Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock

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It can't reach it now. It didn't even make 5mil over the weekend

foreign grosses weren't added yet. probably won't be until actuals come in on tuesday.

It's done, user.

Avatar was re-released multiple times which helped to boost its total. If Endgame gets a re-release in a year or two with extended scenes or something, it will get a big boost as well.

Dude its only like $50 behind. It'll make it

Avatar has sequels on the way. You honestly think a re-release of a remastered version isn't on the way?

avatar was never released. you're thinking of titanic

From it's 7th Sunday on Infinity War only made another 23mil domestic and Endgame has been making less by the day for a while now. Just give it up

Imagine actually caring that about a Multi-Billion Dollar (((HollyWood))) company profit margin.

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It was originally released in 2009 and the special edition was released in 2010.


threadly reminder that the general public (normies) love the shit out of Endgame and barely remember Avatar outside of being the first big 3D movie

the MCU may have lost the battle, but they won the war

>which bad movie will prove how retarded the human race is
oh boy oh boy oh boy.

I remember people talking about Avatar for months. You can't get an Endgame thread unless it's about it's Box Office

Imagine even caring about (((Disneed))) competing w/ itself. Just lmao.

Haven't seen either of these flicks and gonna keep it that way.

>special edition was released in 2010.
For one day.

this, just buy 5 more tickets

>We're in the Spendgame now

>JUSTice League

= Worldwide: $657,924,295

What went so so wrong bros?

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They have already forgotten Endgame though, GoT outnormie'd it pretty fucking hard.

In the end... endgame will always be... number #2...

JC is so based he can get the highest grossing film of all time without even releasing it

It was a Marvel movie without bought reviews

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Avatar made maybe 25 million during its 1 day of rerelease, total
Also if you wanna go that way you should start counting inflation too, since Avatar clearly sold way more tickets than endgame

>based white christian Europe saving Avatar from the mutts/chinks
Any movies about white males defending the purity of western culture against shitskin hordes? Besides Helm's Deep battle

damn so without bought reviews and money pumping, marbel would only be making this much on average
A shame the SEC won't make a move on disney

oh gee I wonder what you watch oh one who knows create kino

You haven't accounted for inflation you absolute retard.

seething DCcuck

ain't avatar as progressive as it gets?

Infinity War made 23 million domestic from this point on. Endgame is tracking close to IW now, and 55% of EG gross was domestic last weekend, so that means EG will only make 42 million worldwide from now on, which will result in a total box office cume of 2.773 billion, which is 14 million short of Avatar.

endgame ain't beating space kets either way

Progressives hate white saviour movies. They don't even like movies with whites going native. Remember how western critics disliked The Last Samurai while Japanese critics enjoyed it? The white guy in that movie wasn't even a white saviour but the progressives thought it was racist.

to this day i dont understand how this piece of shit movie made so much money

damn only 53 million left? It was 70 million last time I checked

SJW's weren't a thing back then. Critics hated it because it was Dances with Wolves in Japan, but worse.
Still one of my favorite Cruise flicks.

Avatar is still currently #1 even without the re-release. Besides, it only got re-released because the demand was still there after all those weeks.

'progressives' like that are racist
remember smash and that indian? they though its precise was racist so they wanted it gone

Just accept defeat faggots. It's easier than making yourselves look more autistic and pathetic.

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No, it was about a white male coming into a foreign culture and becoming a Messiah among the natives, SJWs seethe quite a lot about that. It doesn't have anything in the same MAX CRINGE league as the all female scene in Endgame either

A lot of factors that couldn't be replicated today even if you tried
Off the top of my head
>financial crisis in the US, making every foreign coin closer to a dollar, meaning that foreign markets gave insanely more money than usual
>great word of mouth for the 3D that was still rather costly, especially abroad. Most people viewed it as an amazing tech demo, not even a movie
>said word of mouth went on for half a fucking year, Avatar had only left theaters for like a month or 2 before the 1 day rerelease I think
>James Cameron's name
>It was actually great in 3D
Reminder that most people were sucking its dick when it came out and wanted it to be at the Oscars, then after a few years passed started shitting on it for its obvious flaws
Same will happen with endgame, I think

By being a visual spectacle akin to a roller coaster ride. Movies are a visual medium and Avatar just changed the game. Endgame is just a nonsensical piece of shit with a WORSE story, massive plot holes and visually it's just a torture to sit through. You should be wondering how a movie like came so close to the KING



If half the people disappeared, then came back 5 years later, everyone would starve. During the time they were away, everything would have been down-sized for a smaller population. There would not be enough food for them. Lol!

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>damn only 53 million left?
Where did you learn to count?

The Mouse is going to fight to keep this shit in theaters until it just ends up passing Avatar and then use that in all marketing until the end of time.

Why when they can use the #1 to greater effect marketing Avatar 2 ?

normies barely remember capeshit too

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Then how do you explain Shazam and the low box office then.

I hate capeshit as much as the next guy but Avatar was just as bad tbqh, this fucking timeline sucks

Shazam was good, normies hate that shit

Still have to remove marketing and cinema share from that total, it’s going to fall miles short.

neither beat Avatar, so both are flops

>Oh fuck we failed bros! Better deflect to DC

Fuxk yeah elden ring get hype

Well it gotta reach well over 3 billion tho since inflation isn't taken into account in that list.



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This. Disney has ties with Cameron and they even made a Disney attraction out of the IP. They need that "#1 highest grossing movie" tagline as marketing tool. MCU already made a boat load of money but they won't benefit much if Endgame becomes #1.

