day? Are you paid or just mentally ill? Why else would you do this? It's not a bad enough show to spam because 'olol only the must idiotic or idiots would like it', but it's still terrible enough that anybody would genuinely like it, so why? Why? Just stop.
It really was amazing.
you're boring
I literally didn't know this was a thing until now, so...
This makes sense.
they jewed themselves and went $80 million over budget
Not enough diversity
When Trump said he'd drain the swamp, I didn't think he meant this.
This is what they’re doing, but that doesn’t mean I have to like. Entertainment should seek to be art even when it fails to be. Brainless entertainment for the sake of entertainment is as cynical as it is lazy.
the most helarious thing is they thought they were getting 40 million, but were actually getting 14 million
Thats not a type: you dont type 40 instead of 14.
Some fucking retard HEARD 14 and wrote down 40, because they cant understand English
diversity hiring delivers again.
Shut up JIDF sometimes people enjoy things
who could be behind this post?
At the end of the day it's because nobody is watching it.
seems like u barely understand english too with these typos breh Bazinga!
>Some fucking retard HEARD 14 and wrote down 40, because they cant understand English
get a life
No, he’s his own form of evil incarnate. Sunderland is small evil with deep, deep pockets. He’s corporate greed and environmental mismanagement. Arcane is on a whole other level, a thing that literally is an offense to all that is natural, a cancer in the body of the universe, a malignant rot that corrupts everything it touches.
In fact, after reading this, you should probably say some prayers to whatever you hold sacred and go stand in a purifying light for a couple of hours. I’m going to do the same.
I wonder how many people have completely missed this over the years.
Tons, I’d imagine.
High concept doesn't mean complex or challenging, its literally just a term used to describe movies with easily summarized premises. For example "Superman travels back in time" is high concept.
semantics aside, you're probably right. If Doom Patrol had fewer fights it'd probably have done well at all.
Is it odd that I don’t think of time travelas high concept when Superman’s involved? With him, I’d consider it high concept if he were to try to do something as simple as solve a murder.
The same reason they allowed Snyder to use the last three dc capeshit as his grimdark morality bullshit when Marvel's been making it paint by number over a decade. Geriatrics in the smoker's lounge are asleep at the WB wheel and have been for as long as anyone can remember.
Well "Superman travels back in time" is 5 words and "Superman solves a murder" is 4 words so I guess its 20% higher concept.
Of course the real high concept movie is just "Superman"
Again, you don't understand what high concept means.
georgia gives everyone huge tax breaks to film there
I think perhaps it’s used in two distinct ways that aren’t easy to distinguish out of context. For interest, “the high concept” would mean the whole abstract premise of a film/story, stated as succinctly as possible. In contrast, the phrases “it’s high concept” and “it’s too high concept for a general audience” are using the term as a descriptor instead of a noun, and in such a context, it’s meaning really is “a concept that relies on more fantastical elements than is the norm.” For example, Endgame, even with all its fantastic elements like FTL, time travel, and reality-altering stones, is still low concept relative to the source material, which includes multiple abstract beings and philosophical musings on the nature of reality and the multiverse.
I'm high concept
>Some fucking retard HEARD 14 and wrote down 40, because they cant understand English
this was my first thought too
>I think perhaps it’s used in two distinct ways
Indeed but one way of correct and one way is wrong. The original use of the term very specific within the industry and has been for decades. Its literally just about being able to summarize the premise, specifically during a pitch meeting. It isn't really about describing the plot either. Its not about ragging on the movie either, plenty of great science fiction have simple premises but the greatness of the story comes from the exploration of the consequences of those simple premises.
"Superman travels back in time" for example doesn't say anything about the actual story on anything above a surface level. Cultural context would imply that he travels back to a time that is obviously not like the present. This might means the civil rights era, maybe ancient Rome, the reformation wars, the viking era, etc. It isn't doesn't say anything about why he travels back in time or how or how often. He might switch time period around every 10 minutes.
It's a man who can only fight crime in swamps where there is little to no crime at all.
I mean i guess they could put him in Florida
Well you can sure get lost in the Louisiana bayou
Should have made a movie, would probably be cheaper for being only 2 hours long while maintaining the quality, so it wouldn't have to make a lot of money at the box office (and anything would be better than a streaming service nobody pays for)
Swamp Thing doesn’t fight crime. He kills monsters. And wherever he goes, the swamp comes with him.
You should come over sometime, I got a little place down there.
why doesn't he go after the jews
Tear my boipucci asunder senpai.
Diversity is our strength. We need more communication problems.
Is that you Geoff?
That morgue scene was fucking amazing.
reminds me of working at the gas station in nj.
