Dark Phoenix

Was it kino?

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Take a guess

A pleb filter that won't be understood for years.

Probably. Anything Yea Forums hates is great by normie standards

It's also got the best music in any X men film

No. Worst of all, this plot thread from Apocalypse gets zero follow up.
Quicksilver and Magneto don't even share a scene together

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no it was kinot

That's a really unflattering angle.

Surprisingly solid. Not as good as Future Past but not much worse.

>he got pleb filtered by the greatest post-modern event film since memento


This isn’t easily digestible quip fare like your average Marvel Studios popcorn movie. Sorry you plebs can’t digest protagonists that are in a constant states of turmoil because you’ve been indoctrinated by Tony Starkisms.

Granted, there’s nothing wrong with you’re average MCU film but relaying the idea that every superhero movie should operate on that same level of saturday morning cartoon aloofness is both dangerous and unnatural to the state of cinema!

>Not as good as Future Past
surely you jest

It's unbelievable that Sophie's career is getting trashed even knowing it's better than the last stand and origins

one of the best xmen movies ever

Capeshit is capeshit

Why was mystique's death more emotional than anything Marvel has put out in the last 10-15 years?

It wasn't

>X-women line
>"If you touch her, I'll FUCKING kill you
>Xavier forced to walk with the most crippled pair of legs ever
>Jean doesn't do anything evil
>Plot revolves some ET look alike fodder

It was. Also gave beast his best film too

Unironically, the only bad choice was strange cripple walk. Fuck knows what Kinberg was think

that was great humiliating Charles like that making him walk like he was some puppet
Charles got completely BTFO the whole movie he finally got his comeuppance

This. Hand Zimmer is based.


One of the main problems with the movie is how Charles is blamed for everything and no one stops to think, oh wait, Jean has a fucking alien entity inside her and Charles did not put it there

It was dope she gave him shit for being crippled but fuck, there had to be a better way? She should of just lifted him up and have him float to her or something

My boy Cyclops got loads of screen time. Opticblasts all over. No quips and demon faced Nightcrawler. Phoenix was the worst part of the movie.

Did professor X ever have an ego in the comics? It was pretty interesting they played that card. And he did fuck up blocking the shit from her

Sophie done a great job. And that one blaster moment when he shoots Chastain away was kino

Yes Lower tomato score means greater KINO

lol what? emotional? I fucking clapped at that scene

It really wasn't. Also, why did she die pretty much the same way Logan did? Poetry?

never, he's literally the most selfless person and done more for mutantkind than literally anyone other single person. The attack on Charles was completely out of the blue even in the context of these current x-men films

didnt you see this movie? charles Ego was all over the place, he was happy to get a medal from the president and wanted more attention so it was good to see him humbled and be like damn i really shouldnt fuck with peoples minds

I was talking more in the comics since that was other user asked, and in all other movies except this one he wasn't egotistical. This movie obviously hates white men. #X-WOMEN

Why did it flop?

you're one of them faggot

>Why did it flop?
(((Disney))) is a money laundering scheme and no longer cares about it's core audience, in fact they hate them.

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she cant act and looks like a tranny

normies are sheep and only follow whats hot on social media

> no longer cares about it's core audience
You mean kids? Yeah. That's probably true, they're pro-abortions after all.

You obviously don't read comics. Charles has dome some insanely fucked up shit in his time.

like you fags shitting on professor x and screeching praise for the tranny turner? Kill yourself reddit nigger

nah he a good boy

Look, all I care about is whether or not the Quicksilver scene was any good. Was there a Quicksilver scene?



no fuck you for not getting the subversion of having prof x fuck up and learning and growing

fuck you fir supporting thing retsrded strong woman shit when women have had equal rights for 40 fucking years. retarded zoomers like you need your fucking throats cut

It wasn't though. I didn't care that the character died because I couldn't stand the actor.

Women have had more rights since suffrage so over a century almost

women should shut the fuck up, im so fucking sick of these 20 something cunts crying about how bad they have it when their own mothers and grandmothers managed to do fine.

