*becomes your waifu*
*grows a fat delicious brapper*
Did she even grow an inch taller since then?
*kills your childhood*
this movie is why we can't have nice things
>mfw this movie gave me my first boner
>mfw it still does
I honestly just wanted to see them go on adventures in their imagination land.
First time I ever cried at a movie.
did they experiment?
>end of the movie
>shows another imagination scene
>but doesn't show her back to life in his fantasy
wtf was that shit?
this movie was fucking depressing
Was this movie even good? I dont remember it ending with a good message, it was more like
>make the best of what you have
Fuck that you killed my cute fantasy girl
I cried when we watched this in class and everyone made fun of me
Remember when Disney had the balls to release a movie like this?
Why don't young girls dress like that anymore? Shopping at some girly mall store with bright pink and pastel blue shirts overlaid with more colorful shirts. Where fashion is just putting a bunch of flower pins in your hair and shit.
Now actual literal 13 year old girls look like this
This movie taught me to never trust your teachers and give the cute girl in your life all your attention
I watched this movie once many years ago when I was a teen and all I remember is it was pretty sad. I need to re-watch it
I hate films where animals or cuncuns die.
I'm pretty sure they were strictly platonic, he wanted to fuck the teacher though.
that's a big stick
I read that execs tried to push for them to have leslie fall into a coma instead of die
What was the name of this movie? I only remember it has "bridge" and some random name on it.
bridge to narnia
bridge to sweet sweet analia
bridge to sneeds
Bridge to terabithia
Bridge on the River Kawai
yes it is
bridge to the pussy
Bridge to Jaded Adulthood
What would've happened if he asked her to come along on the trip with their teacher, how drastically would things have changed?
*braps your path*
*kills your waifu*
bridge to puberty
Bridge to my dick, if you catch my drift
call of pussy: return of the slayer
Bridge on the river Kwai
A Bridge Too Fur
They do. It's just that you are a pedo who goes around looking for such shit
I developed a fetish for short hair because of her. My past three girlfriend's have all had hair shorter than mine, my current I had hers cut to appease me.
Bridge to flavor town
This movie fucked me up. When the parents pack up and just leave because their daughter is dead. Your left with this horrible empty feeling. Fuck
Bridge Over River Thigh
The ending was so empty and depressing.
If disney made this now, they probably would actually make that a real villain (instead of a metaphor for him being afraid of his dad) who kidnaps leslie and jess has to save her.
I bet.
Bridge to Niggertown II: Electric Boogaloo
"she loved you, you know"
>the dad starts fucking crying on the kids shoulder
fuck, man
Why didn't you shave her?
Buddy died in a car crash just last week, his folks are doing the same. Sad thing is his Dad is on benefits and insurance compensation because of a factory accident, so the money he's getting from that which fucked his body, a guy that 5 years ago looked like Keanu Reeves, currently looks like a bloated Hulk Hogan with zero muscle and his mom works some paper pushing job for a dealership. His only singling is a 24 year old autist who will never hold a job or have kids. Their only son who actually had a chance to carry on their name is just gone. Real shitty thing is he just graduated High School, and was simply driving home from work. No drugs, no drinking, just over corrected and tipped over. His folks planned on moving to Alaska for a while, probably after he got out of college, but I have a feeling it's gonna be sooner.
shit man
If I like her, does that make me a furry?
You guys were all clearly low test kids, here's real a waifu coming through.
(This was my favourite as a kid)
They still do lmao. You just dont go outside and spend all your time jerking off to slutty teens instagrams
I haven't seen him in a couple months because I got a full time job that's an hour out from our home town, last time I saw him really was popping by his work for a smoke break. I feel sad, but it really hasn't hit me because I just haven't seen him. I feel like a dog waiting for my owner to come home, you know? Sorry for being a faggot and derailing, I just got some feels.
haha did he bum you?
>just over corrected and tipped over.
In a car?
Jeez actually I was around 10 or 11 when I saw this movie, I'm guessing me preferring the teacher wasn't "normal" eh?
Thanks, Satan.
Yeah, skid marks where he rolled over looks like he came from the left lane, I'm assuming he over corrected into the ditch.
