Havent watched Anime in 8 years

The only one I watched before was DBZ. Currently 25 eps into this, not bad.

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Other urls found in this thread:


naruto was a great show

Watch FMAB

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watch steins;gate, unironically doe one of the best shows

Look up a filler guide, never watch those. Actually there's one decent one where they try to unmask Kakashi but even that's not worth it.

Curious user.. are you black?

This, drop Naruto there like 700 boring episodes.

Op here. I am 29. This is likely the last anime I will ever invest time into. Im only even watching this one since I am on a 1 month leave from work and my wife is out of town for 2 weeks.

However I am enjoying Naruro so far. Takes a long ass time for the plot to progress lol but that is expected since Ive heard so many comparisons to DBZ.

Cant wait for his ninetail wolf thing to fully unleash, I know its gonna happen.

Reminder that John Boyega is a big anime and Naruto fan

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Pretty good user, but yeah, skip the fillers. The chunin exams were pure kino.

You're in for a treat friend

Literally 40% of Naruto is filler. You will be tonging the Garlic Jr saga's balls when you compare it to some of the shit here

Not if you dislike cringe jap humor

Again, do not waste your time watching Naruto with it's pointless filler episodes. Watch FMAB, it's a concise 64 episodes, with fulfilled character arcs and a satisfying and complete ending - in general the better shounen.

Watch till the end of the Pain Saga, after that it gets dreadfully boring.

Why the fuck are you wasting your time on some shonen garbage in your leave? At least watch FMAB which that other user recommended, its actually good and complete.
Or better yet watch some actually good anime. You could finish 10-20 actually good series in the time you watch the first Naruto.

if you think jap humour is bad, watch atla. western humour is even worse.

it jumps the shark in part 2
and by jumps the shark I mean it jumps it HARD


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The Chunin Exams and the Sasuke Retrieval arc were kino.

Same, love naruto. Though it's 700 episodes long, less without fillers.

Advice : skip fillers. I've watched all, they are boring and absolute shit and made me stop watching it a lot of times. But I did cuz im a completionist.

There are like 100 eps of filler in naruto after the Canon events, and one shitty 5eps arc in btw.
Shippuuden's fillers are also shit, but some are pure kino (which show some of the coolest chars)

One Punch Man is the best one I've seen.

What I was trying to tell you it dont recommend me anime, I will never watch it. Its not a genre/culture that I desire to delve into obscure titles. The choice to watch Naruto came from people I know in real life telling me how good it is over the last 10 years. I will never take anime recommendations from people on a website known for being way too into anime to the point of depravity.

Just watch gto

should have kept the whole setting more grounded imho all that eye bloodline madara shit just turned it into dbz for zoomers

power creep hits naruto bad


If you are looking for recs, it does us all a favor to divulge exactly what you are looking for in a show if Naruto was your first choice

>obscure titles
FMAB is not obscure, it's the most popular shounen out there next to Naruto wtf.

okay, but what you're saying is essentially the same as some normalfag who says he won't watch anything other than marvel movies. so don't be surprised when someone shits on you

>Garlic Jr. Saga
>The only other time where Gohan isn't a jobber isn't canon

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I was fine with Naruto's filler until the last couple seasons. It takes 20 episodes for something relevant to the plot to happen, then you get another 20 episodes of bullshit.

I dont know what FMAB stands for, therefore it is obscure. If I cant figure it out after being friends with a couple anime nerds for like 20 years and being on the internet for the same timeframe, its obscure.

I know what DBZ and AoT stand for because people I know talk about that shit. FMAB? Wtf is that.

And it's pretty "good, not great" if I do say so meself

I like Madara but that whole 4th shinobi world war saga was a snorefest, and the revealing of Obito being Tobi imo was a mistake.

>people I know in real life telling me how good it is over the last 10 years
I have literally never met or talked to anyone who thinks Naruto is good.

you could say it's not great, not terrible in fact

you could google it in about .015 seconds you goddamn retard

It would have taken less time to just google the acronym, than write your post.

Ok I dislike this guy but HxH is top tier anime.

Why? Im not gonna watch it. I was debating between Naruto and Attack on Titan but picked Naruto since it is complete series.

