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>fuck manlets
Based stannis
Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.
Stannis is the one true king of Westeros.
She's not dead to me in the universe, her character was assassinated by the showrunners.
GRRM is no longer responsible for his book and will never finish it.
Long live Kelly C.
we must protect his smile anons
I wonder if LF watches Sansa sleep
Cast them
>gets fingers ripped off
>split second reaction is "haha, good one kid :DDD"
Seriously, how low is the average northern IQ? It's gotta be below clinically retarded level. No wonder these tards get wiped out so easily.
he was just trying to salvage what was left of his dignity after the king's direwolf ate his fucking hand.
Who would win in a fight? Yung Griff or Viserys?
It wasn't his sword hand so it's ok
>game of thrones and ASOIAF gets normie NPCs' to defend slavery that's even worse than historical slavery
Greatjon realized pretty quick after losing his fingers that he was making a massive ass of himself for no reason. The best way to break the tension was a lame joke to get laughs.
why did the late-introduction characters have such modern names?
>Jon Connington
>Harry Strickland
things that never happened: the post
>it's been 3 weeks
>born a privileged entitled brat with a chip on your shoulder
>has a hero complex and thinks they're the one who knows how to save the world, expects everyone else to bend to their whim
>all attempts to try and save the world just make things worse but never realizes this
>mary sue character who is gifted with plot armor and gifted with leadership positions even though they don't deserve it
>never has to make hard choices, never punished for mistakes, never confronted over mistakes, never has to learn, just fails constantly yet wins anyway
>kills honorable men without trial
>solution to everything is violence, lies to themself that they aren't violent
>lead a horde of violent rapist savages into westeros, to help achieve political goals
>unjustly executes honorable westerosi nobles who defended their land against foreign savage invaders
>warmonger with double standards
>delusions of grandeur from followers who worship as a god
>sleeps around
>gave the night king a dragon, which allows him to break through the wall and possibly destroy the world
>abusive, has partner wrapped around their finger, manipulates and betrays them
>go insane in the end because of targshit genes and commit an atrocity out of self righteousness
>in the end their delusional hero crusade is shown to be a lie and they were the true villain of the story
What did you guys think of Jon Snow's character and where his storyline went? Pic unrelated
Lots of the asoiaf house names are already real enough anyway. There's even a river called "Tully" I know of. Stark and Tyrell aren't even particularly uncommon surnames irl.
And there were already Jons, Roberts and Brandons at the start of the story.
>dragonstone under stannis looks like mordor
>dragonstone under dany looks like minas tirith
It was kind of weird how the weather magically changed and the castle stopped being spooky when D&D's favorite character showed up
that doesn't excuse the fact that by the time fat-ass first typed the name "strickland" he was probably watching King of the Hill reruns.
>Stark, Tyrell, Martell, Glover, Reed, Marsh
And that's not to mention names like "Mallister" and "Lannister" which are basically one letter removed from being normal surnames
don't naxalt me, bro.
there are more fantastical names than not in the canon, user.
and you know it.
Honestly I gotta hand it to grrm, it's pretty impressive how much he accomplishes in terms of giving the world a basic fantasy-feel just by using old-ish sounding surnames and mixing up some vowels in a few first names. Same with his writing style, just barebones pseudo-old-english by adding some words like mayhaps and shit.
Fat man knows laziness well I guess.
GRRM likes taking common British names and slightly changing them.
Stark is already a real surname, literally millions of people have it.
Vis never had proper battle training. Griff would destroy him.
jon snow is literally killed for his actions
>it's a victarion chapter
>resurrected in the next season, like everyone knew would happen
>death has no effect on anything
So which gods are actually real? Obviously R'hllor, is the Drowned God real as well? There's Old Wyk with the dragon bones and Patchface. Who else?
>So which gods are actually real?
None of them, it's just magic
Magic = science
Why didn't Jon and Daenerys just marry? Why did Varys forget what Westeros's views on incest are? Why did Varys and Sansa think a marriage wouldn't work out? Why did Varys think that Dany was too strong for Jon and didn't want to share power? Why put Jon on Dragonstone if all D&D were going to do was make him act out of character?
It's truly bizarre how the most important aspects of the plot don't get screentime, but Arya running around and petting a horse and Tyrion walking around for ten minutes, do. Where are the priorities? The audience is literally supposed to be accepted because Varys says that it's true. We are supposed to reject the obvious solution based off a few lines that either break canon or defy what the audience has seen multiple times.
>captures a ship ferrying pleasure slaves
>number of slave girls happens to be X - Y = 7, where X is number of slave-girls, Y is number of Ironborn captains.
>Victarion gives one girl to each of his captains
>puts remaining 7 girls on ship and burns and then sinks it, sacrificing to three gods in one fell swoop.
>has the pleasure boys' throats cut and their bodies thrown into the sea because they're weird
absolutely based character
I can't believe Gurms endgame is to extinct the Targs and the dragons again. What was the point of bringing them back?
t. maester
Stannis lunges forward with surprising speed and punches his blade through Gordy’s chest; then pulls away and spins, yanking the blade free and bringing it around to open Simpson’s throat, killing both men in three seconds before dropping back down to his knees.He crawls over to the nearest tree and slumps with his back against it. Watches his blood seep into the snow. The battle sounds very far away now. He doesn't look up when he hears footsteps. He sees boots step into his POV. Now he looks up. Not who he was expecting: Brienne of Tarth. Oathkeeper drawn. He squints at her, weak from loss of blood. STANNISBolton’s got women fighting for him?BRIENNEI don’t fight for the Boltons. I'm Brienne of Tarth. This means nothing to Stannis. BRIENNEI was Kingsguard to RenlyBaratheon. I was there when he was murdered by a shadow with your face.Stannis was not expecting this confrontation today, but fuck it, why not.BRIENNEYou murdered him? With blood magic?Stannis nods. STANNISI did. BRIENNEIn the name of Renly of the House Baratheon, first of his name, rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die.Stannis nods. He's ready.
