Once Upon A Time In Hollywood


Lemme guess?

Leo and Brad kill Manson and save Tate...

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Hasn't this already been leaked?
And Sharon Tate is a karate woman or something?

Hollywood movies suck
Tarantulo sucks
his fans suck

le 32 minute standing ovulation man

If you made a movie you'd want to have a standing ovation too motherfucker.

Yeah and after 10 seconds i'd start telling the audience this is retarded and we should get on with our lives.

>Tarantulino flicks
He truly peaked with Pulp Fiction when he was 30 years old. Sad!

Well that's cause you know your movies suck and you're and awkward nelly.

True, I am kind of awkward but reason tells me the audience doesn't need to chimp out over a pop-flick. Can you imagine someone being "touched" personally by a tarantino flick?

It's more than a pop flick and the audience is cinefiles at a film festival, the best film festival built on traditions, it's a premiere of a terrific piece of art. It's not like he went into a regular theater and they clapped.

Exactly. It's a bias audience, bias topic (ah-bloo-bloo bad murder bois + hollywood porn) and you're looked down upon if you dont fit in by saying it was the greatest kino this decade.

Well by that retarded logic Everyone who goes to a Rammstein concert is a is biased towards Rammstein. What the fuck is the matter with your brain, user?

Well since it didn't win any awards, they're apparently not biased as you say.

Cannes doesn't usually like Hollywood

It's more complex than that user, cmon. A concert can be badly performed, but fans can still say it was great. What i'm saying, no film should have a 6 min ovation, except maybe if you see a David Lean picture in 1910 or something mental like that.

Yes, I saw some reviews of it that werent jerking his cock that much. I really hate fanboyism. I'd be the first to say Nolan became shit after he started making large 200gorilian dollar films, even though I respect him as a director. Half of bergman's films are lazy and boring and bad, one should be critical and not drool over a cool kungfu fight with 80s music.

I read that leaked spoiler and had to come the decision that QT is now officially a hack

I hope the movie realistically portrays Sharon Tate's feet.

Attached: Sharon-Tate-Feet-278841.jpg (1000x1000, 479K)

Makes you wonder why don't the best films of a certain year get 6 minute ovations on the regular? Oh, of course its the manchild reddit director that gets one.

Would you rather it be a fucked up functioning psychopath like you getting the ovation?

Reminder that Tarantino movies became shit right after Sally Menke was too dead to edit his autistic garbage into something worth a damn.

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David Lean in 1962
And Tarantino in 2019

Are about the same if you adjust for the inflation of the dying film industry, user. Tarantino is struggling to keep that old flame still alive and shitbreads like you keep trying to kill it.

>tongue biting smile
I would have killed the cunt myself

>marry shiksa
>life goes to shit
Polanski got goyed good.

W-was she always wearing pantyhose brehs?

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This. Django Unchained and Hateful 8 are unwatchable. So fucking bloated. She really did reign in his blowhard nature.

>inb4 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood comes out
And edits the shit out of your depression

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Exactly my biggest problem with Django. I knew something was fucked when there was a plain travel montage at one point. Shit like that never happened. Whenever characters were shown travelling before something else was always going on. It wasn't just aerial panning shots set to music. Then I learned Menke was dead and it clicked.

I rewatched Reservoir Dogs and it was still great

I rewatched Pulp Fiction and it was still great except for the Bruce Willis/creepy girlfriend scene.

I rewatched Kill Bill and couldn't believe I ever liked that fucking garbage as a teenager.

I couldn't make it 20 minutes through Inglorious Basterds before turning it the fuck off.

I couldn't make it to the end of Django Unchained's trailer.

What about OUATIH? Did your slow ass make it trough the trailer at least?

Probably not, she's the heart of the movie, so i doubt he'll be sexualising her. Margaret Qualley's feet are however in the trailer.