Omg Keanu is so based that he used to date a tranny

Google "Jamie Clayton" faggots.

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Did they fugg?

Of course

boy these trans fellas sure live rent free in the minds of people on this forum

faggots and their enablers need the rope

Kill yourself faggot scum

T. Closeted incel

what does Claire Forlani have to do with it

reddit nigger


They keep trying to fit in and play along with us, and we keep showing them how that'll never happen. Go dilate.

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Traps who keep their penis are unironically based.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Hi guys I've dumped my head in /lgbt/ for a few hours before coming here you guys shouldn't talk bad those guys are just retarded

Kill yourself faggot scum

T. Virgin

I keep seeing these posts. It’s gotta be a bit triggered by a set of words. Kek

that's unironically based though

You first incel.

Kill yourself faggot scum


Bot, I meant.

i'll dilate your butthole with my femdick :P

>Keanu is a good person who generally loves everybody
This is supposed to be a bad thing?

Kill yourself faggot scum

Thanks that actually make me giggle.

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tranny fuckers should be executed

they do. they can invade female spaces and brainwash kids into mutilating themselves and all the libtard faggots are like "so brave! hjiab empowering!"

Thats based as fuck.

Time for a conspiracy theory.
These dilate posters are actually trap/tranny lovers, but they hate when they chop off their dicks. They're trying to get them to stop doing that as often so they still have their penis.

did you know that they've done studies and found out that vocal homophobes are more likely to be homosexuals than non-homophobes? food for thought



Sound mentally ill either way.

I dont fear the faggot, I'm just fed up with being exposed to their faggotry constantly. Kill yourself faggot scum.


It's not a conspiracy it's the cold hard truth or should I say warm because they love their warm feminine penises

and a couple months later he made a post about how modern times suck because men are no longer men and women no longer women. he basically gave that lifestyle a fair chance and then rejected it. it's extremely based.

They are mentally ill

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This is who he's dating now.
>yfw this woman is 12 years YOUNGER than him

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It's ok Katie. You'll soon be a beautiful woman like the rest of us.

Still looks like a tranner, huh.

Kill yourself faggot scum

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kek I don't understand, why?
Probably tons of 20 -something year olds he could get with, why choose this old hag.

Lol.. I hear this EVERYTIME I criticise faggots.
"If you hate faggots & Pride month, u must be a repressed faggot yourself ! ahah gotcha!"

So If I criticise a zoophile, do I love to fuck dogs ? If I hate pedophiles, am I a secret pedophile ?

Fuck faggots, I hate muslims but let me tell you that everytime there is a muslim who beat up a faggot or throw him of a roof I thank that guy.

Killing faggots should be seen as public service.

You don't have to be afraid of homos to be a homophobe.
Nobody actually speaks Latin anymore and modern English has bastardized so many words the literal root doesn't matter. Whether your homophobia is a matter of anger, fear, disgust, or anxiety, the fact that you have such a strong emotional response to something other rational people couldn't give 2 shits about means there's something deeper lurking in your psyche causing you to act this way.
Get help.

wow, he's just like me...

Yeah i love fucking spiders, dumb fuck queer,

There's nothing rational about cutting your dick off, there's nothing rational about taking pills to grow tits, there's nothing rational about larping as a different gender.

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This is not an argument.

traps arent gay, i banged a trans pussy once and it was pretty good desu, tight and no smell

its only gay if they havent had surgery and even then its barely gay because their penis and balls have shrunk and the hormones make them smell like girls

>This is not an argument

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i haven't said anything about all that other shit you brought up in some sad attempt at false equivalence. they've specifically done studies and have noticed that homophobes are more likely to be homosexual


Kill yourself faggot scum

based and trannypilled

Now are we talking about gays or about trannys? Pick the thing you're hating here dude. Most importantly, why do you care what other people do to themselves? Why are you so obsessed with trans people of not because you're repressing a fascination you're too ashamed to face?


It's more about being able to blend and finding someone who reminds you of your late sister

thinking about how supremely gay this post is desu

Cool out of context opinion piece. Are you seriously insinuating you're not also trying to indoctrinate kids into hating these people?
Also not an argument.

you keep repeating that lime its some revelation., its not. have you done your research? do you know whst their shaming tactic was before that?

>child sex
child rape*

Okay as a "homophobe" most guys don't say they're homophobes because they know it's social sucide.
That's shit people keep on the downlow.
I've seen people more likely to admit to racism than hating the gays.
What I'm saying is I think this study is self selective of a kind of person, most homophobes such as myself just do an 180 degree turn when the topic of homosexuality gets brought up, they wouldn't participate it a gay study, for example.

Dad you are just the living end! Sneed!

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you fucked a mans asshole faggot, who cares if it was wearing perfume. Faggot.

>gays or about trannys
they're all faggot scum

And there's nothing wrong with that

i only keep repeating it because it gets copey (you)s every time i do it. it's fun to see these people squirm when you throw statistics at them

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Traps confirm


no i fucked a trans womans vagina i never had sex with a pre op trans and its not perfume the hormones make them smell like girls naturally and it makes their skin soft and stuff

>trans womans
thats a man, youre a faggot.

but it wasnt in the ass it was in the vagina

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I support it but picked burn as a joke

I have sex with guys sometimes but only if they're cute and jacked like me

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are traps gay?

men don't have vaginas faggot.

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its settled then, traps are NOT GAY

Kill yourself faggot scum

We have this thread over at everyday come join us!

currently only 1 person out of 7 doesn't support the LGBT on 4channel. pretty inspiring, i would say

My point still stands that you have a weird, almost fetishistic, obsession about the sexuality and sexual behavior of other people. What's the fascination? Why is it, for lack of a better phrase, living in your head rent free?
This is one of the most common moralistic logical fallacies of all time. Not all people with children agree with your bigotry. It's not your job to raise the world's children.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Fuck you bro don't tell me to kill myself I'm a fucking veteran

Why can’t trannies just be gay? Aren’t gays flamboyant enough?

