One ticket for gloomy, all white male cast facing adversity and becoming bothers, please

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>all white male cast

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Make one film that has what you speak of and is bad. Name fucking ONE you goddamn spic femchigger


>how could someone get emotional after publicly accusing them of gang rape
>what a sensitive baby lmao

But seriously, will this thread get deleted like /pol/ race baiting threads or are jannies truly trannies after all?

OP's question is legitimate.

So are threads asking why every Netflix original has an interracial couple. Those get deleted as a rule, this garbage is still up.

saving private Ryan

You seem so angry and uptight. Why not just live and let live, bro?


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Why don't you kill yourself faggot nigger?

I unironically prefer movies with a white cast. I cant identify with non white characters.

Pretty much proving my point there, buddy.

Why not?
It's just color.

Proving you're a faggot nigger newfag dicksuck cocksocket more like

Get pozzed homo

same reason blacks prefer movies with an all black cast and women with all female casts

old man seether

catch 22

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He had one hundred kegs
I mean, jesus

12 year old black dick sucking aids mitten


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brah, chill, dude. is just kids havin a laff, innit?

When are they bringing out RBG corpse? She must be putrescing by now.

yeah, this
he documented up to 40 or 60 with the goal of drinking 100 kegs with his friends. unconfirmed what he got to

American "humor"

Still hung up on this? Fuck man, /leftypol/ never forgets.

People from different races have different past experiences and cultures. In a dramatic scene I cant identify with their emotions.
Add to this that the movies are intended for a demographic that isn't mine, usually, the movies just are not designed to appeal to me as white Male. I can tell just by looking at the cast that I wont like it.
The more white males in the cast, the more likely it is that the movie was designed to appeal to me.

No one laughing here except your coastal jewish overlords you jizz gargling scroll zombie bisexual millennial faggot.

*perjures himself*
*gets sworn in to supreme court*

American Pie

>white men face adversity
>fight thier way out of it and become strong friends who make lasting memories. it goes unsaid that white men are quite possibly what fredicrh nizeche called "The ubermech"

>non whites face adversity
>fails to overcome adversity but the government creates a special program that lowers the standards of entry

little johnny appleseethe

RBG is already dead

Reminder that the only reason he was selected was because his political patrons knew he was such a stupid and pathetic partisan shill that he could be relied on to be a political running dog for their faction. He was chosen for anti-meritocratic reasons.

How the hell else would you become a Supreme Court Justice? It's the most political position besides being the fucking President.

That's how they are all chosen. That's they system you live under now. Once that will move towards civil war eventually.

China's century.

Well, non-whites ARE the females of races.

South v North again? Kinda boring isn't it?

reminder that the republicans are going to stack the supreme court and federal courts for at least the next 60 years and it all started because of the lack of ethics in video game journalism

>lack of ethics in video game journalism
Elaborate, faggot.

Pretty sure it will be a urban vs rural with a big helping of race thrown in type of war.

gamers rise up unironically, they have more balls than every other group that just bend over and surrendered

lurk for two years before posting.

Which side are you on?

>"The ubermech"
that's the japanese though?


gamergate and the attempted feminist take over of the industry

He is constitutionalist, which is good, while Clinton openly stated she will stack the SC with progressive activist judges and that constitution is fluid document.

I cannot wait for SC to scrap all the affirmative action horseshit due to the 47th lawsuit against the faggot cake guy and a flood of asian lawsuits against university admission practice.
Inreally want to hear leftshit flails around about it, especially since they openly flaunt all the discriminatory horseshit around, the adversity SAT scores being the latest.

He's honestly pretty moderate as far GOP picks go. He's to the left of most of the field there and has voted against their interests more than once.

But I suppose when a bohemian like Trump is 'literally hitler' to you everyone looks like a far right fascist.

>the adversity SAT scores being the latest.
run me down, buddy.

Reminder the only reason he was opposed was because of his sex and race.

>a bohemian like Trump
>doesn't drink
>doesn't smoke
>doesn't do drugs
>up at 5 AM
yeah, no.

Asians start with a negative score just for being Asian. blacks start with a positive score just for being black

...and he raped millions.


Secret rankings for college admission based on race. Asians are disadvantaged and blacks are advantaged.

>Trump is completely immoral look at all this lying, swearing and sex stuff he does

>wtf Trump doesn't blaze and wakes up on time for work every morning? What an old fogie he's so out of touch

You can just Google adversity score and SAT. It's been in the news. Whites are disadvantaged by it too. I assume "refugee" gets you bonus points.

Whit people are the real victims of racism.

that would be asian

Just google SAT adversity scores, while whites do get disadvantaged based on it, asians get absolutely shafted. It shines light on progressive scum because they bracket people into the 'asian' category, whether they are upper middle class japanese or bumfuck poor nobodies from Vietnam. Harward and Yale are currently flooded by lawsuits, and if this ends on the SC table, boy will it be a shitshow.

Are we talking about "adversity scores" specifically or in general? "Adveristy scores" are specifically racist against whites and asians.
If we are speaking generally whites are not the victims or racism. The white race bitch slapped and raped every other race on the planet. This is the white mans planet.

>Harward and Yale

Sounds good to me. I'll take 3 tickets for me and my bros.

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>The white race bitch slapped and raped every other race on the planet.
Sure, but what about now?

Now every race on the planet is desperate to work minimum wage for whites. A few exceptions that make money in entertainment or sport are highly promoted in the news so stupid non white people will keep coming.

I think east asians probably deserve some respect for building their own civilisation and they arnt just monkeys.

Band of Brothers