Was it gay?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I knew it was gay as fuck but I had to stop myself so hard from getting a boner.

Imagine being that guy and having to "act" tonguekissing pom

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Kill yourself faggot scum

imagine making a thread asking the same question every two hours. must have really triggered you user.

I literally just finished watching it for the first time but good of you to notice how often they come up faggot

Now kiss!

Kill yourself faggot scum

Holding a boner must have been difficult. Especially considering the position they were doing in the episode.

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I love traps but this shit was just plain gay and disgusting. Idk how you guys find it hot.

Kill yourself faggot scum

tfw no /fit/ asian bf

>I love traps
>being disgusted by homosexuality

But you are gay???

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>That super short stroke rom
Must suck being Asian

Kill yourself faggot scum

No, basically it's about a quarter of 4chans fantasy, to be a cute grill and get fucked by a good friend. That dude knew what was up. I would definitely try it. Shit, I'd never leave the house.

Kill yourself faggot scum


You're just jealous spam fag

it was definitely way more gay for the guy rp as the chick fighter. still gay for the other guy too though considering he knew it was his friend he was doing it with.

Kill yourself faggot scum. discord trannies should be executed.

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Pom has no tits and no ass.

Yes, it was gay.

I didn't expect to get a boner while watching it. It was hot.

Do girls like having fingers in their mouth?

Yeah that bitch has a fat ass, it's very nice to watch

is he kissing a trap or something? what's the context?

It's a VR game, the two characters in the OP are actually two black men IRL enacting their repressed lust for each other through VR.

Why are black men so gay?


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>doesn’t even look like he’s getting it in her
What did they mean by this?

There are levels to this shit dummy

I know its gay but I wanna jerk off to Pom so bad

So what the fuck is this from?
I want to get a weird boner too.

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wtf why are they dressed

What's your excuse?

It's mutual masturbation, which hardly seems grounds for cheating on him but roasties gonna roast.

Wanting to fuck a man who mutilated his penis and started wearing a dress is a lot gayer than just straight out fucking a bro.


>MATE! MATE, check it. Wut if. Okay. Wut if you could fuk your mates in VR, MENTAL innit?

No, it was transgender but only for the one guy.

>tfw this actually is what happened
What the fuck is with Black Mirror

This is so true, it's like fucking a guy is gay, sure, but fucking a guy that is so gay that he can't even act like a man is turbo ultra mega gay.

black mirror has never been a more appropriate title.

Everyone here wants this deep down, it's the one thing that connects all of us.

You wish to be the little girl.

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Id probably give it a shot given the opportunity, but I don’t think I could be turned on by a dude character.
I’d probably give scissoring with another chick a whirl

Kill yourself faggot scum

Kill yourself faggot scum

Kill yourself faggot scum

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It's only gay if balls are touching.
As far as the one guy knows, he's fucking a vagina, and as far as the other guy knows, he *has* a vagina. So it's 0% gay.

It only becomes gay if they both leave VR and hook up in real life.

Unironically no. I'd stick my dick in another dude nohomo but I don't want to be a woman at all.

For someone who hates gays you're in both threads about it.

I'm not gay myself but you seem like you might be.


For the guy who was being a girl yes.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Come over here and kill me yourself, coward

They even get into that in the show where they say fuck it and meet up and kiss and don't feel anything from it.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Don’t reply to it, just report and hide. The janitor will delete and ban him, he’ll get one of his new paid IP’s and start again, just report them as you see them.

Well there you go then.

It doesn't matter who's driving which genitalia,
Penis has entered vagina. It's not gay.

Black Mirror

Is that supposed to be a tranny or something? Because I sure as shit would fuck it. Hubba hubba.

Kill yourself faggot scum

No it’s a straight black male

>sucking the jannies dicks

Nah I'm good

Reminder that you’re the only one here in that server lying to yourself about the reason for being there

Im not on any kind of discord tranny

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Ah so you just save message collages from them for what I can only assume are autoerotic purposes, much better

So uh, anyone got those scenes with sound yet? Don't have a Netflix account

i didnt make them but i post them so faggots like you cant keep pretending this sick shit isnt happening.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Yeah dude people cut themselves and take hormone supplements who gives a shit
Stop worrying about it

Kill yourself faggot scum

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Take medication

I don't care about the gay stuff, I just find the actress really fucking hot.

Kill yourself faggot scum

You realize you’re behaving exactly the way they want you to right? You’re either a retard playing right into reddit’s hands or someone from reddit failing miserably at trolling

you seem triggered faggot

Projection: the post

according to the world health organization, these are perfectly healthy individuals

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explain how im playing in to reddits hands when every time i post it, you, faggots, trannies and newfags all become irate.

