Does anybody here remember Summer 2005 when Yea Forums started their own streaming channel + irc chat?
They played the camrip version of V for Vendetta, and they were up 24/7 for a couple of months, playing anime, cult American shows, and cult movies as well.
Yea Forums tv
can you imagine browsing this shit hole of a site for 14 years
I've been browsing and posting since December 2003, user.
damn I wish I was browsing Yea Forums back then. I was still playing runescape in 2005
I've been here since late 2009. I'm really pissed off, as I feel like I missed this site's true golden years (the Snacks era, fursection, project Chanology etc).
you missed out, user.
project chanology was a real bad era, it's like the current era with /pol/ but for some reason everybody was a fedora "ethical" leftist, we had to disavow that shit almost immediately after
10 years so not bad
chanology was cancer
at least chanology and the whole anonymous thing had the decency to leave this site, /pol/ is still here...
oh don't get me wrong, /pol/ is cancer too
I'm just saying chanology was cancer as well
for me, the absolute zenith was the supremely based&redpilled fox news report, its all gone downhill since then
yeah they both were, i still stay here cause i know /pol/ will one day die out just like chanology did, god bless
getting moot to be times man of the year was one of my favorite moments in this site though along with zero hour, when we lost the site for a couple weeks
This gives me hope that /pol/ will die too.
pol is not going anywhere until the moderation starts banning all racism on sight
/pol/ is founded in reality sweaty
12 years here.
sorry sweaty not gonna happen
for one, the amount of work needed to make this happen would require a paid janitorial team, and we all know Yea Forums's janny policy
banning all racism on sight would be pretty stupid here
we had happy negro and shoop da whoop and moot being mexican and all those other dumb macros/memes like that back in the day which were all pretty funny
i don't think turning us into resetera would fix the /pol/ problem
simpsons jokes i never got
It really isn't, you "people" are turning into a cesspool of schizos. It won't be long until your shit board has the same traffic as /x/.
this t b h
/pol/ jumped the shark
at least its not as bad as that other /pol/, that place is literally a den of unironic schizophreniacs
It was shit, just a bunch of gore and CP and other edgy bullshit. Memes weren't even that great yet. The only saving grace was raids/invasions and the fact that m00t and the mods regularly interacted with anons.
Got here around late 2006, so it was a little before my time.
the best part of old Yea Forums was
I can, but I dislike remembering who I actually am.
macros weren't great, but that's what made them so fun, a ton of really old weird weeb and internet culture that we take for granted nowadays came from then like, the word weeb altogether for example
Does anyone else find it odd that this primordial soup of internet culture on a small board on a small website has evolved and dominated not only the entire internet but real life as well? Even the 50 year old boomers I work with will show me "memes" and call them such. I still think about it sometimes and find it incredibly surreal.
Definitely, I started off on Something Awful which is why I still call anything pre-2010's macros instead of memes, and I can has cheezburger was already bad enough when it went over into real life, memes making it to real life was the worst, I agree.
I dated a girl who was into tumblr memes a few years ago before I started browsing here. I just recently found out that Clegane bowl came from here and she thought that was the funniest thing. She was very liberal so she definitely never came here, but it was weird to find out that something that we bonded over in our relationship was essentially the product of this Tibetan basket weaving board.
Needless to say we broke up.
Three out of the four relationships I've been in I pretty much met the girls because of Yea Forums.