is real life funnier than movies now?
Is real life funnier than movies now?
Other urls found in this thread:
>that jaw
>that chest hair
based chad dabbing on the trannies by exposing their retardness
It's probably a random dude with a wig and makeup trolling them. At least I hope.
Yup, they can’t question or give advice to shave that hair because that would not align with their “no rules infinite genders” dogma. This is why they always end up eating their own. Someone is always more oppressed and marginalized, and someone will always make a wrong move and be destroyed.
>see her
see who?
Has anyone noticed how closely the MRA and TRA manifestos align? It’s like a sleeper movement for incels to try and have sex
based and jawpilled
The "real" him. Easily one of the 40%
hahahaha oh man
is that tooth rotting
>you're both beautiful and inspiring
The absolute state of the modern left.
commie here, these aren't our people
>commie here
How do you live with yourself knowing your political system is literally a worse alternative to what we got today?
That being said, why don't American trannies put any effort into looking like women? Trannies in places like Thailand or Brazil manage that just fine
oh no
>a man telling women how to dress
>a man defining what it is to look female
^^^ can confirm. went to leftypol once to have a laugh and i opened an "unpopular opinions" thread and like 60% of the posts were about tranoids. heartening to see nobody is comfortable with them
Bunch of plebs you all are
Is it because Americans are inherently lazy people?
The only people who don’t think trannys are mentally ill are trannys and people who have mental health issues
white "MEN"
Wow, literally have sex you tranny caveman.
Imagine actually liking traps, yeesh
And the Democratic party. And the World Health Organization.
This is fake.
Isn’t shaving your chest like the first thing you would do as a trannie?
Which I find baffling. If dysphoria isn’t a mental issue where does it come from then? The pancreas?
>b-but Marx would have hated trannies and he said some mean things about religious jews once
His economic philosophy (and all those that sprouted from it) was, is, and will forever be shit. It's only touted today because pseudointellectuals call it science and useful idiots call it religion
Guy looks like a cat
Don't compare this awesome man to that monster
how do I get a jawline like that?
Some women have vaginas
Some have penises
Some have facial hair
Some don’t
Some have body hair
Some don’t
You. Don’t. Get. To. Police. Women’s. Bodies. Transphobic shithead
it being fake wouldn't change the fact that the reactions are funny
>how do I get a jawline like that?
Cherubism. It's an actual deformity. That man is also dead too.
Crazy how their true selves are always incredibly stylized aesthetic young white women and never a fat sheboon with a lazy eye
Is like otherkins who are always dragons and wolves and never a fucking pug or a cockroach
Bunch f fags itt
Dude looks like "elite" warrior that gets sent out when the pretty twink protag fails
convince yourself
Not necessarily. Some of them believe that biological sex doesn't exist and that there is no biological basis for gender. If this is the case then I, right now, as a fat hairy 6'2" man could declare myself to be female, make absolutely no changes to my physical appearance or behavior and still be female.
Almost as if they're actual women
i'd fuck his boipucci.
wouldn't go anyhwere near the mouth tho
your board admin is a dick sucking tranny
>the name "idpol" is literally a fucking right wing meme used to silence leftist, and by repeating it you are helping them, but sure go on shitting on queer ppl and womens liberation, doing mental gimnastics to prove that it somehow makes you the leftiest of the left
>another great victory for white straight working class dudes!
whoa.... these people are just like me and my fellow 4channelers...
To all enablers of this shit out there, this here is proof of the mental illness behind every single tranny. A completely delusional view of themselves that they expect others to accept. If I went around telling people I’m the second coming of Christ, would you accept my delusion?
This is just sad man. Fucking mentally ill people and leftist twats indulge them in it.
And what do you think of the mods and jannies on Yea Forums?
Modern Marxist clubs are saturated with trannies and other degenerates and everybody knows it, Dimitri.
>How do you live with yourself knowing your political system is literally a worse alternative to what we got today?
Fuck that; It's a worse system compared to ANY POSSIBLE system, not just the systems we do have today.
Even the worst fascist dictatorships killed less of their own people than Commies did.
those are just liberal larpers
>Yea Forums admin is a degenerate
Thats par for the course? noone expects these mods to be a 40 year old white male working a blue collar job in the midwest with a blonde haired wife
>the Democratic party
Democrats literally admit that their party is the party "for the mentally-ill".
they're dick sucking trannies too trying to keep the white man down
but they didn't make the board nor do they represent anons, they're a separate class of fags who smell each others farts on IRC
your tranny admin is just a microcosm of your entire thing
You wouldn't suck her dick? Liar lol...
>56%ers most likely to be gay
>project harder than anyone else they’re straight
O I am laffin
Is there a single passable 3d trap? Step your game up
>I-I-It's not REAL Marxism!!!...
Every fucking time.
>56%ers most likely to be gay
Cool citation there, Nigel.
Not how it works, reddit-spacing cuck.
It’s literally in the post I’m quoting, cock sucker
True but real communism hasn't been tried because it's probably impossible in practice. Just like how a real free market has never been tried.
Do you really think it is so easy to gain the approval of the lefties?
Slapping a wig on yourself, making a selfie on reddit and writing a pretentious post?
Answer the call.
It literally is
>I’m a lady!
>uh, you sure?
>I’m a lady!
>yas kween slay you’re stunning and brave
>thnx hun x
It is literally that easy. Tow the company line or get eaten alive
It literally isn't, retard.
Would nut in that boipucci
dat ganked tooth
Yes. It literally is. It happens all the time.