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Because literally the only irate person here is you, you are seething apparently 24/7 over this discord shit that literally no one else gives a fuck about

>seething apparently
I'm just posting, kill yourself faggot scum.

Absolutely boiling mate

kill yourself faggot scum

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Ya seethe bitch

thankfully we know better

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I would actually select a weaker female computer opponent and just rape the shit outta her, and it's a computer opponent so obviously it will try to fight back or even struggle, gods just thinking about it makes me diamonds.

Also mentioned in the episode since there's fucking of computer opponents too. You fuckers really need to just watch the goddamn show. Maybe invite a buddy over for a nohomo brojob after the proceedings.

the game characters just lay there if you try to fuck them kiddo
Kill yourself faggot scum

win win situation


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Not the main guy, but his best friend was a cyber faggot for sure, he was fucking a male character.

oh, you want to dig up the one transwoman who is sick? What about the vast majority of child rapes that are perpetrated by CIS WHITE MEN?

I'm a big hairy man and the thought of being a girl literally digusts me. I'd sooner kill myself than have anything to do with that.

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i dont know, but it was hot

nigger could grate cheese on that stubble


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they're monsters user

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>be almost 30
>friend who is the same age stayed with me this weekend
>he kept leaning on me and rubbing against me
>have a dream we make out the other night
Was it gay?

Stay mad

Kill yourself faggot scum

are they prepping us for the inevitable gender bender flood thats coming?

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Kill yourself faggot scum

The fact you had to throw out the "cis white male" card immediately makes your arguement invalid you race baiting cuck.

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Ok so.
I get the dude being attracted to the girl, that made sense.
He hasn't switched his sexuality.
But the guy in the woman character, why did he want to kiss/fuck an asian dude so badly?
Did he have yellow fever or something?
Only way it makes sense is if the female body did something to his mind, at least while he was in the game.

now that you're here

>that haircut

My sides

T-tell us more user.

They both were fags, you dumbass.

Kill yourself faggot scum

It's not gay, I did it all the time with my HTC Vive, I made myself my sexy avatar and do a lot of things

user, you don't have to pull it all the way out with each thrust.
have sex.

>It's not gay
Yes, it is.

>this is gay, thinking anything sexual about it makes you gay
so stop

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Kill yourself faggot scum

no at all. It liked if your fucked your bro after a genie turned him into a hot girl.

Kill yourself faggot scum

It's not like that and it would've been also gay anyway.

Kill yourself faggot scum

You're joking right?

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is the one on the right the man?

>another bloody criminal, mate

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the cellphones look really cool.
They're what I imagine fold-able phones will look like

I actually think this rose a really interesting concept.

Like legit think about your best friend turning into an actual girl, not trans shit but an actual girl. Would you wanna fuck them?

Don't forget the part where they met up in a back alley to kiss IRL just to see if they were still into it and therefore officially gay, and they totally were, but then both awkwardly pretended like they didn't like it so they could go continue spending their miserable heterosexual lies.

He's not, I watched the whole episode.
So basically it starts when they're in their late 20's.
The main character needs to go to work but hear's his friend playing a game in his (shared) house. So he goes and plays a street fighter clone.
Pick Ryu, and Chun Li respectively His friend picks Chun Li this is a knockoff btw, probably due to licensing.
Anyway fast forward 11 years and it's the MC's birthday he's looking lowkey depressed the whole time and not even interacting with his kid, his friend arrives and gets him the latest game. and a VR add on. It's set in the future
They get in the game, pick Ryu and Chun Li, fight a little, then start kissing.
Then stop playing the game and freaking out.
Next day they play the game again and start fucking.
This goes on for a while.
mc's wife thinks he's cheating on her with a woman, and basically has an intervention at a restaurant he says he isn't and breaks it off.
7 months go by - you know what fuck this, morale of the story they gay.

>janny will save us from the on topic thread

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That depends are they cute or ugly?

this season was absolute shit

>muh totally not gay feelings
why would developers even implement such a thing in a fighting game, unironically think of the children
and all those lawsuits

>muh addiction to phones killed my gf
seriously, this isn't even something worth a BM episode, it literally happens every day

>muh fame and abuse
it's a shame the only good episode was based around Miley Cyrus own life
lots of cringe moments

Black Mirror is officially dead

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if they turned into a biological girl and we had a mutual attraction, sure. if they were still a dude piloting a virtual girl, that's pretty gay.

lmao this tranny became a tranny so he could legally change his name to hide the fact he battered someone into hospital with a golf club. Will also take you to court if you dare mention he’s not a stunning and brave women (Male)


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>everyone here always posts about how much they hate women every 2 minutes
>then tries to pretend they're not massive homosexuals

Nice try, Yea Forums.

