Chernobyl questions

1. Why were there no POC (people of color) on this show?
2. Why were there no attractive women on this show?

t. Chernobyl questioner

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Its Ukraine, and its Ukraine

1.HBO are racists
2.HBO don’t objectify women

Soviet Russia didn't have negroes. Or make-up. Even hot chicks look like shit without make-up.
Remember, women aren't hotter than you, they're just cheating.

>Even hot chicks look like shit without make-up.
American women maybe but you must never have seen a Russian cutie.

>Remember, women aren't hotter than you, they're just cheating.
literal incel

1. If the Chernobyl team had POCs (especially women of color) we could be assured that the tragedy would never have happened
2. *blocks your path*

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>Even hot chicks look like shit without make-up.
Ugly women have corrupted your mind

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Holy lmao, don't tell me you retard think that she isn't wearing makeup in the left pic HAHAHAHAHQHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OHNONONONO

>Americans are preparing a spy to infiltrate the USSR. He undergoes 10 years of grueling training in all possible spheres of Russian life: he ends up with an impeccable command of Russian, complete with a carefully tailored Northern accent, and finally, he’s parachuted into deep Siberian taiga. He walks only half a mile when he encounters a babushka who says, “Oh, hello, Mr. American Spy!” Astonished by such a catastrophic turn of events, the spy begins to methodically grill the babushka about how she could possibly recognize who he truly was, what with the language and the accent and the clothes. Long story short, she replies: “But sonny, isn’t it kind of obvious? You’re black.”

That's why.

Бля, я знaю, чтo ты бeйтишь, нo ты вce paвнo мyдaк гигaнтичecкий пpocтo

Don't you have some shithole Russian Yea Forums you be a faggot on? Why do you mongol invaders come to this board?

Why can't you just kill yourself?

Imagine falling this hard for a troll.

Nice take on the original joke

Better question:

Why didn't HBO show the American saboteur who caused the disaster?

>Soviet Russia didn't have negroes


Attached: There WUZ a black soldier in Chernobyl.png (832x594, 357K)

>there was this one so the Soviet Union was actually crawling with them the whole time

And he was sent to pick up radioactive shit.

there were at least 48 black persons in the show

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There were central asian looking people

>Soviet Russia didn't have negroes.

I thought a lot of Africans and Arabs went to study there.