BRIENNEDo you have any last words?Stannis considers. STANNISDo you believe in the life to come?Brienne nods.STANNISI don't. But if I’m wrong, and you're right... tell Renly I'm sorry when you get there. I don't imagine I'll see him wherever I'm going.(beat) And my daughter. Tell her... tell her...“Sorry” doesn’t begin to cover what he feels about Shireen. The thought of it brings tears to his eyes, and he’s not going to die weeping in front of a woman he doesn’t know. Stannisstares up at her. STANNISGo on. Do your duty.
>sacrificing to three gods in one fell swoop.
Covering his bases, clever
>come back soon though!
Bait and switch.
>Who would win in a fight?
Griff has training
What was the point of bringing back the direwolves only to kill all of them except for Ghost?
>Sorry” doesn’t begin to cover what he feels about Shireen. The thought of it brings tears to his eyes
>Why didn't Jon and Daenerys just marry?
GRRM dies
Book is never finished
We don't have to see it butchered, it just ends on a cliffhanger and leaves everything to the imagination
Nymeria is still alive, we're getting Jonarya wolf bogaloo
Aren't there plenty of direwolves beyond the wall? They weren't really brought back from extinction. Man they got shafted in the show though. Pointless plotwise after season 1. The dragons were better served throughout even the shitty seasons until the ending.
Throw Tyrion out the window and that would have been a better ending than what we got.
Brienne raises her blade. The sight of a hulking Ellen degenerate she-rhino ready to decapitate the true king alarms the ghost of Robert baratheon to open the portal to the seven original gods of the realm.
"Any last words?" Says the tall grinning swedish man.
Under guidance of the baratheon spirits, The lord of light sends a bolt of ather from the highest heavens into the heart of the chosen ruler.
The explosion of lightning sends Brian sailing across the snow, hair burned completely off.
Xe looks up to see Stannis floating above the snow. His baratheon crest shimmering as an aura, beams of light blasting from all of stannis's orifices. He looks 20 years younger and his armor turns to gold.
Standing around him are the baratheon family spirits, ohming in unison.
"I...I am Stannis Azor Ahai Baratheon, keeper of the realm and destroyer of cunts. I sentence you, brienne of tarth to be forever a feminist incel and all dicks will soften in your presence."
Brienne slowly rises, crisped by the shock and lays her sword down, kneeling before stannis.
"If there is any way I may punish myself for your pleasure more, lord of the seven kingdoms, please forgive me"
"Brienne your life shall be spared but you'll have to watch the next 3 seasons. Tell them I died for your sins."
Then stannis makes renleys' force ghost die again in front of her, sending his soul to the vacuous abyss. "The lord of light wills it"
Instantly Stannis Ahai becomes a orb of fire and teleports behind Ramsay bolton and his 20 good men...
>Tyrion: Do you really think she'll share the throne?
>Dany: I want to share the throne
>Jon: *STAB*
m-my queen...
Do you guys like Statistics?
It may be surprising to learn, but medieval people may have actually had higher IQs than us on average. We're getting dumber in the modern age, not more intelligent.
>It may be surprising to learn, but medieval people may have actually had higher IQs than us on average.
Even if you didn't just make that up, most of them were uneducated anyway, so what's your point?
Jon fails a ton and has to learn from his mistakes though. He's written as a deconstruction of Mary Sues more than as a Mary Sue
hahahaha the fuck does this even mean? There'd be no way to even measure that considering most of the population was too focused on not starving/dying to educate themselves in any sort of way.
Stop with this modern=bad bullshit
It really was OOC for Jon to stab her during a make out session like he was thinking, "Oh yeah, lemme get one last feel and some tongue action before the body's cold."
>most of them were uneducated anyway
hurr durr learning formulas and facts make me smart
Jon turned into a manipulative unfeeling psychopath in the last season. Really all the Stark kids did.
>When you're such a terrible politician that you directly cause the destruction of *both* your houses
The drowned god was responsible for a mass stupifying event that took place across the world and was lifted the moment the show ended so now things start taking place in thr logical, medieval culture way that the first 4 seasons abided by.
>sansa deposed and married off as being raped, abused and bitching about leather on armour does not a good leader make
>Bronn and Daario both fuck off from their respective positions as early as possible swindling as much gold as possible before retiring in pentosh eating cheese all day
>brienne is defeated and raped within a year of her service as there is no jaimie being starving, the Hound being crippled with infection or stannis being downed and out excuse to save her from being destroyed by a reasonably skilled swordsman
>bran goes full bloodraven/north korea and turns westeros into a police state
>sam is removed from his status as grand maester and given the proper training in history and medicine he should have recieved
>yara greyjoy and darkstar/nu-prince of dorne declare independence after seeing how weakly and quickly bran the broken aquiesed to sansas demands
>arya and grey worm die on their respective voyages
>jon and tormund take advantage of the norths state after deposing sansa the useless (jon also remembering how quick sansa was to leave rickon for dead and betraying his promise underneath a heart tree) and take over
>Gendry I Baratheon pulls a Henry Tudor and becomes the bastard who avenges his fathers deposed dynasty and establishes a new century long dynasty
>Sweetrobin and Royce declare the Vale independant because everywhere else is fucked up and full of war and conflict and why would peaceful, neutral vale want to continue fighting wars it has no part of
>king bran may or may not be able to defeat these threats with his abilities but either way hes decending into god-emperor absolute-monarchy
>tyrion commits suicide because of how useless and fucking stupid he is
Anything else i missed
Jon from last season would have smacked the shit out of this version of him.