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i didnt get the impression that anthony mackie's character was a rapper

But the biological girl body is still being "piloted" by your friend's very male brain

They're almost equivalent in gayness

kek made me chuckle.

Worse then I imagined, sounds like typical Netflix shit Thanks for the rundown user.

Cool infographic /pol/. Nice, short, easily digestible piece of unsubstantiated propaganda you got there.

Go dilate you mentally ill fuck

Shows his naked ass but they won't show Pom tits. This really is a gay world

but it isn't, because she's "magically" become a literal biological female and all of her parts are now those of a standard biological female, not a male brain in a female body.

>no sources cited
>sources are cited
>Well these aren’t real trans / gay people (delete as appropriate)

Yeah. Feels good too

Well then the whole moral dilemma becomes a little pointless doesn't it? If your friend's very brain chemistry changes, his personality will change, so you're now just asking
>would you fuck your friend if they turned into a biological woman and was also a different person technically

the answer is sure why not

Yeah they were pretty gay because they never picked the Polar Bear character and fucked around with that
unimaginative really

well, yes, that was the hypothetical question. it wasn't my question.

I don't understand the message of the episode. Like, is it just that people in the future will have gay affairs? Like, okay, I guess. What a shit season. It's like they ran out of ideas.

>Hey hey, what if like, two blade dudes fuck eachother? but like, with technology?

>dude you're a genius.

Well you cant not have a male brain in the female body without changing the brain to a female brain right? Arnt you just wasting anons time now?

>The year is 2070
>You, a 70+ year old man immerse yourself in VR Streetfighter
>You don't even try to fight, you just immediately start raping your opponent

I've literally had a dream where I was in bed with with my best friend without realizing it at first, not even sexual just lying there with their head on my shoulder, and I legit felt as peaceful and content as I ever did at the height of any of my real relationships with women. Then I look over and realized it was him and thought well this just got weird I'm obviously dreaming, but man imagine if he were both a) attractive and b) attracted to me. Wouldn't even need to be a biological girl, so hell yeah I'd want to fuck him. But more than that I'd want to live happily with him and fuck as random videogame characters sometimes.

Project harder

>become a biological female
Ah, a rare science fiction trope

the original question was
>your best friend turning into an actual girl, not trans shit but an actual girl. Would you wanna fuck them?
it didn't mention any caveats like "male brain in a girl body" and in fact explicitly specified otherwise. if anything the original question was a waste of time in the first place.

lol this was a pretty great episode, shows how blacks are gay on the downlow and the evil of porn and trannydom

What they actually use is they say pedos are willing to rape both boys and girls so they are bi not real gays

you're literally gay

>star trek episode
>striking vipers episode
make up your mind teevee

Well thats still a dude and a dude you know inside that body right? Its not gay to be attracted to his female body but if you had sex with him with the full knowledge that its a dude that your fucking yes its gay

have the SJWs freaked out about this heteronormative episode yet?

it's not "a dude inside a female body", it's literally a female in every way. that was what was explicitly specified in the original question. i'm not sure why this is hard for you to understand, user.

name of the movie?

The message is be honest with yourself and you'll live a more fulfilling life. The ending showed the married dude happily staying married so he could raise his kid with his wife, but now they had an open agreement that once a month he could plug into VR to fuck his friend (who gave up dating and got a cat apparently) while the wife goes out and finds some random guy at a bar to fuck her. Everyone's needs are met to their liking.

Kill yourself faggot scum

SJWs all think it's gay shit and are praising it as gay shit, actually.

Episode was actually pretty clever in never outright stating where the gay line is crossed

just look at this thread. This thread was the point of the episode. At what point does it become gay or not gay. The use of VR as a story device to blur the lines was clever.

Striking Vipers X. It's an immersive VR video game in which real life men pretend to be virtual women to have sex with other men.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Think of it this way: would you consider yourself gay for jerking off? Because logically, a dude's mind is controlling that hand, so you're both giving and receiving a hand job with no women involved at either end. That's basically double gay amigo. Better get checked for aids.

you're human garbage advocating for faggotry and open marriages, kill yourself reddit nigger.

most people seem to agree that two dudes knowingly having real or virtual sex with each other is super gay, though, regardless of the avatars they use. if they had tried to throw in "no homo" memes into the episode the gays would have rioted, but they're actually praising it because of the fact that everyone agrees on just where the gay line is and that the show is showing a gay love affair proxied with heteronormative avatars.