Shot anime for 12 year olds, you make anime fans look bad suggesting either of those baby shows pls donr post about anime again, even

>left it at jiraya's arrival
>never took it after years
>watch shippuden instead but just the canon
>dropped it too

don't recommend, I still feel bad for watching this shit, those precious hours, days, weeks thrown to the bin

Naruto is literally "baby's first anime"
Many people look down it on for a lot of reasons.

have sex

Did the Sand Village ever get held accountable for their shit? They snuck a living WMD into the Leaf.

konoha got to dictate a treaty and used it to get their resident village incel (shikamaru) have sex

so sand had to hand over temari so he could have sex and become a non-incel shinobi

>Best boy becomes a jobber
Hate it when this happens.

Based OP dunking on the weebs

Yup. Hardly see anything like Shikumaru vs. Temari again.

are all weebs incels? no
but all incels are weebs

Live action Naruto when?

Shikamaru wasn't an incel, if Sasuke wasn't around he'd be #1.
He just didn't care about anything, because he couldn't relate to anyone but his dad, due to his immense IQ.

Orochimaru was never really punished. He's just on lenient house arrest.

Least we got to see Guy get dubbed the strongest

>I've just started music for the first time, currently listening to Britney Spears.
>"Dude try Led Zepellin."
>"No try Mozart."
>That sounds like research and I'm too lazy to do that.
This is you OP.


sasuke was such a smug little shit he honestly deserved everything bad that happened to him and should have been killed for treason

Who else here is unironically in love with this dude?

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How is that Boruto series?

probably some normie with a netflix account and has no idea how to pirate media. being a nonpirate must be like being dark age peasant with no access to information.

Instead he cucked the MC.
Imagine an anime where the MC doesn't get his childhood crush lmao

>he doesn't exclusively watch non-canon materials

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I do enjoy to his super srs autism

>implying naruto didn't get the golden timeline where the traitor gets the roastie and he gets the voluptuous, curvy, submissive qt3.14
also someone post hiashi hyuuga eugenicist infograph


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I have no idea what's up with the space alien ninjas. They randonly show up, then disappear again without much explanation.

Shit has too much filler. I stopped after the Chunin Exams and then watched the best fights of the later seasons

I pirated Naruto but thank you very much. Pirating isnt some special skill that only people who spend their life on the internet know how to do. All normies know how or can figure it out in 10 minutes.

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Edgy the Hedgy

You sound like a turbo autist.
I bet your wife is enjoying her 2 week vacation with her bull.

Check out
Some dood went out of his way to cut the episodes to be like the manga volumes. Filler and all cut out. It's pretty great.

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You don't even need to pirate. A fucking retard would know how to type "watch naruto" in google

Thanks but no thanks.

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cell saga

Watch Shingeki no Kyojin.
Also this.

The show peaked right here, lee should have won.

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>Watch Shingeki no Kyojin.
>watch retards making edgy face and screaming
No thank, if i want that I would watch Sasuke compilation on youtube.

Naruto va Pein was the real climax of the show. Fight me.

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100 Mob Psycho.
Hunter x Hunter
My Hero Academia
Black Clover

are the four im currently watching, never fucked with dbz or naruto though. I do recommend watching this though instead

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>watch retards making edgy face and screaming
>getting pleb filtered this hard
You know it makes me feel really good about myself every time I see a person like you.

>watching this for the first time
>the leg weights come off
the show never reached those levels of hype again.

okay post 1 scene where characters doesn't do the cringe face or screaming.

Name a better track

I hope one day they reanimate it. Truly a shame.

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Fuck, now I've gotta rewatch the scene

>Pein after absorbing 15,000 roentgens, colorized cca 1986

>he can't appreciate sakugacore

rock less was a better protagonist than naruto

too bad he wasn't the protagonist, and also kinda faded into obscurity while everyone ascended into godhood through their various fated bloodline powers




>all that shit about about hard work overcoming talent was meaningless
The show really should have been about rock lee

When naruto showed up after destruction of konoha with the frogs and in sage mode. That was pretty close to matching it.

>Name a better track

user the purpose of the filter is that retards like you never get to the good parts because you wouldn't appreciate them.

Might guy really should have killed Madara there, not like he was the end boss anyway

I dunno, as a shounentard I still like it, but it felt kinda unearned. Only fight in that entire arc I liked was the jiraiya one.