Oh well, at least he wasn't butchered as bad as Jaime.
Every character from season 6 is unrecognizable by season 8, and not in a good "wow they changed so much" way. They all just lost their personalities and became cardboard cutouts bouncing from one plot point to another.
Checked. Its almost as if the showrunners flat out admitted (((they))) disliked stannis...
True. I used to care about them but the triumphant Stark ending sequence felt hollow. All the best Starks are dead.
Dabid really had it out for any character or group adsociated with honour, duty or religion
At any point when they were discussing the adaptation with GRRM, I wonder if "we don't like Stannis so we're going to eliminate most of the good stuff he does and exaggerate all of the bad" ever came up.
I guess that's part of their whole "subvert expectations" gimmick. Honor is stupid, family is stupid, being a backstabbing cunt is always the right move.
As has doubtless been explained to you before, a marriage wouldn't work because Jon and Dany would not be united in their allegiances and they effectively have different bodies of citizens who look to them. Jon's loyalties are Stark loyalties - he is beholden first and foremost to the North and to his family, to Arya, Sansa, and Bran. Dany meanwhile has to handle the Unsullied and Dothraki as well as being loyal to interests of the Realm as a whole. The tension between Sansa and Dany already showed that Jon would face divided loyalties if he married Dany.
At some point they would disagree on something the question would be asked "Well, who is really in charge? Is it Jon, or Dany?" And that question must have an answer. It would probably lead to conflict, seeing as Jon is the rightful ruler but Dany would be unwilling to yield power to Jon.
>not having Uncle Tyrion there
>make that up
What did I make up? I said "may have". How is that making anything up? My point is that the assumption that they had lower IQs is baseless and may not be true.
>most of them were uneducated anyway
What does that matter?
>so what's your point
See above
>he also drowns all of the faggots he finds
I don't think they're even that deep. Visuals for Stannis looked like that because they are probably only thinking about some spooky Lord of Light cult aspect they want to portray because that's the only thing about Stannis they were really interested in.
There would be problems but it's still much better than what we got. And if anyone starts feeling rebellious that's what the dragon is for.
But you're forgetting Jon DUN WAN EET
>In November 2012, Stanford University School of Medicine researcher Gerald Crabtree published two papers in the journal Trends in Genetics suggesting that humanity's intelligence peaked between 2,000 and 6,000 years ago.
>Crabtree based this assertion on genetics. About 2,000 to 5,000 genes control human intelligence, he estimated. At the rate at which genetic mutations accumulate, Crabtree calculated that within the last 3,000 years, all of humanity has sustained at least two mutations harmful to these intellect-determining genes (and will sustain a couple more in another 3,000 years). Not every mutation will cause harm — genes come in pairs, and some weaknesses caused by mutation can be covered for by the healthy half of the pair, Crabtree wrote; but the calculation suggests that intelligence is more fragile than it seems.
>Furthermore, he argued, intelligence isn't as evolutionarily important to humans today as it was when the species was hunter-gatherers. Thousands of years ago, failing to grasp the aerodynamics of throwing a spear when a lion was coming at you meant you were toast — no more passing along your genes to offspring. Modern man rarely faces such life-or-death tests of wits, Crabtree wrote. [10 Things That Make Humans Special]
>Another theory holds that humanity's genetic capacity for intelligence is in decline because of a phenomenon called dysgenic mating. Since the mid-1800s, IQ and reproduction have been negatively correlated, studies have found. To put it bluntly, people who are more intelligent have fewer babies. Because intelligence is part genetic, some researchers argue that, if anything, IQs should be dropping.
True, but have you considered SHE'S MUH QUEEN
>Jon and Dany would not be united in their allegiances and they effectively have different bodies of citizens who look to them
This is retarded. The North doesn't need anything special from the Realm, with the dead defeated and friendly Wildlings
>"Well, who is really in charge? Is it Jon, or Dany?"
Jon, everytime Dany and Jon discuss Jon gets his
No, it's not better than what we got from the perspective of the Realm itself. For one thing, it could literally lead to a civil war. If by "better than what we got" you mean in an artistic or narrative sense, then yes of course I agree.
>Another theory holds that humanity's genetic capacity for intelligence is in decline because of a phenomenon called dysgenic mating. Since the mid-1800s, IQ and reproduction have been negatively correlated, studies have found. To put it bluntly, people who are more intelligent have fewer babies. Because intelligence is part genetic, some researchers argue that, if anything, IQs should be dropping.
This makes a lot of sense. Couples that have like a dozen kids tend to be really dumb.
>To put it bluntly, people who are more intelligent have fewer babies.
Save the planet reeeeeeeee
Their duties are to the realm as a whole. Sansa would have to be put in her fucking place, if she keeps running her mouth. In regards to power, Jon could always just abdicate and serve as King-Consort. He would still have a say, because Dany cares about his opinions. There will be disagreements, but that always happens.
In a world where Cersei can blow up the Sept and stay in power, and where Bran can be voted into power for no reason while also letting Sansa secede, Jon and Dany ruling is not at all the least impossible.
>No, it's not better than what we got from the perspective of the Realm itself.
What is the Realm?