Hahahahaha what a faggot
is this the bitch from 500 days with summer?
It is but I had to google it.
She's also in Bridge to Terabithia, as the kid's teacher.
Just imagine Zoey Deschanel taking advantage of you while she sings softly, you look nervous but she puts her finger on your lip and tells you you're getting an A in music.
As a kid I wrote her off as a hippie, as an adult i want to fuck her brains out and have her as a life partner.
>I need to re-watch it
hiya reddit!
katie perry was pretty good in this role
"Take a picture it'll last longer."
Get the fuck out of the shot you blonde bimbo.
>feeling nostalgia for a fucking 2007 flick
Fucking yikes
fuck, makes me tear up a little
>bringing a gibson to school
a-user that movie was 12 years ago.
if they'd stayed as friends for a year or so longer, they would have ended up together.
in the film he lost his ability to see the magic place meaning he was coming of age.
don't worry, the music teacher probably comforted him, and became his waifu while the T-1000 hunted for him.
>capture "select all images with bridges"
fucking bitch
she's the opposite of a bimbo you cretin.
in the original script, it is more focussed on the boy's obsession with his teacher.
he stands outside her house at night and watches her through the windows, seeing her undress and shower.
then he makes plans and manages to drug her food with some of his mother's sleeping pills.
unfortunately, he uses too many and she falls into a coma in her house. he's too afraid to call the ambulance, so he fakes a suicide note and leaves her there.
the end of the film is him and the other students at her funeral.
Sounds like bullshit, proof?
gee you think
Bridge to my Teachers Pussy III
Am I just an elitist prick for thinking the way this music is being appropriated by weebs and memelords is disgusting? Its like the most beautiful and pure sound to me, but im reminded of this cultural baggage now when I listen.
Stop letting others rule your thoughts, jesus man.
im trying, like actively reading self help books, but its like im stuck in circular logic. If I want to enjoy the music its pointless if I keep it to myself, but if I then try to show or discuss it with anyone its the same demographic that I have no interest in conversing with. I dunno man, im lonely and need a hug, wish I wasnt like this but whatevs
Blah, blah, blah, self-help books, blah, blah, blah.
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Legitimately made me sad and tear up a bit. Fuck you movie, I wanted to see them play in their imaginary world not fucking die
Bridge to The Neverending Story
her strawberry fuzzy is so cute :3
Wtf that's an A+ brapper
I don't remember that in the books
bridge to cunny
It's worse. It was a remake based on a book. It's been ruining childhoods for generations.
I hate this actress
Quick someone check teen suicides across the western world around the time of the release.
Is this peak cuteness?
>all that fuzz
How would it feel when she cuddles against you
>tfw no peach gf
I'd say its an improvement
I read lots of fanfics where they did.
Bridge to Auschwitz
What’s the problem here?
Some guy from the Russian chans screencapped every moment she was in this movie.
I should use my neet time to start learning russian. Seems comfy.
>Why don't young girls dress like that anymore
Iphones, internet, etc. All little girls do nowadays is watch shit like Kardashians and makeup tutorials on youtube so that they can look like a 36 yearold hooker by 13.
good. she would become a slut if she grow up.
social media ruined what was left of women
>expect some kid kino like Narnia or Harry potter
>dude she just died lmao
okay but who is this?
imagine her pubes grrrgrgrggrgrgrgrggrgr
i miss her bros
Why the fuck did I laugh out loud to this?
Fucking Sneed posting has ruined me.
what the hell do they feed those kids?
It's wheat enrichment that is believed to be causing puberty to hit earlier and earlier.
Those two poor actor kids.
Who was molested the most?
Be was too much of a beta to make a move.
yfw the girl this character is based on was killed by a fucking lightning
>she said she wants to bang kendrick lamar irl
I banged a chick like this.
Even her tits had those little hairs. They would hold the loads that would befall them.
For me it was the one movie where a kid gets stung to death by bees
she has more facial hair than me
my eyes are watering just looking at all that grease
Holy shit this girl is 25? I always thought she was so much younger than that, but it turns out she’s a year older than my fiancée.
Bridge of Spies starring Tom Hanks
Looking good for a granny
I want to be one of those orange slices.