>some person with a thick accent comes up and says something that sounds like 30 dollars regular
>i even ask them if its thirty
>they nod their head in affirmation.
>i put the gas in
>they come out of the car saying they said thirteen.
>they get free gas
>I want to kill myself
I now break it down by asking them "three, zero" if they say 30. Same thing happens when people want $15 dollars cuz it sounds like 50 if you have a shitty accent. I hate it.
Calm down disneycuck
NC legislature reduced tax breaks for filming about five years ago.
Because James wan....is going to make it a movie
This was a bullshit rumor started by some writer, the individual tax break per season is capped at like $12 mil per year per show so no way they were ever getting that much.
This shit was disproved days ago. Imagine still thinking this was real and telling people about it with all sincerity. Lmao how many people other than in this thread have you dumbasses told this "fact"? Kek I'm glad I'm not a rumor ingesting faggot that doesn't check for sources.
I hope so. His take on the Justice League Dark would be interesting.
How do you guys watch this with that ugly bogged female main character? Abby Arcane?
>can we get Casey Affleck for this?
>dude... what?
>all right all right
>muh swamp i'm gonna take a fat ogre shit.
shit was terrible.
Did they forget the comic has Abby being fucking horny for a giant plant man monster?
She's a cute. You're a fag. There's your answer.
Her face is so fake she can't move it properly and she's the focal point of so many shots. It's unsettling to watch.
>"DC" and expects super powered people punching each other
Yeah that worked out well for man of steel and BVS?
shut up..
James Wan= Swamp Thing
Del Taco= Demon Etigan
Raimi= Zantanna
Keanu returns as Constantine at the end of every solo movie to put together a team
There WB...I just made a hit movie series for you
>what about Oscar Isaac
>dude stop it
Did you guys know DC makes a billion a year from those CW licenses? Did you guys know the MCU has made alnost 20 billion at the box office despite having zero (0) good movies in it? And what do you think eclipsed the last Avengers flick so hard that normies would be hard pressed to remember basic details from it? Game of fucking Thrones.
Garbage sells, kino doesn't. Swamp Thing was literally too good for its own good
Is that Abby Arcane? B O G G E D
>Garbage sells, kino doesn't
Sounds like something a loser would say.
>This shit was disproved days ago.
No need to get defensive, shill. I'm sure Avatar and Endgame will be remembered as quality flicks in ten years lmao
My theory is that they are cancelling DC streaming altogether. They will probably try to sell seasons 2 of Titans and Doom Patrol to Hulu or Netflix
what a hideous plastic looking bitch
that's just rude.
Swamp Thing was literally the reason why I subbed
have sex
Sorry guys but capeshit is for normies retards now. You can't have capeshit that isn't by the numbers quips and le epic funnies and wow stronk man fightn! anymore.
Normies don't want kino they want avengers movies shit down their gullet 3 times a month. They don't want a beautiful 4 course meal from a 4 star restaurant they want a number 3 large with bbq sauce and bacon added.
I wanted Heather to touch my root while I was watching this.
>kino capeshit
You are wrong and they are wrong, is not capeshit and that is one of the reasons it got canned.
God, please yes.
Me too. Then I got surprised by Doom Patrol. Titans wasn’t bad either.
My real wish is that instead of (yet another) streaming service, they’d work out a deal with NetFlix like Marvel had. Those shows are all going away, and it would help NetFlix’s stable of shows and it’s already an established, familiar platform. In addition to that, I want them to do what Disney never did - give us an integrated, multimedia universe, where characters can be fleshed out on the small screen and get big-screen blockbusters that reference them.
Seems like her ass didn't get out of bed that morning
It's too grimdark. Comics are supposed to be light hearted and funny. Take this nihilist shit to the trash along with the snyder movies where it belongs.
>characters can be fleshed out on the small screen and get big-screen blockbusters that reference them.
I don't have a stake in the entertainment business but I feel bad about how one-way this is. TV shows will include and work around plots that happened in the movies while the movies can't be bothered to do the same. And the TV shows that work like spin-offs sometimes have these really cool ideas that the movies could make use of, but I get the feeling this is never going to happen
The Swamp thing reboot made by Alan Moore was along the darker more adult oriented Vertigo line, where Sandman, Constantine and Watchmen also belonged (and Dark Knight Returns)
Doom patrol is garbage.
What if we make a CW tier garbage show but check this out we add.... CURSING! oh and we get Brendan Frazier to give the most hammed up acting ever recorded on film.
All fucking niggers should fucking hang.
