Kinos about the duality of man?

Kinos about the duality of man?

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To give a non-meme answer: The Human Condition

You may now continue the shitposting


this "art" makes me sick

Fuck off male, you’ll never know the pain of femcels.

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Tipping at Burger King???

why did he change shirts on the same day

>be nigress IRL
>draws herself with unspecific racial origins in 2D

what does this mean???

what's with the lines on their faces that look like glasses?

They're glasses


This is like when the Powerpuff Girls met the Rowdyruff Boys

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You can tell a woman made this because it sucks and isn't true at all.

I persume they are, indeed, glasses

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When did Chris change the subject of his stories to real people

What is this even trying to say?

People automatically being more fond of people they find sexually attractive is pretty basic stuff.
It’s based on pic related b t w, he was bullying ugly girls in his other posts.

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This site is Chris Chan tier.

What the fuck how old are these comics

how dare you interrupt it even for a single post

Someone linked the femcel sbreddit here once. I recommend reading the top posts, it's hilarious stuff
>cute as fuck grills thinking they aren't cute and need fucking plastic surgery
>roasties who fucked their way through highschool going "reeee I want a real emotional relationship I'm so lonely"
>more delusions than on /r9k/

Femcels are real, they are ugly as fuck but put there standards at average so they get no sex. There was one in my class last semester and she was throwing obvious hints at me. It felt good as fuck to turn her down, after all the times I got rejected in high school.

Reddit: Not even once

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What does the artist look like

As an attractive male specimen, formerly average.
I can safely say it's untrue, because when you aren't looking at an ugly girl they cease to exist.
Don't think even an ugly dude would think about her enough to "vent" online about her.

>taking pleasure in rejecting others
take pleasure in people you don’t care about liking you


Can we see an IRL picture of the artist?

Fat ugly dark pimple faced goblin beaner. She was into anime and shit so i wouldn't be surprised if she wishes she were a pale asian chick.

It feels even better when you are attracted towards them, but you're cruel anyway and tell them you aren't interested.

look at her in the last panel without them, and with glasses on the bed. hmmmm

Wait, what.
I am not very good with newest meme slang, but ain't "incel" a bad thing? Is she calls herself femcel with some kind of sarcasm?
I can't understand you all fuckers anymore

So as dumb as r9k. Would she date Dobson?

Cant risk that shit. Its pretty rare I like a girl and she likes me back.

Incel was initially just what incels called themselves, it only became negative later on

why do you think this. she's a black caribbean

why doesn't she draw the top part of them? this art is shit

It would get too crowded. It looks like crap but it’s actually one of the best decisions in her art.

There are no pictures of her face AFAIK. Just a few of her hands.

So in this pic she admits she could easily get laid but chooses not to because her standards are too high

Inside info: When I worked at a sandwich shop I encouraged people to get the sandwiches toasted because sometimes they were sitting in the display fridge for days and the bread had gotten stale. When they're toasted, you don't notice. If they ask if you want it toasted, say no, get the sandwich, feel the bread. If soft, say "actually I would like it toasted". If stale, send it back and ask for a freshly made one.

As if girls aren't the same, or worse
as if girls don't act giddy around hot men in public
as if girls aren't utterly repulsed by ugly incels

Why didn't she give him what he ordered?

The lesson here is that any kind of "cel" deserves a swift death so the rest of us are spared from their pathetic self pity


> shut-in anime nerd who actively avoids contact with the opposite sex is mad they arent getting any

She would cut off your balls in your sleep

here you go

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I stalk their subreddits so much that I recognised this one on sight lmao
She's 16 and fakecel

>Edgar Allen Poe
what is she, 14?

post her face already

at home, on reddit

How has no one infiltrated the private discord already

If you are a virgin woman literately the only thing preventing you from having sex is downloading the tinder app and having a ride

>tfw the incel one looks exactly like me
o-ok :'(

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Ok here

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Nice try, damn estonian

lmao this is actually me in female form

ahahahha, no.
I studied at tech uni in 2006 and you wouldn't believe how ugly tech girls was there. There were 5 girls and 40+ guys (only in that group), yet no one fucked them in span of 5 uni years.