Jon and Dany care for the people and hate nobles
I thought about that but it's irrelevant cause THA NAHT KENG IS COMEN
>This is retarded. The North doesn't need anything special from the Realm, with the dead defeated and friendly Wildlings
How about independence, for one? How is that question handled? In terms of other things that could come up, what about a possible conflict between the North and the Iron Islands? What about old enemies of House Stark or resources of the Realm at large? What if a Stark Lord were to do something that Dany would otherwise punish harshly, but Jon would urge not to due to his divided loyalties? Favoritism is always an issue, but that issue becomes enormous when its not at all clear who is actually sitting the Iron Throne between two individuals who don't share the same favorite players.
>Jon, everytime Dany and Jon discuss Jon gets his
If this is actually true then there should be no problems, but in the show Dany did not think that way. She wanted to be Queen Regent, not Queen Consort.
>For one thing, it could literally lead to a civil war.
While putting Bran on the throne guarantees a civil war.
>North just left (and is going to starve)
>Bran has 0 soldiers loyal to him (the Lannister armies have been wiped out,"House Bronn" doesn't have an army, the City Watch is mostly ashes) and no fleet either
>Only major armies left intact are in Dorne and the Vale
The first month of the reign of "King Bran" would see Dorne and the Vale either declaring independence or invading the "King"'s lands and there's fuck all Bran can do to stop them.
>No, it's not better than what we got from the perspective of the Realm itself. For one thing, it could literally lead to a civil war.
How do you know that? And what we got would immediately lead to the dissolution of the Seven Kingdoms entirely. There is no reason for the other kingdoms to follow Bran at all, especially since Bran let Sansa secede for free.
The Iron Islands secede. Dorne secedes. The Reach falls into Civil War because they have a fucking sellsword as Lord Paramount. The Crown's debt will be mismanaged for the same reason. Everything falls apart immediately in the King Bran ending.
Was game of thrones the worst ending ever?
If I go see a spiderman movie, I want spiderman to be victorious. No matter how cliche and over done it supposedly is, to see Spiderman triumph. The whole time I thought John Snow would take the throne, because that's what it
Instead I get this dumb ending where the eternal no-fap champion Bran somehow becomes king and John gets sent back to the wall.
The writing was so fucking bad in the end. The decline in this show was astounding, it was pure kino from seasons 1 to 3 with a gradual decline until these last two seasons where it just free fell into a black abyss. Fucking garbage.
I get that deciding on an ending is hard, and there's always disappointment because the show ends. But this was pure dog shit. The worst fucking ending I've ever fucking seen. Fucking garbage.
>The North doesn't need anything special from the Realm
Except for food
ending come from books
books good
>Their duties are to the realm as a whole.
Yes but they have favorite players and parts of the Realm as any ruler does.
> Sansa would have to be put in her fucking place, if she keeps running her mouth.
Would Jon be willing to do that? Or would be more willing to cater to her than Dany would? Certainly its the latter.
> In regards to power, Jon could always just abdicate and serve as King-Consort
And what happens when people are rattled because by law in Westeros, it is Jon who is the rightful ruler and not Dany? What happens when Dany makes a choice that leaves Jon seething? Several examples had already happened in the show that left Jon uncomfortable and had people appealing to him. The execution of Dickon Tarly, for one. What happens when Jon's friends and family attempt to leverage him?
>In a world where Cersei can blow up the Sept and stay in power, and where Bran can be voted into power for no reason while also letting Sansa secede, Jon and Dany ruling is not at all the least impossible.
There's really no logic here beyond "weird shit happens why not more weird shit lol"
>ending come from books
This is the books ending as well?
Why does anybody even believe that Jon is a Targaryen, anyway?
>My subordinate/best friend found a secret, totally not-forged document showing that Rhaegar and Lyanna married
>My autistic little brother had a dream that confirms it
The Nobles support his clam which is all that really matters. He didn't even cruise in on a conquest, he was literally voted in by the nobles.
>How do you know that?
I don't *know* anything, same as you. I'm just making the best prediction I can using logic, acting as though this fictional story is a real situation and analyzing it accordingly.
>There is no reason for the other kingdoms to follow Bran at all, especially since Bran let Sansa secede for free.
That's retarded for sure, but it all depends on what the nobles associated with those kingdoms want. At the end of the show it seems they wanted stability.
>The Iron Islands secede.
And get fucked yet again
>Dorne secedes.
Most likely, yes.
Also, why the fuck are we talking about King Bran? I'm not trying to defend that ending. It's also stupid as fuck and has nothing to do with the question at hand. An attack on the Bran ending does not subsitute as a defense for the marriage ending.
probably very similar but i'm sure the fatman will write it in a way that makes sense
season 5/6 make a lot of differences from books and 7/8 are most likely 90% fanfic so the ending will probably make a lot more sense in books
In reality the people who find it useful to believe he's a Targ would believe it and the people who find it disadvantageous would not.
So your argument would be that there are going to be problems. And? There are going to be problems regardless, and in this King Bran ending, there is no reason whatsoever to expect him to have respect for his authority or the forces needed to implement his laws.
Daenerys was quite willing to listen to Jon before making decisions. If co-Regency is really as bad an issue as you are making it out to be, Jon could just abdicate and still give his input as King-Consort. He is already Warden of the North, and the Vale and the Riverlands have little reason to take up arms against the Crown because "Sansa wants to be independent." Sansa is not that powerful.
>The Nobles support his clam which is all that really matters
Unless they've collectively gone insane, they'll rebel the second they get home.
Let's hope the books don't end with that stupid scene at the end where bron talks about building brothels all over the fucking place.
What a stupid waste of fucking time that dialog was.
Gendry should have been King
>Sansa is not that powerful.
Sansa is the smartest person in Westeros, Arya said so
>So your argument would be that there are going to be problems. And? There are going to be problems regardless
Quite a lame response my man. I'm saying the problems with a marriage are more severe than alternative options
>and in this King Bran ending, there is no reason whatsoever to expect him to have respect for his authority or the forces needed to implement his laws.
