Incels, it's redpill time

Being a white male is the best way to live life there is. There's one caveat, you have to take responsibility. Stop blaming college rejection on affirmative action. Stop blaming not having a job on Mexicans. Stop posting racist crap to give yourself a feeling of superiority, actually become superior.

You're potential is limitless.

t. Former white male incel

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Simpsons thread

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I'm glad to see you finally had sex.


nice off topic shitpost thread

let's make it a dubs thread instead

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Even a homely woman can age decently if she stays unfat

Milhouse is selling sneeds

You first faggot.

Dubs and this is now a sneed thread

It's undeniably true. Not written about in the OP is
>Charisma, Assertiveness, Good Humour, and Personality can make a guy more attractive
>These things more often than not make a Woman seem like a cunt or an annoying bitch
I personally know many guys with faces not even a mother could love. But they are dating/married to 9s and 10s because they have focused so much more on the other factors that make a man attractive.

Facial attractiveness makes up a far, far larger portion of what makes a woman attractive than it does for what makes a man attractive. If you're an uggo, you can still become desirable, but it begins with your attitude.


>can't gain attractiveness through education

That's incredibly retarded and dishonest but ok you enjoy you waking nightmare world, go top it off with a dose of cnn and you'll be numb enough to finally chop your dick off.

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Everyone knows intelligence is correlated with attractiveness so either school is a giant scam or uggos are not studying hard enough

>t. Former white male incel
Have sex

some blackpills

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Serious question, which part do you disagree with?

It's pretty undeniable imo being female is only good if you're retarded, if you're successful it's nightmare mode. Just think how many articles there are about successful women struggling to marry, have you ever seen a single one about men?

nice. check these

Sneething incels

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>according to user
false, i never said that

I do not answer stupid questions.

Mexicans are parasites. They are basically slaves for rich white liberals and they make the wages low so everyone is poor.

>former white male
Lol that fucking got me

In other words, you're a loser unwilling to change but know it's right

Or the entire is thing is wrong and you are desperate to get more attention from me while I am well and truly bored with you and your dishonest concepts and ideals.

But yeah you keep thinking what you said.

t. loser

>Care about how retarded I am!
That's your existence., I can't help you.

>Facial attractiveness makes up a far, far larger portion of what makes a woman attractive than it does for what makes a man attractive
please stop posting cope. Fuck you, bluepilled dog

lying little shit, fucking hell

I got accepted into the best university in my country, but decided not to go.
My personal statement was loaded with far left talking points it was a test, and they failed.
Every single university I applied for accepted me into their institution. (5 of them)
I was hoping to fail, take a year's gap to chill, and apply again the next. I was 17 when I applied.
I applied for two different things Computer Science, and Psychology.

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>Being egotistical is a trait rarely ever found in him
>Will only indulge in crime because of bad environment

You aren't even trying.

Cope more. I state the truth. An attractive women has an easier life than an attractive man, but an unattractive man has more potential to increase his attractiveness than an unattractive woman.

>Stop blaming not having a job on Mexicans
Jesus Christ. Is being a dishwasher that fucking hard for you to earn? Get a grip you fucking incel.

Based and actually redpilled. Every man has the capacity in them for greatness. Women do not. This is the secret they're trying to hold from you.

Incels are mad because they don't want to put forth the effort to achieve that greatness. They are basically women.

This 'redpill' sounds suspiciously like a liberal feminazi rant...

Incels are usually Leftard “men, Muslims and tiny dicked Asians in general though. Conservative men are usually working class and surrounded by eager lasses, or handsome upper classes. The incel narrative is so poor and unrealistic it seems like a Netflix plot.

back in my day trolls used to be subtle

Little white zoomer passed his first hurdle in life and thinks he, and by extension everyone else, can do it too.

What was it, got accepted into a college despite not being able to check any of the get-out-of-bad-grades minority box?

This is literally the truth. You are a fucking dumbass lmao