I'm a 20 year old bearded college student, why could I feel so much empathy for her /tv?

I'm a 20 year old bearded college student, why could I feel so much empathy for her /tv?

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you wish to be the little girl

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I know...

No but seriously, I cringed at her trying to deny her introverted nature by doing whatever to get that guys attention. I felt really uncomfortable with that scene of that creep trying to rape her, the way he tried to make her feel guilty with all the "they'll make fun of you because you don't know how to do it" tactic.

I don't want to be the little girl, I want to protecc.

It's because you secretly want to fuck her.

>I want to protecc.
Type like a normal person you fucking idiot.

Make me.

That's the last thing I want to do, I'm not some byllshit left wing rapey journalist not a creepy dude who tries he's move when alone in the car with a 13 year old.

>I'm not some byllshit left wing rapey journalist not a creepy dude who tries he's move when alone in the car with a 13 year old.
you just brought this up out of nowhere. I'm pretty sure thats exactly what you are

Because you were an awkward loser in middle school.
So was I

My dumb ass cried during the dinner scene at the end - like I was happy for that kid with weaponised autism to be happy with a grill in a way that I've never experienced myself

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because you're human

I had to go through eight grade being made fun of by my entire school for shitting myself because I had a spinal surgery that fucked me up

Nobody gives a shit because I don't have a pussy

This movie is a very realistic portrayal of a 14 year old girl’s life, making it the worst fucking movie ever made.

14 year old girls are oblivious to the fact they're the more desired thing on the earth, perhaps by the wrong segment of the population, but desired nonetheless.

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I brought it out of nowhere because that shit happened recently, it reminded me of that and the car rape attempt was horrible.

Probably, yeah.

I was happy too user.

Are people with little empathy not human?

I would have given a shit user.

That fact made it interesting for me, also afraid to have kids.

>Are people with little empathy not human?
they're autistic, hence why autismos are described to be "robotic."

I'm using human as a synonym for compassionate towards your fellow man

im about to watch this movie, how mad is going to make me?

I felt the same way
It's a really special film

Check out Pen15 for a similiar perspective on school life (although it's a comedy series produced by Bob Odenkirk), it's really good as well and has the same ethos.

any other cunnykino?

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It made me very mad, although as I said, with a very emphatic feeling.

Not, as long as you can muscle through the opening. Just remember: she's definitely supposed to be this awkward.

Thanks for the recommendation kind user.

Exactly, the opening scenes made me think I would not be able to enjoy the movie at all.

Because you're a fggot. Only faggots have and care about beards nowadays

I don't care about beards, I just have one and am very lazy to shave it off, also high testosterone, wtf do you want me to do about it.

Most awkward movie I’ve ever seen in my life. She reminded me a lot of myself in middle school even though I’m not a girl. I’m always thinking about how interactions between people in film are so unrealistic but this made me realize that nobody would watch movies if they were all like this.

everyone was

Shits true, anyone that denies it has been k*ked in the brain already

Tell that to all the Asian kids i see daily in college who have no more than some fuzz

An older girl used to grab my ass and humiliate me at school for being an unfuckable dork. It was a different time.

Because you're barely older than her
t. wizard

Post some life advice ya geyser

>Nobody gives a shit
You clearly gave one to your pants

Is it set on Pen Island?

Kill yourself faggot scum

why the fuck do beards trigger you so much user? this isnt the first time.