asian """""men""""" lmao
Asian """""men""""" lmao
alot of these ABG bitches still fuck asian guys
what's it like having a gook gf, bros?
Based. Can't dodge the Rodge
I dated two asian women in university and a bit after and I have sworn off them ever since. They are by far the most boring generic type of person to exist. They never have any hobbies or interests. They exist purely to consume social media and be a "foodie". Even worse is the family because they would all be super glad that I was asian too even though I hate having to do all the asian shit like attend all the family shit and be asked all these incredibly personal questions for no reason.
Thankfully I met a girl at my church and don't have to deal with any of that
Please stop
what is this?
I love how he tries to act alpha but ends up coming off as butthurt and angry.
Have sex
based and farangpilled
isnt that the case for 90% of all women
BRB I'm gonna kill myself
>asian men are boring
>say asian women, the most boring race
Face it, they're made for each other
I'm an asian man and I agree with this.
at least they're not kikes or niggers
just be yourselves lads
Kek post it to r/asianmasculinity
>99% of all women
fyp fren
It's REALLY not. Literally all of my non-asian women friends are at least somewhat interesting. One is interested in rock climbing and hiking. Another is interested even just in like sewing and clothes making. Every. Single. Asian woman has horrible taste in music, film, literature. You know what they read? Tao Lin and a dozen self-help books that are titled something like "Fuck Laziness" or whatever.
sound more like your circle of friends are retarded. get out of your comfort zone and meet some new people
How do we uncuck ourselves, lads?
/r/asianmasculinty calls those types "bananarangs"
They spend their 20s fucking white guys then marry asian guys after riding the white cock carousal
you have to go back
Visiting r/asianmasculinity is a good start.
Take testosterone supplements and deal with the tiny testicles so you're angry and aggressive and fucking shit up
that's so cringe to be honest
It really isn't. That place is incel central. Everyone there is Elliot Rodger tier retarded/neurotic/psychotic.
a little manipulation and they can be unleashed to kill all the jews that are stereotyping them in media.
Don't take women so seriously. They don't know what the fuck.
Join r/hapas and r/asianmasculinity then spam cuck porn on Yea Forums with them
Someone must have sauce.
Yes I was kidding. I feel for Asians but the folks on that subreddit actually believe in a media-wide conspiracy against Asians, when women don't need to be told not to like Asians since they're shorter on average, have less prominent jaws, and have wide noses.
this. just be confident
big yikes
jews do fear the samurai
When I was in college, I would say maybe 80% of the asian girls were in a relationship with a white man. The worst part is my roommate was a white guy with an asian gf and I had to hear them fuck. It gave me a seething, burning hatred for asian women and white men. And now my little sister is dating a white man. Even back in our home countries, white men go have their way and make these stupid videos running around and fucking asian women. It is impossible not to be cucked as an asian man, the cuck is omnipresent. It's no wonder so many go insane like asianmasculinity. I can't wait for China to take over so we can give them this treatment.
I am trying mr. prime minister
why are women such whores bros
Guess what chang. All the money in the world cant make your typodong bigger
They are completely on-point about that though, the media does not portray Asian men in a positive light at all. They uplift blacks and degrade Asian men. And when they say "diversity" they always mean blacks. Asians get turned down in universities in favor of less intelligent blacks. Asian guys can't get a break.
China taking over isn't going to bag you a white woman if that's what you're thinking. You need to develop an interesting personality and gain some assertiveness.
I live in Japan, there's a rock gym in my town. Plenty of girls there. Maybe it's just westernized Asians that are bad?
Everyone has a whore mentality, some are just lucky enough to carry out their urges
>*tips fedora*
You know what signifies a really confident person and their ability to date women? Saving webms of people "cucking" each other and images about who marries who.
on the bright side theres like billions pf you sp it doesnt matter as much if your women are whores
tbf any dude would be mogged when standing next to Chad
how's the 3 incher treatin ya chang
>lived with an asian girl in college (student house)
>every 1/2 weeks she would bring a white guy back with her
>had to put up with their banging noises all the time
Oh well, at least she always walked around the house with no socks on - plus she made a deal to fuck me if i didn't lose my virginity by graduation time
t. micro dick
Don't get me wrong, a better treatment in media would incline some women to get a taste of Asian men but it wouldn't negate all chronic disabilities weighing Asians down, like the height thing. But you're right that women get tricked into trying out blacks on dubious reasons perpetuated in media, like the "muh BBC" thing, but I think they'd still get checked out by women since they tick off the "animalistic hook-up" women thirst for. On the other end, Asians are polite and well-educated so that isn't dropping panties any time soon.
Still I feel your complaints are valid. I would hate being a minority in a white country.