100% of liberal acceptance comes from toeing the line, just like 100% of liberals scorn comes from even minute deviation from that line.
didn't realize ichiya was real
You would at least shave your fucking chest if you went to all that effort looking like a bitch, unless this is a shit post
nonsense user, you're our special boy
Tough call. I’d fugg this bitches ass, but I’m not into sucking dick. Dat bulge tho. Life is complicated
Yes and it’s treatable. Treatment regime is a litre of bleach delivered orally every 4 hours for 3 days
i dont know
Leftists are more fundamentalist than the fucking Taliban.
So literally everybody can become a tranny if only for the trend. Because who is going to prove it to me I am not a tranny/gay/non-binary? All I have to do is to scream "bigot", loudly enough and I'm set for life - red carpets everywhere.
Wonder how many people came to the same conclusion.
No. And I wouldn't go near that ass either. Because I like women. Biological women. That's just a very confused boy.
It’s only a “tough” call if you’re a faggot because it would involve coming out. For anyone with a normal, functioning brain it’s not a tough decision at all
that's just a liberal larper
>Wonder how many people came to the same conclusion.
Literally every tranny that BTFO of a woman’s sporting event record
And watching the liberal backlash when former elite female athletes ask if there’s a problem with this. Rachel McKinnon gives me a constant supply of kekz
Stunning and brave.
share with the rest of the class user
top kek
They don't like themselves, and are losers, and they engage in escapist fantasy where they're an idealized person.
>Yeah I'm an ugly slob, but I"m actually a beautiful dragon on the inside".
95% of trans are just depressed anxious gay sand lesbians btw.
>all trannies are ug-
Funny thing is - even the doctors don't have a valid way to diagnose a transgender person. Their diagnosis pretty much goes: " if a person claims they are transgender, accept it, start treatment and move on". They don't even have a valid working medical definition of what "being transgender" even entails. Because this "soul trapped in a wrong body" and "gender dysphoria" is extremaly vague from medical standpoint. But you don't want your career ruined by a twitter mob, right?
Jfc chad genes wasted
well damn.
Who is this cutiepie?
What's her name bros
>anything jump out as being masc?
The adam's apple, the broad shoulders and the fact he has no tits
The trans thing is just normalizing like effeminate younger males. Think about it. All the "hot" trans are 17-21 year olds. After that they stop being hot and they're forgotten about.
Throughout history a lot of gangs have been banging teen males, typically 14-19.
And crooked legs.
and yet that picture shows 2 white guys holding hands. gonna be real, i have never seen a gay guy that wasn't white
I'd have sex with him (no homo) because I like cross dressing sissies, but he still doesn't quite look female.
If this is wrong I don't want to be right
Ask that CIA feminist asset, Gloria Whatsherface, how did not 100% acceptance of this bulshit work out for her.
>gonna be real, i have never seen a gay guy that wasn't white
A huge amount of black gay guys, but they keep it secret. They even have a name for it.
Damn. I'd fuck her alright
>his username is "confussled a bit"
you're gonna have to elaborate on that user
And I have a feeling that some of his sex parts might not work correctly.
>a huge amount
>no evidence besides a slang term neither i or any of my friends and family have EVER heard
keep coping. i'll believe what my eyes tell me, and thats EVERY single gay guy i've seen was white.
>how your Mom says you look like:
>how you actually look like:
Kek, totally forgot about this classic. Uncomfortably precise.
They hate Contrapoints and Anarchopac because they got in a retarded squabble with Jason Unruhe and it's now tankies vs trannies.
voice and mannerisms, probably. simply seeing him walk ruins the illusion
>no evidence
the first post you replied to was literally a study, which you ignored in favor of
>i'll believe what my eyes tell me
despite asking for evidence in the previous sentence
you're definitely a low iq black, i'll give you that. you keep coping.
I can right now google the biggest socialist orgs in the US and it will be muh trannies, muh dindus top to bottom, you disingenuous cocksucker.
Reminder that it was Stalin who was pushing for international hate speech laws after WW2 to protect muh marginalized groups, with backing of satelite states and islamic nations.
You have seen a ton of gay/bi men, they're just never open about it.
Amerian blacks are hyper religious, under-educated, and filled with bigotry towards gays.
this stalin guy sounds based
I feel like her butthole probably works fine
>no search results after typing in that """""study""""
>never once asked to be presented evidence
actually retarded or are you trolling?
Lifelong feminist Gloria Steinem (if you see some feminist cancer in a form of movement or legislative she was most likely behind it) got completely scraped off of academic stages and deplatformed under the same talking points as the conservative speakers routinelly are, because she refused to recognize trans women as real women.
I hope she will push it even harder and her former drones beat her to death with rusted pipes.
lmao all these faggot commies on damage control
>hurr durr I went to this place once and they said they didnt like them
>heh bet you didnt know the left doesnt have actual trannies
well no one believes you because the left actively pushes for tranny acceptance, so what is the next step in your master plan?
>N-N-NO!!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING /POL/BROS!!!! THEY TOLD ME THERE WERE MORE BLACK GAYS THAN WHITES!!!! (despite no evidence, other than "t-they just hide it")
>have sex
Liberal. Larpers.
Same as how most of /pol/ pretends to be nazis but are just capitalist cocksuckers.
I don't wanna. Ever again.
A lot of people came to that same conclusion way before you did.
El goblino...
>i-it's just a larp
welcome to the madhouse
>that forced smile on the womens' faces
They know it isn't fair but they DAMN SURE aren't allowed to say anything.
here you go friendo, i googled it for you and i was easily able to find it. keep. coping.
>We don't live in clown wor-
YES! Please tell me what to do with my life!
Black males literally have more estrogen than the males of any other race.
You can look this shit up, faggot.
nice adam's apple ma'am
Is this another case of commieshit thinking that 'per capita' is a tool of white supremacist heteronormative patriarchy?
Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.
>falling for his bait
c'mon....I mean...c'mon. it wasn't even a bait. he was being sarcastic. what the fuck guys?