
I fucking hate Netflix so goddamn much. Now after watching this show every normalfaggot will think they're some kind of expert on chernobyl or some shit

Attached: D51FR3kUcAA0jDR.jpg (989x1200, 185K)

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I'm tired of this movie already. It wasn't even good. Also why are there so many threads about it? Do you faggots watch movies multiple times?


Yeah like you dont find it unsettling how every atom is like at bullet that is firing for a billion years because of the of mistake regarding the positive void cooparation.



Now playing stalker has become cringe for me and everytime someone mentions chernobyl normalfaggots will jump to this show

Do you define your life in terms of contrarianism or some shit?

Stalker itself is a contrarian game since its considered meh by most normalniggers but a master piece by Yea Forums

Triple Frontier is great!

r/gaming did a poll a few months ago and it was in the top three user favorite games of all time

you need to go back

It's not even on Netflix you idiot


What the fuck? So mentioning something means I support it? I was literally insulting it, fucking kill yourself zoomer nigger

oh god isn't the summer over yet?

retard I learned it from a screenshot on Yea Forums, news can travel between websites you know

Get out of your cave once in a while man

>I fucking hate Netflix so goddamn much

It literally says "HBO" on the picture you posted, retard.


Attached: 1435350702869.jpg (324x299, 22K)

>show was made to raise awareness about an important historical event that many may not understand fully
>Yea Forumsfags mad that it raised awareness



Being contrarian gives my otherwise non-existent personality some definition

>literally the same exact fanbase as GOT

Tells you everything

yer hed

This was bullshit, as if a real Soviet minister would stand for this brazen disrespect

Attached: maxresdefault (24).jpg (1280x720, 93K)

I can't find it on Netflix?? I really want to watch it

>every normalfaggot will think they're some kind of expert on chernobyl or some shit

This is the unfortunate side effect of good pop-scienece

At leaste people are talking about it now.

>Soviet minister
Nigga last president of USSR was literally promoting Pizza Hat.
Imagine being this cucked.

Attached: mikhail-gorbachev-pizza-hut-ad-donald-trump-pizza-hut-russian-pizza-hut-ad.png (750x422, 87K)

It's just what always happens when a new generation of zoomies get exposed to a historical event they knew nothing about despite information on it being publicly available during their entire brief lifetime.
>like omg did you know some guy with an eyepatch tried to bomb hitler once? wowee rick

Fucking this. Now if I know about it this means that I watched the movie. Same shit happened with intersteller

If anything, he knew that television and product is a good way to garner popularity. He was ahead of the game, he learnt from people like Trump who were in films and adverts, such stuff helps get recognised not just as a figure, but being seen in things like that makes them more likeable as they're not so up their own ass.

However, the product being Pizza Hut and not some original Russian brand would be my complaint.