This exact situation happened with my black gf and a black guy trying to hit on her, but he didn't take it so gracefully. Got butthurt, called me a "punk ass white boy" and came real close to a chimpout attack.
white people
>I hate niggers and them chimping out. Why does the media love glorifying them when all they do is commit crimes and become homeless
also white people
>lmao FUCK asian guys, no matter how much money you make your women will always leave you for our BWC. Be more assertive and stop being betas all the time
white privilege doesn't exist
The most interesting girl i've ever known (and by interesting i meant attractive both at physical appereances and personality) was asian. And i'm saying this as someone who actually found AW to be the least desirable on my list.
"ror, finarery we are the economic top dog" - china
*ding dong
"yes, im the incredibly in good shape and viral white pool boy"
"wifes out back"- china
>Too soon, junior.
>my black gf
posts pics
Hey Zhang, you gook son of a BITCH - here's what's gonna happen, you slant eyed microscopic bug, don't fucking test me - you DONT want to TEST ME.
And then everybody clapped
You dont get at at all. White men dont hate asian men. In fact, we never think about them at all.
Asian men form whole support groups talking about white men.
Asian men never get mad at black or latino guys fucking asian chicks. they fucking rage at white guys though.
Clearly there is something about white men that sexually intimidates asian boys
girl is an actual q.t
Will whites ever recover from AMWF blowouts?
You do realize that there are almost twice as many chink men as chink women due to the previous one-child policy? That's a lot of sexless incel chinks. You think the dating market is fucked now? Imagine if there were only half as many women.
>he posts in a thread about asian men
uh ok
You sound like you're more into Asian men than Asian women iih
I really feel bad for you Asian bros. I have yellow fever and have fucked so many Asian girls, it turns me on to establish my dominance over you but it's still a sad state of affairs for you guys. I'd be happy if white women loved you Asian guys too and we could cuck each other happily, unlike niggers it never bothers me to see AMWF couples because you have respectable civilizations. But it must be hell to be the men with the lesser sexual market value, even if you do everything right. Do you hate WMAF as much as we hate BMWF? Being white feels like being in the middle of the cuck ladder.
t. gook
This reminds me of those nature documentaries in which one animal breaches on the turf of another and is quickly shutdown, like the elephant seal beachmaster that protects its harem from rival seals. We're not much more highly evolved than animals at all. The guy doesn't even acknowledge the existence of that poor humiliated gook who made the mistake of approaching her. Is there a law that states you can't interact or dance with a female that has already been 'claimed'?
that sounds so fucking sad
>that pic
>he thinks these are the same people posting both of these
I literally ignore 90% of the threads on this site. But I always, ALWAYS post in black girl/asian girl threads.
Wtf happened
then your black gf said "he cute"
Isn't it amazing that white incels actually exist? White virgins might actually be the most pathetic type of person
and then you woke up
>you will never make out with haru while you softly caress his butthole
>no homo
why haven't asian men realized they can find love once they crossdress?
can you imagine if a white guy was posting all these things and they don't even have an asian gf or have ever had sex with an asian woman
I don't get this Yellow Fever thing.
>fucking white roasties are all 100% thots who want YUGE NIGGERDICKS
>BASED pure Aznfus going for whibois like myself with BIG WHITE COCKS; they'll surely make great wives since they're traditional
I mean, isn't the "pure Aznfu" betraying her race for being with you, and pretty much behaves like a white whore with daddy issues, the difference being that (you) are the nigger in the scenario? Jesus people, this is either supreme hypocrisy or stupidity. Hell, all those channels where niggers run up to "random" white thots and they all scream "da Bee Bee Cee" are all staged. These are real. Your whole argument is based on race traitors betraying their people with (you) and that makes you feel good about yourself.
It's sad.
>Do you hate WMAF as much as we hate BMWF?
I hate these nigger threads but what can you do? Maybe blame the jews. I don't know.
I thought about writing out a post to the effect: I do not endorse this troll thread, but what good would that do other than rewarding OP with the attention he craves?
Yes, if you'd ever been in a relationship that wasn't pure degeneracy you'd know that doing things like that ruins the relationship in the long run
does anyone know the original youtube link?
>Imagine being their father.
Mad as fuck
I'm a white Chad and most asian dudes especially Vietnamese have bigger dicks then I
Africa isn't a superpower and white women still fuck black guys
There's no escaping, face it
white men live life on ez mode but pretend society is out to get them
>Talk shit about jews
>Dissapear forever
>Pic related calls for crusade against chinkoids
>Nothing happens
WHy run? Just stop, lay down, take your clothes off, and enjoy the next few hours.
White women are garbage. Its up to every man to attain a harem of one girl of every color
Asians aren't minorities though, they have their own cinema etc. There's literally more Asians in the world than any other ethnicity.