>old repost
But who have they raped lately?

Is that the sense 8 tranny?



of the good ship lollipop?

sounds based to me

Cus bro you can't get curves like this as a fag

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thats his mom

That fucking faggot went and got fat. smdh

nothing is going to change tranny, your discord will continue to spam and so will i. kill yourself faggot scum.


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Kill yourself faggot scum

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you've been letting us down you lazy mutt

Once you’re older than 15 you might realise, like based Keanu knows, your girlfriend shouldn’t be the absolute sexiest person you can get to sleep with you. Unless you’re a vain personalitylet retard just like the instathots he could be fucking, in an ltr it’s more important to have someone you actually like, respect and find good company. Find a girl who’s somewhat attractive but who you can see as an equal and who you can enjoy every aspect of spending time with, from being in bed to having dinner to being on the phone talking about what chairs to buy, that’s the secret to a happy, fulfilling relationship.
If she’s with you only because of your looks, status or wealth, the only fun part of your relationship will be the fucking and getting to show each other off in social situations, and that stuff gets old quick especially to that kind of woman. The moment she starts getting bored she’ll cheat with the first chad who hits on her, and there will be plenty of those. But a woman who’s smart, interesting and likes those things about you but who’s a 6.5-7 won’t ever even turn her head from you, and even the sex is better because of the emotional connection, she’ll be excited and enthusiastic to please you and her pussy won’t be worn out and desensitised from all the chads constantly railing her. She’ll also be more inclined to listen to you once she understands you’re smart and genuinely have her best interests at heart, instead of getting resentful about you trying to “control her” which is what happens with roasties.
I guess what I’m saying is find a girl you like as much right after you nut as you do right before. Based keanu understands this, I hope one day you can too

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Yeah Mother

>see as an equal and who you can enjoy every aspect of spending time with, from being in bed to having dinner to being on the phone talking about what chairs to buy

Bro I miss this so much also it only feels fucking good if the chick is hot and has nice boobies I tried this with a small titty itty bitty chick and shit wasnt as tight she just nagged along the way then I did it with this crazy ass bitch and that shit didnt work neither

Yes that is insanely based

I'm not on any discord and my dick is perfectly whole, thanks.
Does it scare you that regular people side against you with the trannies? Does it make you want to kill someone that outside of your echo chambers there's less of you than there are of us?

Kill yourself faggot scum

Kill yourself faggot scum

I think the grannies are over their periods at this point in their lives.

Ohh shit DELET

Not an argument ;^*

Bro chill with that scum shit you're just coming off super aggro

2 inches is not an effective enough dilation

Im a purebred. Suck my natural vagina. Making trannies Seeth by existing

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The asian side in him striked again.

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He also aids Israel tons of money

He is the opposite of based

Autists here just think he is as autistic as them, that's all

Keanu would have issues with you using that slur word.

anti degeneracy people here sure live rent free in some heads

Kill yourself faggot scum

Kill yourself faggot scum

Nah, just because he's an hapa faggots shill for him.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Wow, a 7 year old news.
God, why am here?

K looks wasted man

>It's real

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Fags with yellow fever needs to be neutralised from western society.

KiIl yourself faggot scum

have sex

get a bf to fuck you

Seriously, just come, raid if you have to, it's a whole new world

Kill yourself faggot scum

toxic male, you will die out soon cuz u dont get laid HAHAHA

Kill yourself discord tranny

>find a girl you like as much right after you nut as you do right before
Digits confirm, based and lovepilled

All unattractive trannies must fucking hang.

All unattractive incels must fucking hang

All trannies must hang

SJWs seem to be trying really hard to bring best boy down all of a sudden.

Go eat shit and die, faggot OP.

Imagine being this hurt over people who have literally no impact on your life. I would suggest you kill yourself but you will probably shoot up a school pretty soon anyway and the cops will do it for you.

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Kill yourself faggot scum

>”I tried with chicks with x physical characteristics, and it didn’t work out”
>choosing partners only based on physical characteristics results in an unsatisfying experience
Thanks for illustrating my point perfectly user

1 study suggesting this
10000 peer reviewed sources saying it’s retarded
The absolute state of university intellectuals


post those 10000 sources

I was pretty liberal about homosexuality and shit, still am but this chop ya dick off and make a new hole thing is stuff that makes me think of lobotomies or the trans able niggers .
like cutting your dick off to spite your body
and now the lgbt crowd is actively trying to get kids in with their shit I’m just not as cool with that as most people from discord

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I was with LGBT poofters until you go children and schools involved. I can’t wait for Muslims to fuck your shit up like in Birmingham, England.

everyone in this thread feed your cats.

There are no children who have genital reassignment surgery under the age of 18. And most trans kids who wish to transition before 18 also have to go through years of therapy and even then they are just put on hormone blockers, which is reversible if they don't feel comfortable with the treatment, and it's only in their teens that they start taking hormones. This idea that children are being forced into any of this is a boogeyman cooked up by your typical bigots who get their information from other bigots.

the vocal tranny haters are the ones who fap to trap hentai

Disinfo. Real trannies are made in the womb with hormones. There are loads of them. More than real people. Hollywood is full of them.

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Will I ever create a based financially independed company with best work conditions and wages?

Will I ever become rich and live lavish life style?



Is there after-life ?

did the tranny suduku?

why did they break up?

was freeing niggers a mistake?

Kill yourself kike child abuser