>all that shit about about hard work overcoming talent was meaningless
What? The opening of the anime is literally about a blonde dude fighting a giant monster fox then the next scene is a blonde kid with fox whiskers running around. You have to be a retard to think he is an underdog.

Watch Cowboy Bebop it's only 26 episodes

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I should have linked this video that other one had too many jumpcuts

the whiskers are a curse bro.

>it's fine because the whole anime is intended to be cringe
Okay retard.

There's no cringe though. You're just embarrassed by emotions because you don't have any.
Silly NPC.

>People on Yea Forums are now so young they hold nostalgia for naruto

Fucking zoomers I swear.

-opinion, but never understood the hype for bebop. it's above-average with good animation but the characters are boring and the writing is crap, as far as I remember it doesn't even have a story

If you're a gay brainlet, yes. Words literally cannot express how bad the story and character writing is, or the whole world building which just feels tiny and stupid as fuck.

Not expecting absolute brainlets from Yea Forums to not like Naruto though.

Yeah I can't even believe people still make DBZ threads in Yea Forums

Then why didn't you post a single non cringe scene then?

>it doesn't even have a story
The genre is called SoL for a reason. That's not an argument against it.

Because you got filtered.

Just watch Black Clover, it's literally Naruto but less gay.


>Some dood went out of his way to cut the episodes to be like the manga volumes. Filler and all cut out. It's pretty great.
Link? I left off at the beginning of the battle between naruto, madara, obito, and kakashi because the dubs ended there at the time. I would like to finish this series without dealing with all the filler.

I heard 2 faggots at my local pizza joint arguing about Sunday releases of that Titan cartoon earlier. I really wanted to curbstomp them and tell them to watch Tokyo ghoul

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It's in the mega link up above.

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Download the Naruto Kai fan edit, it makes sitting through naruto much more berable.

I saw someone on the highway with an Eva sticker on his bumper. I wanted to rear end him then enlighten him on the complexity of Lain

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It's because of Super

Super zoomers

Yea Forums is leaking again... Wait, we're not on Yea Forums.

Chromartie High School is the only good anime

Missed opportunities for both of us eh?

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There is ALOT of filler, do yourself a favor and find a filler guide and entirely skip those seasons, you will miss nothing. The pain arc is peak shonen.

No haltom high school is faggot

This is the best anime.


There is an entire naruto filler guide...

The WMD in question became the next leader of the sand village and forged a close alliance with the leaf so no.

Tqbh. FMAB doesn't really have anything stand out. The reason is got hailed as the best shounen or some time best anime ever is it's also doesn't have anything bad enough to deserve bashing from internet shitposters.

based. Put these seething FMA cucks in their place.

Why do you people come to Yea Forums to talk about anime and cartoons?

>he watched dubbed

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original Naruto peaked at naruto vs sasuke fight, after that everything is shit, Naruto Shippuden have some nice fights and maybe 2-3 good arcs( Sasory arc, Pain arc) that's all.

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Yea Forums is not a good place to talk about things, every thread is raided by Huntertards.

Can we agree part 1 was so much better than 2?

Is everyone enjoying Golden Wind?

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Shounen is fucking crap, it's literally Japanese capeshit.

he is a 100% correct though


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>Levi the Hedgehog
no thanks
only retarded fujos love this horrible character
he is as bad as Kirito from SAO

>worst JoJo part

The most overrated anime of all time

hunter x hunter and one piece to replace this as u finsih the pain arc

Also dont forget berserk, fmab, code geass and maybe death note if u a fag

>pretending part 5 is bad because of memes
Fuck you user.

Its bad because of boring characters and laughable asspulls

>boring characters
The cast is a ton of fun.
>laughable asspulls
Literally every part is nothing but this.

>and one piece
>inb4 muh too many episodes
once you get hooked you will thank god that you have such a huge amount of episodes left
[spoilers]I would recommed watching the Once Pace fanedit after episode 350 that cuts out all the filler though, otherwise the pacing gets unbearably slow[/spoiler]

The anime sucks, just read One Piece.

Part 1 is legit still one of my favourite animes of all time

This desu

Oda is a master and the manga is really worth it even if you normally watch the animes

this is the only good anime that ever existed

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moot please

You sound like a complete faggot

And why should I care?

Too bad fucker, you've watched the best arc, it's all fucking downhill to complete dogshit from there.