Hey shut the fuck up, I'm just glad he's working again and getting something out of even stupid roles
I don't get it (not a native speaker), what do you mean?
if you said something less problematic you would've gotten those blessed quads. don't even bother trying to apologize, it's too late
>swamp thing
>no swamp ass quip in first 5 minutes
>Reddit spacing
Wow since when is reddit so racist?
Have you read any ST comic? Yes they are not dark, but there are some crazy shit in there, not your average feel good story comic books man
>bad films
>works well
In my opinion, NetFlix or Amazon, or even Hulu are the logical next step for comics series. You treat the separate series(complete with guest characters) as individual comics, including the occasional stand-alone episode that doesn’t forward the plot but serves as a character piece, then you treat the movies as the “Annuals” or major crossover events.
The character is the founder of a corporation infamous for all manner of environmental abuses.
>Sunder: to break apart or in two; separate by or as if by violence
>Land: the surface of the earth and all its natural resources
What’s even better, it’s a fairly common name.
The entire season cost 80m, the higher up board (outside of DC) thought it was too expensive and offered a much lower budget which the creators deemed not enough to continue the show.
Ah I see, his first name initial actually makes asunder
hey DC are some pretty smart guys huh
Not their fault English is a shit tier language desu senpai
Sure it is, marvelcuck. Everyone is wrong except you
>I don't know what high concept means
Titans is on Canadian Netflix. and branded as a netflix show too
Who the fuck cares. There is no tv show capeshit worth watching, fuck off with this bullshit. Superheroes are fine for an hour and a half long movie about retards hitting each other. I’m not investing 20 hours into a season of some capeshit.
Swamp Thing isn't a superhero show bud
That doesn't mean it's not capeshit. Joker isn't a super hero but guess what: CAPESHIT
It's a horror show you spectacularly dumb meme-spouting faggot.
why are you even in this thread if it triggers you so much? Go shitpost somewhere else
Fuck off, he comes from a shitty comic book for children and hangs out with Batman and Superman. He’s a fucking superhero.
Because capeshit is trash and people who like it should be harassed consistently.
Loser haha. The stuff he likes get cancelled for being shitty.
Oh, you have no idea.
cry more
This. Swamp Thing is straight-up horror about 90% of the time, and it has been ever since the seventies. This issue could have been a particularly dark episode of The Twilight Zone. It’s about a man who built an entire village of androids. When some bad guys showed up to try to strongarm him into working for him, he accidentally ends up catching some bullets. His creations reveal themselves to be even more human than he ever imagined.
>hangs out with Batman and Superman
not really
I’ve always liked how the more overtly magical characters in DC scare the shit out if normies like Supes and Bats. They legit only interact with them when there’s no other option.
>marvel keeps on winning
Yah. I never thought of that [said someone else]
>Initially, crew members were told to start tearing down sets on May 2nd. However, things changed on April 22nd, when it was announced sets were to stay up for the time being. The reason? Different networks, including HBO and The CW (who have since passed on the series), were looking at picking it up for a second season, while WarnerMedia and AT&T were still mulling over their options. It was ultimately the group effort of executive producers James Wan, Gary Dauberman, and Mark Verheiden, and DC themselves, that were pushing Warner Bros. to reconsider the cancellation. They decided to wait until mid-June to make a final decision. But, Warners decided to pull the plug early last week: this was expected but it is unknown why they did it so early.
>Sources also stress that the new leadership at WarnerMedia are very keen on doing more shows in the formulaic style of The CW’s ‘Arrow’ and ‘The Flash,’ and less shows like ‘Doom Patrol’ and ‘Swamp Thing.’ One source even says that Len Wiseman (‘Underworld,’ ‘Live Free or Die Hard’) was hired as director to make the show seem like more of a procedural. This tactic wound up backfiring as Wiseman put his own horror spin on the series, which execs were very displeased with. Disney’s upcoming streaming service is said to have spooked WarnerMedia as well
Every fucking time. You autistic cunts just can't help but take the bait.
Seething DCcuck. Better spam BVS threads.
I really can’t thank dumbfucks like you enough for actively participating in the dumbing down of all forms of entertainment. Truly, you are a credit to fucking morons everywhere.
When does she slide that bedpost into her vagoo? I've seen a video like that before and I want to see it in a higher quality than 480p.
very sexy
What is wrong with Marvel cucks? Are you guys so pathetically insecure you can only back things that are 110% in the lead in everything? You’re so cunty you can’t even be happy for Brendan fucking Fraser making a comeback instead of suicide which many lesser men would have chosen?
I hate you people I hope you’re next “phase” dies so we can have movies back, can’t wait to see you watching Battinson like you were here from day one asshole.
There’s nothing more pathetic than a sore winner.
sounds like you got scammed