Things have gone down the shitter since they were given the right to vote. They don't have selective service in most of the known world. They aren't expected to provide only to care for children. Societal and cultural norms are pretty easy on em and have been for thousands of years.

learn english ahmed

Kill yourself faggot scum

>She should of just lifted him up and have him float to her or something

That wouldn't have any impact. Forcing a cripple to awkwardly walk was entirely fine, it was just the right amount of cruel and plays to Charles messing with Jean's mind without consent.

yes people in my theater clapped when she died

Men. UUGH.

So who is Chastain's character? Not planning on seeing it and curious. Does she have powers?

better, she had a vagina

Critics hated it so it probably was.

why would you fuck chastain's vageen when you could lube up her buttchin

why not both

All you need to know about Yea Forums

Because the characters in the X-Men saga at least feel something like human beings. Marvel just sticks to their formula which doesn't allow any real emotion.

i watched till
>it should be X-Women, charles since we always save you men - Raven

>messes with a small girl's mind
>enjoys the attention he gets from the president and the world
Yeah really seems like a flawless character. Also you're just wrong about the fact that Xavier is portrayed differently in the comics. Especially in the dark Phoenix comic he's a complete asshole.

I don't know if it's because I went in expecting a complete trainwreck, but I thought it was good. Really good. Miles better than Apocalypse, and had some really fantastic fight scenes. Seeing both Hank and Kurt come off the chain was fucking awesome, and I thought it was cool using the D'Bari instead of the Shi'ar.

Now I know the real reason this film was delayed - it's way, way better than Captain Marvel, and it's essentially the same story, only this one has consequences and sacrifice. I still think Sansa isn't a good fit for Jean Grey because she just doesn't have the grace and delicate beauty for the role, but I thought she did a good job.

Hell yeah it does.

I was glad the character died, because she was pointlessly made a focal point to begin with. That said, it was Hank who stole that scene, both him and the makeup department.

I agree. And even then, it was still his vision and his dream that won the day.

School me if I’m wrong, but to my knowledge (based on just the movies), Jeans assorted powers are Telekinesis, Telepathy, and that she is just extremely strong with those.

That being said, how did she even perceive Quicksilvers movements in the movie. Did the celestial power make her neurons faster.

Quicksilver travels at an insane rate, probably a blur, and for her to anticipate the placement of his foot instead of just shielding herself with some force field and him bouncing off was odd.

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Charles has an arrogance about him, the same kind that often comes to great and selfless people. You can't be that guy and not have at least some ego, even if you're a little ashamed of it. James nailed it as usual. What an amazing actor.

You are correct.

There were two - one with him and Nightcrawler rescuing a shuttle crew and another one where he gets BTFO by Phoenix. The shuttle scene is subdued, but awesome. He's doing quick shit at one point and we see it from the other characters' perspective. This felt way more like an X-Men team movie than tons of the past ones. We get teamwork, guys using their abilities in ways that compliment each others', and they even show how they've continued building tech that enhances their powers. The Blackbird has a Cyclops-fueled blaster. It was fucking awesome.

and i saw holmes and watson

I'm confused as to why anyone would like this movie. It felt like a cheap straight-to-DVD movie. Were Xavier and Magneto supposed to be 60 in this? Magneto was like a holocaust survivor, right? He'd be old as fuck in '92.

I don't have a single idea what Jean's personality was. There are like two scenes of her as a child (in the car before the crash, after the crash with Charles) and then one scene as an adult (hesitant to go up to space and trusts Mystique to "turn right back around" if anything bad happens), and then she's brainfucked by the Phoenix Force the rest of the movie. She spent the entire movie swinging wildly around various moods and I honestly wasn't sure if I was supposed to take the whole phoenix force thing as some kind of puberty symbolism because Jean and Scott looked like they were 18, but I guess they were supposed to be well into their 20s, and the movie was secretly about Jean's erratic emotional states being her strength...? I'm not really sure what to make of the whole thing. There's some stuff about addressing Charles basically gaslighting her as a child that everyone seems to hate him for, but even that got kind of muddled in the course of the movie.