I don't give a shit about the King Bran ending. I'm not going to discuss it anymore, it has nothing to do with whether or not a marriage ending is logical.
>Daenerys was quite willing to listen to Jon before making decisions. If co-Regency is really as bad an issue as you are making it out to be, Jon could just abdicate and still give his input as King-Consort.
You already made this exact same point and it was responded to. Speak to the response, please. I've no intention to have a Fifty First Dates situation with claims right now.
The part about intelligence not being nearly as important today is a huge point. Today you can fuck up hard at the basic job of getting base resources for you and your offspring and some big State will come and cover your ass. There's welfare, there's international aid, all kinds of safety nets for dumbos.
>Yes but they have favorite players and parts of the Realm as any ruler does.
They would deal with disputes when they get to them. The whole point is that they would work together, but you seem to be under the impression that any conflict of interest can't be mediated.
>Would Jon be willing to do that? Or would be more willing to cater to her than Dany would? Certainly its the latter.
Of course, he is biased towards the North, but he also has rejected Sansa's advice repeatedly. Just because he has a bias to one kingdom doesn't mean the entire alliance would shatter when problems appear.
>And what happens when people are rattled because by law in Westeros, it is Jon who is the rightful ruler and not Dany?
Who the rightful heir is hasn't mattered in years and it didn't matter in the ending we got. Daenerys has the forces, and most kingdoms wouldn't care that Rhaegar's son is "just" King-Consort.
>What happens when Dany makes a choice that leaves Jon seething? Several examples had already happened in the show that left Jon uncomfortable and had people appealing to him. The execution of Dickon Tarly, for one. What happens when Jon's friends and family attempt to leverage him?
Jon fully accepted the death of Dickon for what it was. He also doesn't have the support in this doomsday scenario to take arms against Dany. You make it sound like Dany should just skip the marriage, and have Jon killed immediately.
>There's really no logic here beyond "weird shit happens why not more weird shit lol"
No, I am arguing that Jon and Dany ruling together makes more sense than a weird kid, with zero claim and no armies, ruling. This is an either or scenario, and Bran being King leads to everybody seceding. Yara has no reason to want independence from Dany, but not want independence from Bran. Dorne has no reason to kneel to a Stark after fighting for 100s of years to stay independent.
Jon and Dany ruling > instant civil war.
>Dorne has no reason to kneel to a Stark after fighting for 100s of years to stay independent.
Dorne has no reason to even send a representative.
>"Hey guys we're holding a council to decide who the new king gets to be"
>"That's nice, tell him we said good luck"
>but you seem to be under the impression that any conflict of interest can't be mediated.
This is a strawman. I'm not saying that any conflict of interest can't be mediated, but that certain conflicts of interest would come along that would strain Jon and Dany's relationship severely, as already happened in the show! Lmao
>Of course, he is biased towards the North, but he also has rejected Sansa's advice repeatedly. Just because he has a bias to one kingdom doesn't mean the entire alliance would shatter when problems appear.
Another strawman. I'm not saying the alliance would shatter at the first provocation, but that these conflicts would build up and strain the relationship further and eventually problems would arise. I mean look at any two characters who grew apart in the books. Look at Jaimie and Cersei, Tywin and children, Robert and Ned. Conflicts of interest lead to the death of relationships. There is ZERO indication that Jon and Dany's relationship is strong enough to survive a weight CoI, absolutely ZERO
>Daenerys has the forces, and most kingdoms wouldn't care that Rhaegar's son is "just" King-Consort.
You couldn't be more wrong here.
>Jon fully accepted the death of Dickon for what it was.
It also made him uncomfortable.
>This is an either or scenario
Kek what? How the fuck do you figure?
after reading the first two lines I knew what you were doing and glanced down to see who you were really talking about
What's the best sword name and why is it Lady Forlorn?
>Innocent family members
>Innocent Lhazareen
>Innocent healers
>Innocent magicians
>Innocent Astaporians
>Innocent Meereenese
>Innocent shepherds
>Innocent Harpy worshippers
>Innocent Dothraki
>Innocent Yunkish and Volantene slave soldiers
>Innocent Tarlys
>Innocent King's Landing citizens
Because swords named after women are kino and swords named in such a way that implies sadness or reluctance in battle are kino, and the combination is double kino.
I also like Oathkeeper and Truth.
What is the worst sword name and why is it Red Rain?
Jon was uncomfortable because of Sam's relation to Dickon, not because of the act itself. Also, Jon wasn't there when it happened, so it's completely unfair to bring up Dickon's death as a dispute when we don't know how the situation would have ended had Jon intervened.
As far as disagreements go, when Daenerys was Queen and Jon was a "rebellious lord," she wanted to burn down the Red Keep. Jon told her not to when she asked for advice, and she listened. She agreed to the Wight Hunt mission because Jon decided to go with it. She changed her priorities entirely because Jon convinced her to. She wanted to execute Jaime, but she asked Jon and he told her not to. Jon blabbed about his secret despite Dany begging him not to, and she still forgave him (judging by their following interaction).
In disagreements, the track record showed Queen Daenerys acquiescing to Lord Jon Snow repeatedly. That's ONLY taking into consideration when they disagreed with each other.
>Conflicts of interest lead to the death of relationships. There is ZERO indication that Jon and Dany's relationship is strong enough to survive a weight CoI, absolutely ZERO
Jon doesn't want to call all the shots, and he usually wins when he has a conflict with Daenerys. The situation is far less cut and dry as you make it out to be.
>has the pleasure boys' throats cut and their bodies thrown into the sea because they're weird
can I get a based?