Why is this the only good anime?

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Imagine being this fag

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OK, so i've watched Watamote, Welcome to NHK and Tatami Galaxy, what are some other NEET/incel anime kinos I should watch?

its garbage, turned me off of anime when i was younger because i thought they were all this shit

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It was really great up until the exams. I think that's around ep 60-ish then it kinda went downhill from there.

thank you!

i can only imagine how often you get btfo in your daily life

based. never understood the love for this part.

>Currently 25 eps into this, not bad.
if you can find it, get the version of naruto+shippuden cut to the manga scenes alone
much better than 300+ episodes of filler and shit

good recommendations here

Aot is vast better than naruto

This is true.

good for you OP, Naruto is great, just skip the filler episodes

don't listen to the "anime experts" here, they hate every popular anime that's enjoyed by the masses

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>they hate every popular anime that's enjoyed by the masses
Nah they hate Naruto because it's universally hated on Yea Forums and hype up shits with high score on MAL like FMAB or AOT. In other words they are normalfags just too scared to have their own opinions on things.

Excuse me but as a fan of SnK and someone who dropped Naruto I feel the need to point out that I have very strong opinions on things and I will let anyone who wants to know what those opinions are.

nothing happens during this horse shit. 20 or 30 episodes in still nothing happens they just walk around like faggots having pointless conversations at the grocery store.

Wtf is "original episodes of Gundam" supposed to mean? He went to Sunrise studios and bought master copies? He has a film reel or something? VHS or betamax copies? Some watchanimeonline website bookmarked? I will literally give 10:1 odds that I can bait out Boyega and get him to admit that he thinks Gundam Wing is "original Gundam."

Someone explain how Lupin, AnJ, JJBA, LotGH, Gundam, YYH, FotNS and Berserk are supposed to incelcore anime. Aside from AnJ and LotGH that's like Toonamicore anime.

All anime is incel anime. Have sex.

>I literally cannot even like ok
this is bait right?

Ignore the AOTards. They are copying onefeces fags tactic bashing Naruto and promote their anime, virtue signalling their anime are not actually 100% normalfagcore and the fanbase actually belong on the sekret club because "haha we all hate Naruto amirite guise?".
They do it for free by way.


kys, it's pure unadulterated shit and everything that's wrong with the medium

Naruto's fatal flaw was not building up naruto and sasukes relationship. It was so cringe seeing them flashback to that one scene where they both practice how you climb the trees a dozen times to try to envoke sentimentality. Sasuke seemed to have a much closer relationship with kakashi and you only ever got the impression naruto and sasuke tolerated each other, naruto seeing him as a rival and sasuke seeing as a shitter who ended up mogging him.

Shippuden is total trash though, especially after the pain arc. The akatsuki are grossly mishandled and not intriguing or threatening at all. They made them all goofy. that and suddenly you have people survive being blasted though walls and shit and surviving, which you only really saw super human durability in that one filler scene in naruto vs sasuke. Shitpooden also pulls the obnoxious substitution jutsu was too much.

Seriously is the durability shit ever explained? It's not like dragon ball Z where they have an armor of energy or some shit.

No it isn’t, how fucking old are you?

Based Naruto threads everywhere.

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>His specialty is one of the most basic ninja techniques, yet he used it in creative ways
Nigga would be legit terrifying if he learned how to Shadow Clone Kurama.


just skip the filler, retard.

>he missed the most kino fight of 2016

>basic technique
It’s literally a forbidden technique that he learned from that scroll in season 1. Regular clones don’t have substance, they’re just illusions. His are physical copies of himself. The technique was forbidden because it eats too much chakra and can kill the user, but he just has vast reserves of ninetails chakra that he’s too dumb to tap into.

I only watch alpha shit Like Ninja Scroll and Fist of the North Star.

Cowboy Bebop is not Slice of Life

SoL is like Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, K-On, Nichijou

HNK is one if the few genuinely anti-modernist pieces of media around. hack shit always frames things though a modernist lens.

Why Does he have those oh so faggy whiskers on his face? he looks like Maureen Ponderosa's illegitimate cat son.

Demon fox impregnated his mom.

It's just a birthmark, people thought it was the ninetails chakra making whiskers or whatever but his daughter has it too.

Demon rape makes it slightly better...I guess.

