Is this most pretentious thing

You've ever seen from an actor?

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It's probably the dumbest and most pointless.

i wouldn't call selling out in such a humilliating manner pretentious.

Not really. They all do it and worse in drama classes.

He could just sit in a chair and growl, yet he's writing around on the floor like it means something. He thinks his performance is that important.

That's the definition of pretentious.

attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

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He did a great job though, wasnt his fault Hackson allowed shitty cgi

They put him in a fucking motion capture suit. If the video was him crawling around a small audio recording studio I'd get it. But he's in the suit so they can record his motion and apply it to the animation.

People say Shingoji is mocap but I don't see why we need his mocap

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Pretty cool that he doesn't mind these photos where he looks like a total idiot circulating the web. It's probably the miracle of having sex that has made him this secure.

None of that translates tho. its not like gollem where they had similar proportions

Gays will fuck anything

And it's not like they told him that.

And additionally like It gives animators a reference point. It's like rotoscoping. It's like a general guideline or path to follow for the animation.

There might be a good thing about it
As a person changes his posture it shows in his voice.
The mocap wouldn't show but it can provide the animators timestamps of the motions so they can sync their animation with his voice changes

No, Jim Carrey pretending to be literally possessed by Caufmann during the whole production is

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This. It gives the animators a good place to start at.

Then why are you still a virgin

I bet they just told him that and some nerd Drew everything by hand.

The guy who sounds like a gay cat in that marbel movie, yes he is.

Method acting is one thing. Making a whole documentary about how deep and meaningful it was is the real cringy part

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The mocap won't show in the finished product but can provide the animators cues when the guy starts changing his posture. This makes better sync

>making typical Hollywood left wing speeches about global warming while fucking around on your large boat with a bunch of 25yo models
That's actually based

It's called getting into character and method acting, you massive retard. This is why he's paid millions and you're NEET - he knows what he's doing, you watch his movies (and probably pay to do so) and you're a useless blob.

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>method acting as a lizard

people say that leo is fine owning supercars, helicopters, yachts because he doesn't have kids but it's still so fucking hypocritical


they all are

you cant seriously lecture people about global warming and then take your private jet back to your private island where you have week-long orgies

Yes? How do you play a lizard without acting like a lizard?

>because he doesn't have kids
This is one of the most jewish ideas out there. JUST DONT HAVE KIDS GOY.

But yeah he's a hypocrite through and through, all those fucking hollywood elites are.

>"global warming is bad guys, you (the lower classes) need to reduce your fossil fuel usage"
>flies on private jets and rents yachts for weeks at a time

>"you bet I'll be at the pussy march, I'm 100% a feminist!"
>gets shown to be someone who uses their power and influence of abuse and molest women because of MeToo

>"the wall is so awful and racist, we need (illegal) immigration to make our country better, you know, somehow"
>lives in a gated community and can simply pay to avoid diversity

I hate these cunts.

no queer, the actual usage for pretenious is "they think its important for the world" not that its important to make the dragon look cool or whatever relative other thing

This video did so much harm to their own cause. What were they thinking?

It's an easy paycheck

>mfw trump gets re-elected

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why not cast a real dragon instead of a white cis male

Really made me think back then to see every celebrity ever support the left

why not? him speaking and advocating about his beliefs has more impact on the environment than him reducing his own footprint ever would.

I see what you mean, but then it’s not really “his beliefs” if he doesn’t act on them

So he's a rich prick who doesn't practice what he preaches, sending a message out to the plebs who maybe would use 1/10,000 what he uses on a day-to-day basis?

nah. its more humble. thinking otherwise is pretty vain, thinking that cutting his own footprint down would in any way tangibly impact the environment?
the environment is a big picture issue. its not about you and me recycling a plastic bottle. its you and me...and a billion other people recycling a plastic bottle.

no one truly does. and, yeah. hes talking to people who use 1/10,000 of what he uses. but hes talking to millions of them.

I've met him. He's just about the most pretentious and up his own ass conceited douchebag I've ever had the displeasure of being around. And I've been around a number of "celebs".

To top it all off he can't even act.
When people go on about his best "performances" he's not even acting.
>woah, how cool was it when he cut his hand in Django? Did you know he actually did that?
>wow, his reaction was authentic in The Revenant when he was gagging on raw liver, even though he, as a frontiersman would be acustumed to it.
Hypocrite and a mediocre actor.

he stayed in character when he cut himself
>even though he, as a frontiersman would be acustumed to it

He's doing it that way because it's easier

Bendthatdickin is far from the worst thing about the hobbit series

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wouldnt it be way more practical just to put them all in a room?

Children in school plays stay in character when they fall over. How am I supposed to be impressed.
How about yes?
Don't you have a global warming event to attend Leo?

yeah, shrink rays are literally a dime a dozen these days. what were they thinking

>falling over
>the same as getting cut

and, no. eating raw liver was a last resort. thats the point. thats like saying bear grylls must love the taste of piss, just because he drank piss once to demonstrate that in desperation, you can drink piss. frontiersmen would do a lot of things to the liver before getting to the point of actually eating it, raw.

Raw liver is actually extremely nutritious and healthy, if the animal is healthy there is zero danger of eating it raw

The original LOTR movies were shot using forced perspective, different sets built to different scales so that actors would appear to be bigger or smaller and miniatures. So while it might not be more practical to have them all in a room it's absolutely possible.

>He doesn't get how motion capture works
What do you think those dots all over the suit and his face are there for?

What's pretentious about that? I think he had fun crawling around like a dragon, chewing the scenery with his hammy performance.