Chastalien refers to her as "the girl who is always abandoned," but Charles took her in when he did his mindfuckery, didn't abandon her, and the Xmen were actively trying to get her back. The ONLY person who abandoned her was her dad, who was super butthurt that Jean had killed his wife over not liking the song on the radio.

The whole thing felt rushed and stupid. Magneto's lieutenants dying were hilarious and the action scenes in general were like comedy scenes. I had fun watching it though; it was really funny.

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You tell me OP

Her career was GOT and all of her other roles were landed because of starpower, not acting ability. Every single movie she has been in has been dogshit which only highlighted her shit acting talent.

Quicksilver is fast, but he's not faster than the speed of thought. Jean could quite literally hijack his mind, or at least hitch a ride on it and see things as he perceives them moving at speed. She used that to see where he was about to plant his foot and acted accordingly. The crazy part is she'd be capable of that on her own, no extra power needed. Telepaths are fucking OP. Broader-spectrum psis are even scarier.

Wait so she can think faster than his movements. That’s literally too OP. Why even bother fighting her if she can construct a plan of action while you stand motionless, having eons to just think it through?

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There's a reason why Dark Phoenix is rated one of the strongest beings in the entire Marvel universe. I'm pretty sure she's in the Top 10

Powerful telepaths like Charles and Jean can "borrow" from the minds around them. As another example of what I mean, say you're the telepath and while you don't have perfect pitch, someone else in the room does. You know they have perfect pitch, so you borrow their perception and experience a song the way they experience it. Quicksilver's brain/mind has to have the capacity to perceive and process things way, way faster than a normal human's. A skilled telepath could ride on that.

I'm going to keep geeking out on telepaths for a bit.

Charles isn't just a powerful telepath, he's by far the most insanely skilled. There's a reason he's always the one doing finesse work like suppressing and altering specific memories. It's because most telepaths can't. Xavier's telepathy can be a laser cannon or a microscopic surgical laser.

Charles is so fucking good that if he wanted to, he could retroactively make himself always have been your closest, most trusted friend by "editing" himself into your memories. You would act on that and treat him accordingly, none the wiser to the fact you literally just met the man five minutes ago.

Sophie Turner has negative charisma. Why would they cast that clumsy oaf in any movie

I will never forget that moment in the comics where she just reached out and transmuted a houseplant to an exact replica in crystal, because she can not only rearrange things on a molecular level, but also now has sufficient power backing her telekinesis that she can literally fuse atomic nuclei and suppress the resultant release of energy. At a thought. It's terrifying in its implications.

>I will never forget a comic book
why are americans like this

>muh consent
Neck yourself

I thought it was better than Godzilla King of the CGI.

Because some of us have near-total recall. I'll be able to find and reference your exact post ten hears from now. I was google before google.

Women always bitch and moan
They get a free ride through life and if a single time they are treated half as bad as a man is treated every single day, then they cry sexism and rape

Oh boo hoo, I got a 50 million dollar film role but I had to have sex for it! Imagine getting 50 million for some sex, guys will never know this oppression!

Magneto was based in this movie

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Fuck yes. He was so goddam awesome. I liked how he was the only one who could even briefly struggle against Jean's power. That whole train scene was fucking incredible.

Unironically better than godzilla, but still weak shit compared to days of future past and first class.

Its so bad it invalidates Logan. Literally if you want Logan to be the end of the saga you need to pretend this movie do not exist.

Have sex, uncle

it's the only time i've come close to liking fassbender as magneto

Spoil it please i dont wanna watch

do you want them to cuddle and cry together or something? Who cares.

Its a setup with no payoff. You dont have OCD? Lucky you

No, it was shit but since normies also thought it's shit Yea Forums contrarians have to pretend to like it

Wouldnt being truly contrarian be NOT watching the normie capeshit and talking about actual films here? Tv is pretty pretentious

It would be but Yea Forums loves capeshit so they watch it but since normies love it Yea Forums contrarians pretend all capeshit is shit. That is until Yea Forums contrarians have to pretend DC movies are good just so they can shit on marvel

Billed as an epic finale, fatigue from Endgame being a similar king of movie only a month before, coming off the heels of one of the worst capeflicks ever (Apocalypse).