Is that zyzz in the bottom right of the panel??

Black women are where are Asian men are on the dating totem pole, the least desirable. With Asians, that's outside of their control but black women repel most men with their personalities a lot.

I'm sure there really are exceptions

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She definitely doesn't look great but you should never underestimate how horny guys can get

>last seen: everywhere
How do we protect our ladies from the incel menace?

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black girls look like THAT?

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To be fair, sex doesn't have the same meaning for girls as it does for guys, since it doesn't carry validation with it in girls.
Girls can get fucked whensver they want but it doesn't mean the guy likes them. If a girl lets you fuck her, it usually carries the meaning that she likes you.

I really like how similar her art is to classic Chris Chan, it's uncanny

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It's usually the only way to 'win'

she's white but she's got them big nigger lips.

Dude, its more easier than ever for some dumb slut to get laid. Like there is a literal fucking computer program where she has men from all over the state and even world ask her out. And she gets to choose.

Incels ; "i just want a human being to touch me bro"


somebody post the pic of the craiglist single mom disfigured landwhale that still got an entire inbox full of horny men wanting to fuck and take care of her

most incels say that a hooker wouldn't count - and if they're allowed to claim that then i think it's fair for a woman to say that exploitative desperate hate-filled shamesex by a possible serial killer type who spits on you afterwards probably wouldn't be a way to break the drought either

I think it’s something triggered by autism. There’s that one incel who does cartoons on middle school line paper who also has that style.

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I said exactly that, but sex doesn't seem appetising to them because they know any guy would fuck a random hole. In men, getting fucked by some random girl is an ego-boost.
In women, getting fucked by some random guy means that guy horny, and wasn't going to start a relationship with them anyways.

that's not her is it?

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No. Just a picture I came across when I googled the username.

Don't be knocking on my nigga Poe, bitch. He's a real nigga

For what it's worth I agree with you, I was just challenging the assumption that nobody would have sex with her. I'm sure plenty of people would, it would just be some horny indian guy or 60 year old rapist

literally Lovecraft for girls

ain’t that the truth
every time a self indetified incel posts anything it’s clear that most of them are just bitter assholes

no he's dead

>not appreciating the work of Edgar Allen Poe
what are you, 16?

see, that might actually be true. false positives are a thing user

Post girls from femcel forums

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>being plain is being ugly


thats a female mindset alright

thank you based sandwich artist

no way this bimbo isnt flooded with attention

I doubt it

>Posted in r/Incelselfies by u/TayTayOkay

If a female can't find a partner she's mentally ill. Plain and simple.
I'd even argue that the vast majority of mentally ill ones still have many partners.

White girls with dark hair and eyes are pretty boring and vanilla but she looks fine

Substantially prettier than 99% of girls I see on Timble and Bumble in my area

this says her name is zoobienana. i was referring to the author of the femcel comics

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Me on the bottom right

The story behind this one is disturbing

Explain then.

What is it? she looks pretty good to me.


zashienana. Which I googled. Like the other guy I came across this pic: . Clicked a related thumbnail and saw that trainwreck which Google has cached as the greentext I posted. So, not her. Plus she's black.

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she doesn't look fat

What is it? She cute imo

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What's emcel??

usually girls have clear handwriting, that must be why she is a femcel. anyways found her pic related

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she’s Asian and a ton of plastic surgery to look white


this cunt must be fucking delusional if she thinks she's actually involuntarily celibate

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Emotional cel.
Whores who get laid every weekday but can't find a permanent man

femcel exist, a tv show made for teen girls tell me so

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Oh, as much as we joke here, that is sad. To hate yourself for reason you can't change and not at least be black is terrible.

