Mfw I googled Chernobyl and it's actually a real thing

Mfw I googled Chernobyl and it's actually a real thing

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>PБMК reactor exploding
yea, nice joke faggot

mfw I google "vagina" and it's actually a real thing

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you're being ironic but consider for a moment that there are thousands of americans having that experience unironically

>yfw it's actually a real city


If Chernobyl is real why didn't they send a Snapchat of the reactor to Gorbachev

mfw I googled hitler and he's actually a real person
wow that explains allot of awkward stares

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I'd completely agree if it wasn't for the fact that American media milked the shit out of Chernobyl to show how shit the USSR was (rightly so)

I googled the US crime statistics and now I feel a strong urge to say a certain word...

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>Drop two nukes on another country for no real reason then to flex
>Nuclear powerplant has an accident
>Wow the USSR a shit

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The difference is ours was intentional

USA had a nuclear power plant blow up first, too. We didn't nearly blow up and actually irradiate all of europe with ours though.

Yeah, you just poisoned your whole population with shitty teflon pans

no, we poisoned OUR whole populations with shitty teflon pans. we being multinational corporations, nothing to do with states.

Wtf, she supports white supremacy?

Thanks doc.

Why would I watch a dumb tv show when I can see what Pokemon creatures live there in Pokemon Go!

That was real? I saw that movie I thought it was all bullshit

Bong reporting in. We’ve got zoomers here who didn’t know it’s real too, even though this country actually got some of the fallout.

I knew what Chernobyl is but never really understood what happened or how much of a deal it was.

>african-american education

I saw that movie, i thought it was bullshit

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Dutchfag here, the only thing about Chernobyl I knew before watching the show was that I couldn't eat spinaz anymore because it could be irradiated

google lies to you

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>this country actually got some of the fallout
no need to state that, its quite noticeable

>Communism only problem was a meltdown they had once
>No real reason to bomb Japan
This poster is delusional.

you eat soap?


Okay so in the late seventies, Americans and the west were getting tired of Middle East entanglements so an antinuclear push began in response to three mile island and Chernobyl. Now again in 2019, Americans and the west are growing weary of Middle East entanglements so all of a sudden, we need to revive the memory of Chernobyl so Americans and the west don’t get any funny ideas about abandoning the Middle East. The main reason we have to be involved in the Middle East is jizzrael, so what a weird coincidence that whenever the people grow weary of those terrorist states, (((some people))) start manufacturing ways to dissuade people from nuclear power. “It’s concern for the environment goy!” he claims while dropping white phosphorus and depleted uranium shells on Palestinian children.