Basically in the end they BTFO Xavier as a leader because apparently he is bad and Mistique was angry at him, and rename the school "jean grey school for gifted youngster".

Did Magneto conceive Quicksilver at 9?

A storyline so shit it needs to be portrayed twice.

A piece of shit cartoon pets movie beat it, it sucks so much ass.

>Defending capeshit

Word? Not even gonna pirate this trash then

Nah Phoenix force isn't even top10.

I heard some people laugh when she died.

Guess you haven't been reading recent comics? Charles is shown that's he's actually pretty similar in mindset with Magneto in thinking that Mutants should be supreme, its just that he doesn't want violence. Not to mention its revealed that he's done a couple of fucked up stuff, like being the reason Namor is a raging asshole.

All of his scenes are literally in the trailers already, so if he's all you care about you just watch those.

No, it's retarded. It's why Flash is the strongest character in the comics

Nothing beats superspeed.

>jean vs magneto where it's a contest to see who can make the more constipated face and make the biggest DBZ energy ball
don't even (You) me

that doesn't only invalidate Logan, it invalidates Days of Future Past as well.
Fuck man, I'm just gonna disregard this and Apocalypse

>all those intentional errors
2/10 shit b8

dark phoenix more like dork phonix checkmate retarted nerds hahahaha lmfao BTFO

You seem mad.

Logan invalidated Xavier all on its own. On his watch, he let capeshit Monsanto work a mutant “cure” into the food and water, most likely contributing to both his deteriorating condition and him killing the whole school with telepathic seizures. While both films ultimately validate his dream, Dark Phoenix shows him to be fallible but ultimately right. It was him who reached Jean, whereas in Logan, he dies a broken, confused old man.

why didn't they give him this visor/outfit though?
also why didn't he wear his shades when he was in civilian clothing

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it makes no sense quicksilver literally saves everyone in the previous scene

Xavier's done more wrong in the comics than right, including enslaving a sentient AI and losing an entire team of X-Men on a mission, then mindwiping their existence from another team and sending them in to complete the mission.

Was ok, Xmen is good for capeshit.

safety first

>It's also got the best music in any X men film
100% this, the music carries the movie. It was pretty decent, i enjoyed it maybe the most out of all the xmen movies. Zimmer delivers. quicksilver is sidelined because he is OP once again but else it was okish i mean xmen is a shit brand anyway but for what it offers it was okay

>but he's not faster than the speed of thought
yes he is. See the last xmen movie where he saves everyone in the exploding mansion. His speed by FAR exceeds the reaction time of ANY human by miles

I love Zimmer but Days of Future Past had a better soundtrack. X-Men 1 did as well. As did Logan. After BVS, I wonder what led him to come back to a Superhero movie?

>Days of Future Past had a better soundtrack
not at all mate the atmosphere created by the soundtrack in dark phoenix is miles ahead of the one in DoFP

I wish people wouldn't ironically shitpost about terrible movies being "kino" on here. It's been this way for like four years now.

It flopped hard as shit.
So Yea Forums loves it.

Why magneto so weak ?

He’s not faster than his own thoughts, and Jean has access to them, as well as the internal mechanics that make it possible for him. Telepaths are a lot more than just mind readers. That’s their entry level shit - picking up thoughts and feelings. Good ones like Charles and Jean can move into your head, experience the world as you’re experiencing it.

>Jean has access to them
how does this work? when QS enters his speedster mode his speed of thought must be raised according to his speed. So he needs around 0.01 milliseconds or something (he was unbelievably fast in the last movie, not sure how fast exactly but according to quora.com/How-fast-is-Quicksilver-while-saving-people-in-X-Men-Apocalypse

he can movie at speeds above 10000 Mach, i.e. 10000*300 m/s. Lets say they were 100 meters away, then he needs less than 1/30000 seconds to reach her, i.e. less than 30 microseconds. How does she react to that?