The histories will not remember you, but I will.
I was appalled by the sacrifice of the seven choicest whores (they sounded pretty hot from the description), but disposing of the boywhores was 100% justified and a mercy. I’m also glad the rest of the whores got to be concubines instead
>Jon was uncomfortable because of Sam's relation to Dickon, not because of the act itself.
That's entirely my point.
> Dickon's death as a dispute
I'm not saying its a proper dispute, just that its an instance where Jon would probably not have made the same choice as Dany and already an instance where tensions could arise based on divided allegiances. Sam is Jon's best friend. He approaches Jon and asks "did you know?" Jon didn't, but what if he had?
>Jon told her not to when she asked for advice, and she listened.
>but she asked Jon and he told her not to. Jon blabbed about his secret despite Dany begging him not to, and she still forgave him (judging by their following interaction).
We don't really know if Dany "forgave him" and at this point the writing gets pretty shit so its hard to talk about realistic character interaction, but I would bet Jon revealing the secret against Dany's wishes is one of the things that drove her to push away from him and roast King's Landing to cement her claim.
Also just because a couple things are handled well does not mean no problems arise in the future. A co-regency in GENERAL is a shit idea, let alone when people now have reason to try and get in between the couple for power reasons, as happens constantly to characters in the books. Those other "disagreements" are more logical considerations and not true divided loyalties. Again, what happens if someone is calling for a Stark's head and if it were anyone else Dany would execute them, but Jon is saying not to? What happens when Dany is accused of Stark favoritism? What happens when Sansa asks for independence?
Your examples are not major conflicts of interest and therefore are not useful data for predicting later, true conflicts of interest.
Anyone see the last Alt Shift X video? If its not him sobbing through the whole thing I'm not interested.
>Anyone see the last Alt Shift X video?
Can anyone tell me who this guy is and what his videos are about?
>I'm not saying its a proper dispute, just that its an instance where Jon would probably not have made the same choice as Dany and already an instance where tensions could arise based on divided allegiances.
And we have seen multiple times that Jon got his way when there was a difference of opinion. We have no idea what Jon's stance would have been in the first place, so why bring this up constantly?
>that drove her to push away from him
The writing is shitty, but the one thing she never did was push him away. If anything, he rejected her right up until the end. Jon got what he wanted most of the time, whether one factors this is in or doesn't.
>Those other "disagreements" are more logical considerations and not true divided loyalties.
You are completely downplaying the nature of this relationship. Daenerys was willing to put her entire campaign of Westeros on hold for Jon, so a conflict between kingdoms is small by comparison.
>Again, what happens if someone is calling for a Stark's head and if it were anyone else Dany would execute them, but Jon is saying not to?
First of all, this is absolutely a worst case scenario that would not happen for years, if ever during their reign. The Starks are Arya, Sansa, and Bran. Arya will probably be gone and Bran is worthless and does nothing. That leaves Sansa. If it's Sansa, Dany's choice isn't between what one kingdom wants and what Jon wants; it's what one kingdom wants and what Jon, the North, the Vale and the Riverlands want. I'd risk pissing off one kingdom over pissing off three.
>What happens when Dany is accused of Stark favoritism?
How? In this one instance? Robert left the North to their own devices for years, so why do you assume that they would be so heavily involved in southern politics?
>What happens when Sansa asks for independence?
Tough shit. Jon bent the knee. The other kingdoms aren't going to take up arms because of one upstart. The North aren't as involved as you make them sound.
I can't, I only know he's a thing from these threads
is it true that Ser Davos frequents maid cafes in real life?
Do Joff swords count? Hearteater is absolute dogshit. Widow's Wail is actually ok
Too late for that, too many things are confirmed and no order of events of leadup can redeem them
I think its called Red Rain because the Iron nigger stole it off a member of House Reyne
Best V.Steel name is Lamentation and worst name is Orphan Maker
>George is a "gardener" writer
>this means that he doesn't plan out the stories or the characters
>rather he puts them in situations and sees how they develop/"grow" from there
>but he also had an original outline for the whole trilogy including the ending when he pitched it
>but it turned out to be wrong when he expanded the story past three books
>but he also supposedly has a planned ending which he told the showrunners
>but two books isn't anywhere near enough to wrap everything up from where he left it
>he also said he won't change the ending just because someone figured it out
>but he also said nothing about adjusting the ending in case the original plan depicted in the show gets universally panned
Is based George going to expand the books again, change the ending again, and dab on retard&retarder?
>Two ironborn houses have valyrian steel swords
>The greyjoys, lords of the iron islands, don't
Is there a biggest cuck house?
its funny because a Greyjoy gave House Harlaw Nightfall
Not if he doesn't live another 30 years.
Just google it. It's a Youtube channel and he's good at doing GoT analyses and breaking down fan theories in a digestible manner.
10,000 strong Uruk-hai infantry, along with battering rams, siege weapons, and cross bows along with thousands of Orcs and Dunlendings teleport into Westeros.
Just how fucked is the Seven Kingdoms?
Night's Watch isn't defunct at all and Maesters are not subservient to the crown but to the realm. They were already around serving the different kingdoms even before Aegon, like the Watch they are independent of the kingdoms hence giving up name and their House.Sam is an oathbreaker multiple times over and would get executed.
Henry Tudor had an army, an education and wealth, Gendry has none of those. Henry fought for his claim and killed the other king, Gendry wouldn't even bd able to get enough support to do that
Working together to fight an enemy they both consider theirs and that the Watch considers part of it's duty like the Wildlings is not the same as helping each other out in general. Watch does not fight wars south of the Wall unless Wildlings get through, they don't fight otherwise and even then they're not under the command of anyone even the King in the North
Are there any cases of people living longer out of pure spite?