>sex with "an actual girl, not trans shit but an actual girl."
you're the one trying to justify fucking a dude in a woman's body, retard.

reminder that if you lick your ice cream youre gay

So they have a female brain and user was right when he said you made the question meaningless with your caveat?

Yeah what these guys were doing in the episode is basically ERP

The modern equivalent of some steam friend pretending he's a chick while you both jerk off, except they're using VR so they somehow feel better about it

>gay black men playing fighting games
Sounds like a regular Mortal Kombat top 8 to me

we used to play 3D Sexvilla on lan parties
were we gay this whole time?

It showed a gay nigger getting cucked by his wife while he jacks off to video games dude are you fucking high

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no caveat was made. the original question was meaningless in the fist place.

a little bit, yeah

Because its gay as fuck to be sincere with you sneedpai

And they were all happy because they weren't hiding it anymore. Stop being offended and pay attention.

If youre talking about this episide it's super gay and so are you.

so fucking trannys is straight?

All woman are byproducts of their fathers cum so your basically fucking her dads seman, jacking off is the only way your not involved with another man you fucking retard

You think I'd be here if I weren't?

Kill yourself faggot scum

Virtual trannies are the only remotely acceptable form of trannies because it's the only safe way to transition and also the only guaranteed way you won't look like a fucking gorilla in drag.

I'd probably give it a go if VR ever got to that level in my lifetime.

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i have no idea what that is, but if you were using it to pretend to have sex with other irl men who were pretending to be women, yea, pretty gay.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Happy little faggots lmao

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the episode was super gay. the question we're talking about was not referencing the episode. it was a tangentially related hypothetical.

Kill yourself faggot scum

by that rational you're also just the byproduct of your dad's semen, nice flipped Oedipus complex you just interjected there user how's your relationship with daddy?

Is it gay if you have lesbian sex in VR with a computer character??
Is it gay if you have lesbian sex in vr with a real woman?
Is it gay if you are a futa in vr having sex with a real woman?

nothing about Pom is gay, even if she were kissing chicks

Your right the only form of straight sex would be those seman extractor devices where you perform no thrusting at all

>implying straights don't ever have anal

Lesbians arnt even real gays anyway they are only doing it for male attention

those devices were designed by men and built using machinery designed and built by yet more men. it's EVEN MORE gay now because your masturbation is being assisted by dozens of other men instead of just your own gay hand.

>getting AIDs from a woman who doesnt cheat on yous asshole
I thought you gays were a bit more clued up on this stuff since it kills mainly you

are men who play mmorpgs with a female character automatically gay?


Your ugly dick will never compare to boobs. Boobs > dick, if you argue against this you're a fag.

t. dyke

There is only one option left

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>It's important to note that, overall, the incidence of colorectal cancers has been declining in the US. H. Gilbert Welch, a professor of medicine at the Dartmouth Institute, told CNN that the "quadrupled" numbers are actually much smaller than they appear—the increase translates to 1 or 2 more cases per 100,000 people per year, far fewer than the drop in older Americans, which has been about 100 cases per 100,000.

That article said "rectal cancer", not AIDS.

Stop beating your wife cunt

Whatever bro i dont have to worry about it since i only use mine for shitting and do it in a squat position on the toilet seat

I don't even have a gf

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Is this the power of lesbianism?

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Have sex then you incel dyke lmao

for all you know, all other people other than you are aliens, AI, philosophical zombies, or demons meant to torment you.

I cant watch this shit it hits too close to home

Sure, everybody has had those thoughts before, but what about it?

You can do it sis

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The consensus reality is that its a dude and you are the big gay

The little one is the straight one you can tell
Big one is probably a pay pig while she goes out and fucks dudes every weekend

The dude that was into a girl wasn't gay, especially since he didnt like guys in real life. The other dude was.

the guy who played the girl character did
during the dinner scene he says "I fucked a polar bear man"

They're happily married Sis

they're both fags and so are you.

But not faithfully, i can tell by the pixels
Fags dont have real marriages anyway

It's as gay as cybering with a dude pretending he's a woman.

Rent free. Do black men's dicks also live rent free inside your head?

Clothed sex is hot as fuck you virgin

Only if there's a sexy big girl dominating me.

my gf doesn't

This is a hoax. The teens weren't supposed to be in the sauna.

Try calling the college for yourself.

"So, the actual story is that two 17-year-olds went into an area they weren’t allowed, attempted to view the people in the sauna and saw Francis. The rest of what you’ve probably heard about this incident is, at this point, an urban myth."

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