ITT: babies first attempt to be contearian

Apocalypse wasnt good but its a decent end of of the 'new' movies. In the end you see X-Men squad formed and ready to go and bald Xavier as leader, and you know somewhat events will happens & Logan will end in the school (as we saw at the end of DofP). Apocalypse didnt broke the narrative. Dark Phoenix isnt simply a bad movie, its a movie you need to erase from the X-Men saga or the story dont make sense anymore.

>cant remember last time charles risked something
Did she forget about apocalypse and how Charles had to keep the mental fortitude to make sure apocalypse didnt mind jack him and take over the world

This to be honest family

Terrible. Genuinely terrible. They have mutants with various powers, and they all seem to fight so horribly bad. Charles is fucking useless. It starts and ends in about 5 minutes. Jennifer Lawrence is disgusting. I really don't understand how it was released in its state.

What would be the best role for this actor in the MCU, since Quickslav died?

bruh look at this dude....

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Anyone who's complaining about the story being inaccurate should really neck themselves. Story and plot are without a doubt the least important part of any movie

It was fucking horrible, and Sophie Turner has no actual talent and range, and was only lucky to land a role in Game of Thrones.

watched it yesterday, it was shit, easily the worst x-men movie of all time, its was lazy, felt rushed, they couldnt help themselves from shoving feminism into it, and not in a subtle way either, it had the most cliche dialogue like "your emotions make you weak, no they make me strong!"

the CGI was pretty crappy most of the time and for a dark phoenix movie jean's powers were so underused, the scale of everything she did with her powers were about what you'd expect from just a regular powerful mutant, magneto could do almost everything she does in this movie.

this movie is completely outclassed in every way by x-men 3, even the soundtrack that was apparently composed by hanz zimmer was so boring i was surprised to see his name in the credits.

also thank god mystic is dead, her costume/makeup was so fucking terrible holy shit, like a really really lazy cosplay.

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Because she was already in his mind, at least in this case. Telepaths typically don’t do that because it’s essentially mindrape and also a great way for them to lose a firm grip on where they end and other people begin. Their reluctance to do that, their conscious choice not to, is what makes them the good guys as well as what makes rogue telepaths like the Shadow King so dangerous.

I love you 3000

>redditspacing tripfag
yikes at your life tranny

donut call me, surely

Show some fucking respect reddit newfags thats review screw

Quicksilver from an alternate timeline where the X-Men will enter the MCU from.

t. JLaw

>Because she was already in his mind
there is no direct evidence for this. You must conclude that, because she was able to do that, she had to be in his mind already. But then one must wonder why she shifts the wood and doesnt simply freeze his movements. It doesnt add up to what you are saying. It is a plothole/Plot induced nerf of QS.

Outside of the two really bad lines that made me want to scream, this was a good movie. Better than Ms. Marvel imo

Please stop pretending that you people have ever picked up a comic in your life. This is possibly one of the most famous X-Men arcs in history, so lying is just making you people look stupid.

The amount of people in this thread pretending that this movie was good is nauseating.

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No, it was fucking boring.
The villains were completely underdeveloped and had no personality, there was no fucking teamwork (just charles telling jean to wake the fuck up), and quite frankly I don't think anyone gave a good performance. None of it felt compelling in the least.
Shit movie.

It was lit

I didn't watch it because based on the trailer it was angsty bawww-muh-friend relationship drama rather than fun capekino action.

the intro to the third scene is very confusing
>scene one - xmen save space shuttle; jean gets phoenixed
>scene two - aliens who were surveilling phoenix force arrive on earth; bodysnatch a jessica chastain with long platinum blond hair in a white linen onesie. the other ayys facesteal her dinner party friends
>scene three - a darkly lit platinum blond woman in a white linen onesie is singing with magic shit encircling her. bunch of people show up through a portal

the confusion only lasts for a few seconds but i guess the second blond was emma frost? but until you see jean grey and cyclops drinking it looked like the aliens showed up for a kegger

Wut !? Asking whether da efforts turn out to be Kino or not ?

That was Dazzler.
She the only thing I liked about about the movie. She had a strong resemblance to her comic counterpart, and just looked really beautiful with her little light show.

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>Sophie Turner
Of course it was kino, in other news water is wet


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