George will force his way to that retarded original ending of his no matter what. It'll be the literary How I Met Your Mother
Don't greenseers not live long unless they're literally plugged into a weirdwood tree? Are there any godswoods in King's Landing?
The last episode was so fucking bad. I cry at the end of lotr and used to cry at the end of harry potter. I just wanted it to be over for got. Its so fucking bad, i swear they do this on purpose.
I tried cause youtube recommended his video, but it's literally just a dude recapping what happened in the episode which is pointless if you watched it. So I guess if you don't want to watch the whole regular episode his recap cuts it down but I don't see the point or why he's popular, so i stopped it after skipping around.and no he doesn't cry
100+ Year old GRRM still not even working on his final book yet is inevitable
That's why I don't watch any of these clickbait pop culture analysis videos. They just recap what's already there that you could've picked up on a second rewatch if you somehow missed it the first time.
The ending wouldnt even be that bad if they hadnt fucked it up like the retarded talentless hacks they are. One of them is the son of a former goldman sachs CEO who was also really high up in the govt. They are total hacks and shouldnt get any more work.
Pre War of the Five Kings: Westeros wins
Post War of the Five Kings: Uruk-hai wins
No, Alt Shift X actually used to have fantastic ASOIAF videos back when the show was relatively good and book theories were abundant. Then the show passed the books and just started trimming down so much shit, both its own in-universe logic, and things the books point to, that there was literally nothing left to talk about, especially now that the show confirmed the ending. It was his decision to keep making pointless videos because they were making money, even though he was probably aware of their redundancy himself.
is that average white iq or average iq of the population as a whole? Bear in mind the demographics in modern europe/america are vastly different to medieval europe.
>fantastic ASOIAF
Always felt like he just took theories from places like reddit and and just put it to video to make money. Which is good for normies or brainlets I guess but useless for people that already discuss this shit
>I cry at the end of lotr and used to cry at the end of harry potter.
I felt almost nothing when got ended.
That's exactly what he did, but if I never saw the theories in an organized distilled video format, I would've never looked them up on their own. It's daunting to sift through thousands of old comments and threads with no intro, and they weren't monetizing it anyway so it's not like he deprived them of profit. It would've been better if he did it out of passion and the good of his heart, sure, but I don't think he harmed anyone. His continued video creation even after the content stopped is a bit scummy though.
Yeah pretty much. His video about Cersei where he explained the whole Valonquar thing is basically what got me into the show and eventually the books
This image triggers the Stannisfag
All three are ugly as fuck why would they get hired?
Not that fucked. Without Sauron or the white wizard they lose half their advantage, a celestial creatures guidance
>Gendry I Baratheon pulls a Henry Tudor and becomes the bastard who avenges his fathers deposed dynasty and establishes a new century long dynasty.
Bobby B's ancestor Otys Barratheon already did a HenryVII- he was a mid/low-born Valyrian who followed the Targaryen fucking shits, but proved himself able in battle, slaying the last storm king, ending the male line of the Durrandons. Out of respect for traditions, he married his surviving daughter and was granted the title of Lord of the Stormlands by Aegon. Also some cunt named Edric Storm is well-known in the region and is one of the Bobby B's bastards and is older as well.
>A flea bottom resident, claiming to be a bastard of Robert I Barratheon legitimised in Winterfell (the seat of a different kingdom) by the non-crowned Kelly C (a disputed Queen whose authority Storm's End never officially recognised), shows up with no physical proof of legitimisation or Barratheon descendancy except the dark colour of his hair, a trait he shares with the entire fucking Stormlands.
>He is judged to be a pretender by Edric Storm and is whipped through the streets of Storm's End by Stannis loyalists.
>Barely survives the trip back to King's Landing, uses the confusion to actually usurp the remnanst of the largest steel workshop on the street of steel.
>Westeros' best and richest master blacksmith.
Apart from the Gendry one, all others seem pretty logical.
With dragons or without?
How is Bran not evil again?
Depends on where in Westeros
>Vale of Arryn
The Eyrie is inpenetrable, even the approach is guarded by three castles and easily-defended terrain, plus they kwpt out of most conflicts bar bastard battle, where they did not take noticable losses.
Lost in the desert and disappeared without a trace after one skirmish, the sands washing over the bones. The Dornish, occupied by palace intrigues and orgies, didn't even realise they were being invaded or that they won the orc war.
>Westerlands, Stormlands, The Reach, Ghiscari Slaver's Bay
Decent defences but manpower is lacking due to losses in recent conflicts. Either take a chance on the open field or apply a scorched earth tactic and use their superior defences to wait out a siege until help or reinforcements arrive.
>Free Cities
Each one has sellsword companies on retainer, so as above: open field battle/ defend yourself within th city walls.
>Iron Islands, Dragonstone, Driftmark
Completely safe from orc invasion, everyone knows niggers can't swim.
>Dothraki Sea, North of the Wall
Large amounts of nomadic people moving about a vast open area and subjugating anything they come accross is literally what happens at the start of the book and the tv show.
>Anywhere else
Lol who gives a shit
Was getting into this story in the first place is a mistake? GRRM isn't going to finish the books obviously and the ending is probably the worse TV finale ever. I don't think there will be anything more promising & disappointing for me.
Yes, yes it was. Even if by some miracle George can finish the books, the ending will be shit, it will be rushed and it would've rendered 20 years of waiting meaningless
Is it kind of implied that since Bran doesn't really give a shit, it's Tyrion who is mostly in charge and has the most power? I imagine Bran's job is just to help him know things with his abilities but he doesn't really give a shit about making the decisions
>, it's Tyrion who is mostly in charge and has the most power?