Because his daughter was made from his semen

Yeah I'm amideidly too dumb to get that subtext. I just like the the story of his struggle. And the gratuitous violence.

>Hunter x Hunter
I started watching this because everyone said it was "shounen done right", avoids common tropes, avoids poor pacing, etc.
So I'm about 60 episodes in and I'm feeling baffled because none the good things I heard about it were true. Frustratingly, so much feels like filler as almost nothing is relevant to the main plot, Gon finding his dad. I just got to the part where Gon enters Greed Island and literally the first thing he's told once he's there is "coming here is pointless, you won't find me here".
I genuinely feel like I'm being pranked.

Take the cute girls doing cute things pill.

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>happy ending

Madara did nothing wrong

It's a delightful show though

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honestly can't tell if HxH fags are all lemonparty-tier trolls either. I watched all of it and liked it since I'm a shounentard, but those lists the hxhfags keeps bringing up like it having a good power system or being a non-retarded shounen or avoiding the most tediously overused tropes or whatever are genuinely delusional

every single person sounds like they're trying really hard not to wake their parents, that op deserves better

Every anime I've watched by year I first saw it

how normie am I?

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You are 0% normal, 85% weeb and 15% virgin.

it's honestly "shonen characters done right": the show. If you're a plotfag drop it now, Yorknew is about as "plot" as it gets

Space Patrol Luluco
Mob Psycho
All of JoJo
Skullface Bookseller Honda-san
FMA 2003
Serial Experiments Lain
Devilman Crybaby
Stein's Gate

After that you should have a pretty good idea of what you like. Stop watching Naruto before you hey too invested and have to watch all the shitty filler

you alright white boy

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>one pissfags claim Naruto is shit, one piss is better
>hunterfags claim One Piece and Naruto are shits, hunter is better
>they are all shits with different tastes.
At least Kinoruto anime BTFO both Hunter and One Piece in animations and musics.

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HxH is chess and the rest is checkers between two 3yo with ridiculous ever-chainging made-up rules and in the end one lets the other win because he cries the loudest

HxH takes a lot of tropes from past mangas and plays with them, the author creates a set of rules which, by the way, fucking explains real life paranormal shit and the first part of the story, then STICKS TO THEM in a coherent way
The non-brainlet viewer can spend the week wondering wtf is going to happen and basically 0 deus ex machinas happen because all the cards are dealt from the start
And of course the walls of text are just people thinking because that's what's exciting, not the drooling brainlet pacific rim explosions, but the interactions between the characters, the mind (and combat) games, and the realization that "that's how XXX should have done it!" where XXX is random manga/anime

I mean, HxH made exciting a literal army exam with mind games and the wonder of all the secrets and the motives of the characters, the same with exterminating insects and fucking political elections, if you don't get it you're just dumb, just admit it and watch naruto instead

>literal army exam
without fucking fighting, that's revolutionary

Aren't Naruto and Hinata in their 20's by the time Boruto starts?

>believe it!


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brotherhood honestly sucks compared to the altered original

Naruto is good anime because it recognizes that anime is an inherently shit medium and only weebs enjoy it unironically. Dragonball does this too. Anyone who shits on you for liking it and recommends "real" anime is the kind of person with a crunchy mangagirl body pillow

They can say whatever they want about Naruto that's their opinion but when it comes to soundtracks and animation Naruto is objectively the best between them and even when it comes to story Naruto at least know when to ends and gave the fans a good ending with the most Kino fight in the year.

Does Naruto have the most filler episodes for an anime?

did they change the ending or something?

Get the fuck out of here with that bull shit, go to Yea Forums you fucking retard.

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Ohio Goatseyemasue! Whatoshie is hontony happy that anata likes superior Nipponese animation, or Anniemay. Naruto Shippūden is whatoshie's favorite anniemay! If you want more of the best the glorious anniemay medium has to offer, whatoshie recommends the anniemays in this picture! Good luck Tomodachee and omedetou on taking your first steps in becoming the hokage!