Fair warning

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Some hoax started on /pol/
They pretend to be women who can't find a partner because they fucked too many guys and can't make an emotional connection

>by Stephen

Sort of funny

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racecar johnny easter egg

>femcels always talking about how mysoginist incels are as if they ever dated one

Fuck you man ;_;

What does Shaun look like?

isn't Natty drawn by a man?

This faggots comics are all the same.

didn't he make his logo a skull to try and reclaim the symbol from "right wingers?" From what I can tell he's just hbomberguy without the shit vidya opinions

Doesn't chris chan consider himself a girl now? Is this another case of our universe reaching the point of singularity?

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at 16 I read Camus but you didn't see me drawing a comic about it

Anyone who orders above medium is sick and evil.

lol that's a woman on the right?

I remember back in high school there was this one girl that really really liked me. She even joined our D&D sessions just to get close to me. Felt bad rejecting her but had to do it since she was getting following me too much

who else here /welldone/

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Why are leftists so retarded bros? Is this what happens when you don’t believe in biological determinism?


>their hair grew long because there was nobody to look after them


What a weird world we live in


what the fuck this is advice for chinese people how to buy land in australia reee why did you show me this now im gonna be fucking down the rabbit hole

>do you like brown guys

lel, the amount of times dudes start off with this

seething reditard

Bitch got capital gums and lowercase teeth

back to twitter you go, nigger

To be fair, well done, crispy pork/lamb chops are fucking delicious.

Nope, hookers are not really sex and they are not into you. A fugly women can get fucked and have someone actually be into them, and do not need to pay money. Fuck off with this
he wants to fuck you, that's more than most incels will get.

She's literally a qt tomboy.

You don't pay them to be into you. You pay them to suck your dick and so you don't have to talk to them much before or after.

>sex is love
Horny men are not even close to having the proper feelings to for anyone other than themselves. You really think a depressed woman wants some ugly manlet fucking her, and suddenly all her problems are gone?

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If you aren’t a race realist in 2019, you are just straight up indoctrinated and there’s no hope for you. The only people who should even be allowed to have political opinions should be people who have any understanding of genetics/biology. I bet (you) think there are 200 genders and watch contrapoints and destiny. Fucking mental midgets, I swear.

Literal NPC /pol/tier opinion right here
Grow up

>I bet (you) think there are 200 genders
Well it's more like infinite genders, since anyone could make up their own gender and it would be valid

I tried to go on /r/femcels but that doesn't even have 200 subscribers and doesn't have any of what you're talking about, which sub are you talking about?


it's bold. i like it

Woah hey fuck you thats uncalled for.

We're not indian men

just keep living in your own little world buddy

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Why do all her characters have that massive fucking mole in their face?

>half life T-shirt
based incel

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>dark hair and eyes

Reminder that formatting subreddits as r/subreddit rather than /r/subreddit exposes you as a zoomer who started using the Internet after 2015. Even if you don't use Reddit and never have, it's enough of a presence that you should know how to format a subreddit

why is her hand not black


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who are you saying this to? the girl who drew the comic? you think she hasn't got bigger problems

read more poe retard

A "man".

LonelyWomen is qt

India is in Asia

I honestly prefer crispy, burnt flesh to metallic oiliness like 90% of the time.

>calls others zoomers
>has unironic opinions on fucking reddit URL etiquette of all things

this is a seinfeld ep

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cute but very insane look

t. r/etard, if I were you I'd /r/econsider my life

t. came to Yea Forums all the way back in 2016 and proud of how much of an oldfag he is

Please post a picture of yourself, I want to laugh at you even more

>mfw 14 year olds think it's normal to post your personal info all over the internet and post pictures of yourself on fucking Yea Forums

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>Punished Emcel
>A Woman Denied her Chad

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>draws herself as a gook
>says she's black
>isn't black

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t. hasn't read either

I want those hands on my tiny dick desu