>*looks up IMDB*
>It’s almost 20 years old
Holy shit
Explain to me why you would go to a creek by yourself when it's raining hard and try swinging on a creaky old swing
Also you can't blame the boy, he wanted to fuck his milf teacher. If your teacher was zooey deschanel, you would pick her over a dumb little girl
it's not just that
the entire book was written
specifically for the purpose
of fucking you up
The final two chapters describe the fates of Gordie's three friends, none of whom survive past young adulthood:
Vern is killed in a house fire after a party in 1966.
Teddy, while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, crashes his car in 1972, killing himself and his passengers.
Chris, who became an outstanding high school and college student, and is in his second year of law school, is fatally stabbed after trying to stop an argument in a fast-food restaurant.
pic related was my go to childhood nostalgia trauma
>grandpa just died the year before
>teacher plays this film in 4th grade after reading the book
>gives me my first existential crisis
>also, jesse and the tucks cant ever die
>last shot of the movie is him visiting tree gap after like 80 years and seeing that winnie dies just two years before
>lived a full life, got married, had kids, moved on
>he cant even kill himself to see her again
>will be alive forever living with the feeling of loss an unacquainted love
*dies too*
80s kids had pretty kino childhood movies which dealt with death too.
She died while I was in the bathroom.
A Bridge Too Far
99.9% of them do.
t. Middle school teacher.
bridge to terodactylia
Unironically what did the director mean by this? I have never understood the ending to Time Bandits
Are girls sexually harassing you? They do where I live.
I was a kid and just wanted a fun fantasy movie, why did the marketing lie so hard?
I hate films where animals or cuncuns die.
It really took me by surprise, I thought I was watching some cute kid romance movie. Fucking hell.
Bridge to terraria
Bridge to Necrophilia
I watched this as a kid and didn't really get it much. I'm remembering now more or less...
It's a childhood feels film isn't it?
bridge to that one scene with a cameltoe
I watched it when I was 20 and cried like a little bitch
“Your friend Leslie’s unconscious. She drowned in a creek this morning. Apparently she tried to swing across a rope and it broke. They think she hit her head”
“Are they gonna revive her?”
“No, son, it’s not possible”
“No. You’re lying. She’s not even dead. You’re lying”
“I didn’t say she was dea-“
>runs outside. sees Leslie’s unconscious body lay breathlessly on a hospital bed
lads :'(
Sort of? It also deals heavily with religion and grief. It's very good.
this movie traumatized me as a kid
Hey buddy. This movie is 12 years old. Kids who saw it when they were 6 can post here. Hope that makes you feel better
Thanks for the spoilers, dumbfuck
Bridge to snap city
His relationship with Leslie was completely platonic. He was in love with the music teacher
No, it doesn't. If you're 18 and posting here, then you were either lurking as underageb& or are so fucking new you don't know the rule of having to lurk the fuck more.
You're too old to be on this board.
Bridge to Autismia
I don't think so.
The teacher is more like the crush a lot of young boys have toward an older woman, not necessarily love.
The movie really nails the point "You don't realize what you have until you've lost it."
I think he was in love with Leslie, but he's a young kid so he's really sure or aware of it.
>he's NOT really sure or aware of it
no, he's not black
she is the retarded pornstar girl who pol/tv wanted to save?
this is so incorrect
please stop this, it hurts
lmao she forgot her arm
"You lie"
The 1985 version was kino too
>Auto] 9
This is epic
ah yeah, My Girl.
she was absolutely perfect in that
hope that her footage will be enough to reconstruct her as a lolibot in a few years
He should have taken drivers ed
>cute sundress wearing 13 year old girls will never sexually harass you
>Those crocs
I would like to sit in chaise lounge in my backyard and watch her run around in white panties without a shirt, occasionally bringing me another lemonade.
I want to feel her face.
As someone who was also born in 1993, its weird to think that there were cunny threads here about 1993 borns.
Years later we are adults but the same degenerate perverts are still here. Still doing the same things.
The pic that saved Yea Forums
God, I need a gf
why can't they stay 12 forever?
Leslie, no!
No you don't. Nobody does. You need sex tho