You have to make Series or Film about my Cat, Wallace (he's in pic related). Now give Me a synopsis

You have to make Series or Film about my Cat, Wallace (he's in pic related). Now give Me a synopsis.

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the spice must flow........

Warwick Davis fights your cat, he loses

ALF has to go to your house for some eason

Eats the cat


I come here to post something similar.

Wallace the cat (whose behavior is narrated by Ryan Godling, but the cat does not speak) bumbles his way into a career as a bank teller. Turns out he has a knack for customer service and upwelling financial products. Wallace starts his career at a local credit union to help user pay the bills, because he loves user very much. But Wallace the cat is soon sought after by a big bank for his talents. Wallace must make his choice between familiar comfort and 'doing what feels right' or a shot at a gold-plated litterbox.

Featuring Robert Pattinson as the big bank's hotshot CEO, Christina Hendricks as Anons Mom, user as user and John Goodman as the gentle credit union manager.

You die alone, unloved and un-noticed.
The film itself is a three-week timelapse with photos every 5 seconds of your cat eating your corpse.

he invents a cryto currency

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He sires a litter of kittens, one of whom grows up to become Taylor Swift

A slice-of-life series, focusing on Wallace's midlife crisis

Dunston checks in but with Wallace instead of Dunston

hello Wallace

Comfy cat is comfy.

LOST but with cats.

Just film your cat all day doing cat things, but in black and white and make a noir internal monologue for him.
>When a cat's toy is lost, he's supposed to do something about it.
>It doesn't make any difference that you didn't play with it anymore.
>It was your toy and you're supposed to do something about it.
>And it happens we're in the feline detective business.
>Well, when one of your toys gets lost, it's-it's bad business to let the human who moved it get away with it, bad all around, bad for every feline detective everywhere.
*Cat Spade shits in your shoes*

Dunecat forever!

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He's a good boy

*camera shot of owner sitting on his couch and looking around*
Oh shit someone took my blanket again..
Hey wait a minute...
*shot of wallace being comfy wrapped in the blanket and looking at the camera while winking*

>Strap a go pro to kot
>Wait 24 hours
>Slap some royalty free music over footage
>Set up a patreon with kot
>Enjoy free money uploading 1 video every 3 months

>Wallace is a cat in Pripyat in 1986

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he looks like he gives a cheeky bite now and again before letting you pat him


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