Kinos that capture this feel?
Kinos that capture this feel?
Any movie with a white female lead
>Drug dealers don't rape people anymore than a family man does
[citation needed]
Drug dealers are good people
So she just wants someone to agree with her?
She is a victim, but she is also stupid. I don't go flashing my cash in the ghetto area of my town.
Typical women, just doesn't understand her actions have consequences
>my rape had nothing to do with my choices.
America has a really bad drug and mental health problem. I worked here at a drive thru and it made me realize how shittyife is for the poor here. This nation is dying and they don't even realize it.
My best buddy deals some drugs in a college city and he gets so much free pussy it's unbelievable. Fun thing is if he posted his opinions he'd get told to "have sex" by disneyshills and discord trannies because he hates women so much LOL
That's because the average American is only one paycheck away from committing a mass shooting at all times
>She is a victim
Victim by her own stupidity
>My best buddy deals some drugs in a college city and he gets so much free pussy it's unbelievable.
So he sells the drugs to the girls or in exchange for pussy ?
Not that user but you don't give out drugs for pussy unless you're an idiot, girls just like fucking drug dealers
>girls just like fucking drug dealers
Nah I think anons buddy is Chad.
Most dealers are
>The dr said sympathetically, "you gotta start looking after yourself." I believed what he meant was "This could have been prevented if you weren't hanging out with a drug dealer."
He was 100% correct.
>Drug dealers don't rape people anymore than a family man does.
Provably false.
>The rehab counselors didn't correct that belief. My own mother didn't correct it. fuck anyone who meant well but told me to look at this "as a sign" that I needed help.
Because, again, there was nothing to correct. The original assertion is 100% correct.
>It is likely that my daughter will one day be sexually assaulted.
Statistically it actually isn't.
>I can't prevent that.
>She can't prevent that.
Also wrong.
>But no matter whAt the circumstances, it wont be her fault.
And again, for the hat-trick, wrong for a third time.
But I can't say I am surprised. Who would have thought that a drug-addict would not only make poor decisions, but also be a shit parent?
It's literally 100% true. I'd be disappointed that people are reacting like this but Yea Forums is just /pol/2 so I'm not really surprised anymore.
This. Anyone who imagines drug dealers as shady, scragly cretins don't understand how this shit works. You don't get high on your own supply. The druggies they sell to are the nasty, dirty scummy stereotypes, but the dealers themselves are smarter and more well-kept than that. They have to be.
>It would seem that the responsibility was on me
YES IT IS YOU DUMB WHORE. IT'S YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY TO AVOID DANGEROUS SITUATIONS. I hope she gets raped again and again until that gets to her empty head
If you're selling more than bud then you're also dealing with serious people so you have to be charismatic/have balls and not be an idiot
If I'm walking with traffic near the side of the road and someone loses control and hits me, its their responsibility for hitting me.
But I could have walked against traffic to better see if any vehicle was swerving towards me. I couldn't walked a little further from the dangerous roadway. I could've taken a bus.
Everyone is responsible for their own actions The driver is responsible for hitting you. But what good does being able to say "it was his responsibility" upon your tombstone? Take some personal responsibility and protect yourself.
The modern feminist movement rejects this notion because they actually gain power from the loss of all personal agency. Victimhood is empowering.
Women actually dont have volition in human society. Subconsciously they know this too. It comes out when they try to solve problems.
>should i do something?
>no i cant, the world must do something for me
>Drug dealers don't rape people anymore than a family man does
Women are literally incapable of taking responsibility to themselves and so they have to delude themselves with shit like this. Amazing.