What happened to the daily "Reminder: There's 555 days until Avatar 2" threads gone?


>I tried so hard
>And got so far
>But in the end, it doesn't even matter
>I had to fall, to lose it all
>But in the end
>It doesn't even matter
- John Titanic, 16 April 1912

Which Avatar squeal are you looking most forward to? Avatar 2, Avatar 3 or Avatar 4?

hate em

Oh snap

YES YES YES YES YES!!! it just needs 50$ more dollars! We FUCKING DID IT. Fuck you Avatar! HAHAHAHA


Whoever made that image needs a punch in the throat. They are using the domestic numbers and Endgame passed Avatar weeks ago domestically.



>b-but Disney bought the tickets

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The numbers for avatar do not consider that as well retard

Maybe they're just disappointed that the mouse has delayed it

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>the first big 3D movie

No that was Shark Boy and Lava Girl

It needs another 8 weeks minimum to make that. This shit won't be in theaters in fucking August.

Cry more faggot. You kiss your marvel shelf.

Seeth more you pathetic redditor

>my multi billion dollar company is going to make more money than yours did!
Imagine unironically cheering for this and not immediately committing suicide

It will, but making less than Yea Forums jannies per day

*Breathes in*

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>public (normies) love the shit out of Endgame and barely remember Avatar outside of being the first big 3D movie
you are talking about zoomers, everyone who is 22yr+ still remembers Avatar

>be at a party
>white woman says that black Panther is a culturally significant milestone for black people
>black dude says that it was a shit film and he didn’t enjoy it, but doesn’t care if other people do
>white woman says he doesn’t understand then explains how black people are underrepresented in media and why he should accept this as a significant milestone in black history
>he says that’s fine but it doesn’t change the fact that he thinks it’s a terrible film and shouldnt be held over other notable media by and for black people, such as roots and shaft. Followed up with saying that a white person telling a black persons what to think also feels kinda racist
>she goes full damage control and starts saying she can’t be racist because she’s an intersectional feminist
>he laughs and walks off
Fun Party

>amerimutts responsible for capeshit still being relevant
what a surprise

No one cares enough about MCU to watch it after the next flick comes out

Avatar and Endgame are effectively tied for top-earning movie of all time. Even if Endgame manages to sneak up and win by a couple of million, they're still be effectively tied. There just isn't that much of a difference when both are sitting at 2.7 *billion* which is half-a-billion higher than the next runner up.

Look, I know humans are measurement-obsessed, we'd be declaring one the victor if it were only a single penny ahead in earnings, but when it gets this close percentage-wise the fans of both movies should take a shared bow.

cope harder capeshitter

This time they're trying to lose money

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MUHvel cucks are cancer.

They are much lower, starting with production cost. That's one place where you can't ignore inflation.

They're going to rr-release Avatar in theaters a few weeks before the sequel comes out so it'll easily pass $3billion

This is where the MCU belongs

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Not really. Sure there's inflation, but Avatar also had way way better exchange rates than Endgame. If Avatar had 2019 exchange rates it would have made hundreds of millions less and vice versa if Endgame had 2009 exchange rates it would currently sit at over 3 billion.
There is also no information on worldwide tickets sold. Only some countries release that information, so you'll never really know.

>yfw Endgame stops at $2,787.9

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Avatar sold more tickets, end of story. China has been growing 10% every year since 2009, Avatar still won

>Getting this mad about how much money a movie made.

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China pulled it from theaters after 4 weeks.

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working class normies still love avatar
dorky normies still like making butthurt Pocahontas n Ferngully jokes
everyone loves Pandora at Animal Kingdom

>Infinity War 7th weekend: 12.8M
>Endgame 7th weekend: 8.6M
why do people hate Endgame?

Disney knew it had no legs so they conned everyone into going to see it on opening weekend and even into actively avoiding reading the reviews with the spoiler memes (even though there was nothing to spoiler). It was a marketing masterpiece.

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nothing to spoil? you are retard?

I love when Avatarcuck and MCUck argue with each other when both owned by rat

Reminder that Avatar only made Disney spend even more money buying Fox

There was nothing to spoil. I would have loved to spoil it for capeshitters, but all the leaks were shit. Hulk is now smart, fat Thor, whatever, who gives a shit that's not a spoiler. Iron Man dies was known years ago, other 3rd rate characters dying who gives a shit. Thanos loses big fucking spoiler there. There was nothing of substance to spoil, no big twist. Mods played right into Disney's hand with the sticky.

everyone with a brain knew Iron Man would die, its not a spoiler

I mean having the filmmaking career of Cameron is an auteurs dream. Working for marvel is basically being a wagecuck if wagecucks made millions. They’re pretty different beasts.
Also pretty sure Avatar is partly owned by Cameron’s production company.

Why are Avaturds resistant to the truth?

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Simply put, Avatar is the first Star Wars, while Endgame is the last Harry Potter

Endgame is already forgotten

>things that never happened

>Caring even once

Somebody purge this fool with fire.

That black guy's name? Albert Einstein

I was there. Im the black guy

Holy fr*cking COPE

All movies in China finish their run in 4 weeks. Some get extension where they make 2-5 million more and that's it. Endgame didn't have extension because of Trump's Huawei ban.

You can't provide a table that shows the number of tickets sold for the biggest movies in all countries combined because it doesn't exist. So this is all moot.


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yes it will, it's not even been out for 2 months yet, 4 months run at least