Attached: litanniemay.jpg (2396x3430, 2.18M)

It's not horrible until near the end, but holy shit from episodes 400 to 500 of Shippuden like 80+ of them are filler

I could have sworn there was a lot after they beat Gara and Shipudden.

between Naruto v Sasuke 1 and Shippuden is a ton of filler

Watch FLCL

strictly speaking, roughly 40% of every single episode in naruto is filler, in the form of flashbacks (sometimes to the very same episode) or over-explanations of obvious things

anime is cringe overload

It's bad or at least gets much worse. Drop it immediately and watch something less of a time waster. AOT or FMAB or even JOJO are shorter shounen anime that are easy entry for normalfags

Kaiji, the story about a depressed NEET who after getting in a shit ton of debt, goes into underground gambling in the hopes of paying off his debt.

The gambling in this anime is incredibly well made and intense. I was on the edge of my seat nearly all the way through.

Kaiji himself is one of the most likeable and relatable protagonists in anime.

9/10 watch both seasons. Its worth it imo.

lmao get out of here you faggot

written by a woman
its shit senpai

>hxh fag
everything makes sense all those fucking guys praising hxh are niggers

Oh yeah the Cell Saga. Where he fucked up so bad his dad had to die to cover his ass and when Vegeta had to give him the edge in the beam struggle. Gohan has always been shit


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>orange jumpsuit lookin ass
>cat whiskers

FUCK naruto. motherfucking FAGGOT is anything but a ninja.

No he shouldnt have. It was the best part of the story because it was so real. Sometimes no matter how hard you work, or how badly you want to win, theres someone who is simply born better than you. Its what gave the scene such emotional weight. So of course they decide to throw away Lee's character and make him a jobber.

Check out Naruto Kai on Reddit. Some fans have edited out all the filler and put in hour long episodes that roughly match the manga.

I bet you loved the Gai vs Madara fight

If Gai can produce a kick that moves close to the speed of light, it should eviscerate anything in its path, god or not

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only the end had good animation though

Even though there would have been massive plot holes and questions left unanswered, I wish Shippuden ended after Pain arc. Naruto earned Hokage status right there

Naruto is skinny as fuck. His outfit is just kinda baggy.

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Naruto is just Harry Potter for boys

I used to be on Yea Forums every day back when I first got on Yea Forums in 2004. Finally Yea Forums and Yea Forums come along and I spent more and more time there as I watched less and less anime.

Now I don't bother with fansubs. Not that fansubs are important now. We have official almost simulcast subbed showed in English. This was the future for anime we wanted back decades ago. Finally we are watching new Japanese shows alongside Japanese broacast... yet... I don't care anymore. I just don't watch new anime like I used to. I haven't watch a show the same season it's out in years. I catch up on stuff that's already on DVD. A couple friends still follow new seasons of anime. I might note some of the recs and watch them eventually.

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I did. Guy was based as fuck, and he almost killed Madara. If it werent for his regeneration Guy would have won.

My college anime club had a division. Half of us were more into One Piece. The other half was into Naruto. Yes. We actually had a pirates vs ninja rivalry going on. BELIEVE IT YA YO DON'T GIVE IT UP LOOFY

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Watch pic related

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Yep, until Shitpooden.

Most shonen protags are little twinks

Asta is a modern exception at least.

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We have come to terms.


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imagine being such a cringelord, it's not 2005 user you can't stand mindlessly hating naruto cause it's so popular.
it's good shit, let people enjoy it.

I've only seen GitS and Akira. Both are overrated, Gits is pretty good though. Anime is generally cancer.

If you only have such a short time to get back into animes, you should watch multiple shorter series instead of just one insanely long series. Just a suggestion.

What a bad, objectively shit take.

I'm getting a strong "bullied autist slowly turning into a disturbed tranny" vibe from that list.


Watch SNK

the most boring and equally the most over-rated normalfag show

Why is Killia so cute?

What about the manga you've read?

You can't have a good discussion about anything there. It's literally a pedophilia board at this point, full of cringe. I'm not touching that place with a 20 foot pole.

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Whoops meant Killua.

They changed the whole way alchemy works. Alchemy is drawn from our reality in the OG. Their reality is a parallel universe to our own, where our world has dopplganger versions of theirs. Ed ends up on the other side of the gate in our world with his dad by the end of the series and there was a finale movie where Al, with his body back, crosses over to rescue Ed and unfortunately Ed once again stays in our world to send Al back. There was some new enemy, dopplganger Roy and Hughes, but it just sucked having everything end with this revelation of an alternate world and it's only explored for an episode and a movie.