Tyrion ended up King in the end. What a fucking reddit tier ending.
based king
his smile is so pure bros
Name a character more deserving of a happy ending
It's as happy as subversive jewish writers go. Remember that not a single character in the entire series got a meaningful sastisfying "happy" ending, and the same will be true in the books.
Why is he so cute, bros?
>Name a character more deserving of a happy ending
Shireen nigger
>Jon and Dany would not be united in their allegiances and they effectively have different bodies of citizens who look to them.
The entire point of a marriage alliance is to bridge those differences. It's the SOLUTION, not the problem.
Tyrion is the court dwarf, they give him the hand of the king pin to make him feel better but don't let him make any decisions
>they sounded pretty hot from the description
Pretty sure they were all supposed to be children.
WTF i thought that was Lancel
>light skin
>silver hair
>violet eyes
Grrm is a leftist cuck
>sacrificing to three gods in one fell swoop.
drowned god, r'hllor, who's the remaining one?
I can't.
Because he activates the nurturing instinct in us
>Bobby was a shitty king because he wasted all of his father-in-law's money in tourneys and parties
>first thing Renly does after crowning himself is waste his father-in-law's money in tourneys and parties before even getting King's Landing
So what is Arya going to do with the Gendry bastard inside of her?
Foster him in Tarth along with Brienne's lionspawn
>Is there a biggest cuck house?
>Bobby cucked by Rhaegar and Jaime
>Renly cucked by Joffrey and Tommen
>Stannis cucked by Patchface
>Gendry cucked by the fucking Sunset Sea
If Cersei was always scared of the prophecy then why didn't she try having more than three children?
>Why isn't Varys answering my letters?
She had 4
D&D essentially conned an old man out of a faithful adaptation of his life's work, the story UNIRONICALLY goes:
>one of the Dabids reads the books and gets to the Red Wedding in ASOS
>call Dabid on the phone and literally unironically genuinely goes "DABID YOU HAVE TO READ THIS WE NEED TO FILM THIS"
>talk to George about acquiring the rights to adapt the books
>George already rejected previous offers from others because he was originally a TV writer and knows how soulless the business is
>decides to let Dabid adapt after all because they passed his test of knowing who Jon's mother is
>this was the most popular and widely available theory on the internet at the time
>George didn't know that because he stopped reading the theories after being disappointed some of his stuff was figured out early
>they genuinely didn't give a shit about the books or the story past adapting the Red Wedding
>this is especially obvious with the quality drop in adapting the same book, the second the show wrapped up RW i.e. S4
>they immediately start cutting content George tells them is important, downplaying the fantastical elements, and hurrying the show's pace
The most obvious clue to this is the fact they cut all the hints foreshadowing Jon's parentage in the first few seasons, despite it being the reason they got hired, because of their retarded "no flashbacks" rule.
It's kinda breath taking how bad this adaptation is. How the fuck do you manage to fuck up this badly? Is it on purpose or something? I mean a fucking mentally retarded 5 year old could come up with a better story than this.
What was the point of Viserion?
Why didn’t more people see that Stannis was by far the most interesting charachter in this franchise?
D&D didn't like him so they did everything they could to tarnish his character. He's not relevant to the Red Wedding after all.
the /tg/ thread is getting more traffic than this
Yea Forums GOT is dead
Anyone else not even looking forward to the books at this point? Everything wrapped up in such a disappointing way, worse than I could have imagined
fuck you
ngl that's pretty based tbqhwy famiglia
>D&D didn't like him so they did everything they could to tarnish his character.
You can say that fucking again.
The Stannis storyline and the god dam fucking Ramsay bolton shit is just so fucking frustrating.
>Anyone else not even looking forward to the books at this point?
I'm praying to the gods it's not gonna end this way (if the books ever come out).
If I was Martin, I would ignore everything D&D did and do the opposite to spite them
So that means:
Stannis kills Roose Bolton
Dany decides to stay in Meeren
Jon stays dead
Cersei flees king's landing
fAegon takes king's landing
Euron blows up Oldstown and the wall
come to /tg/ fren, its comfy over here
I will, when these threads die for good
Yeah he’s only the one who cursed Robb
>Tyrion, Jon, Dany, Cersei and Jaime were basically the main characters of the last two books
>they shouldn't matter at all in the ending of the series because of spite
Don't be so fucking dumb
Yeah that'd be better than what we got. Doesn't matter now since we'll never get the books anyway
Yeah, it's such a shit turn of events
>there are no evil characters in this story, only madness and stupidity
>see all these stupid infighting humans? they're stupid for infighting and ignoring the real, almost supernatural threat, probably caused by them
>oh wait no, the seemingly unstoppable force of death is easily stopped and the stupid infighting humans were smart for infighting all along
Not having a divine force of evil "because evil" was set up as the original subversion, instead of Sauron and orcs, there were the "climate change/nuclear weapons metaphor" Others. Reneging on that and doing something contrary to the 5000 pages of setup until then is such an asspull.
around this time of day the /tg/ threads really pick up
I'm scared of joining because I'm a showfag
>Little children BURNING
>Ned basically the main character of the first book
>He shouldn't matter at all in the end
Don't be so dumb
>Completely useless
>Has to rely on others for decision making
>Zero competence on anything
>Is constantly bullied by his jerk big brother
>Somehow against all odds gets to fuck the prettiest woman in the Seven Kingdoms
I honestly feel sad when the poor guy commits suicide. He is obviously going to die as well in the Winds if it ever comes out. Tommen deserves better bros.
just dont be over the top with your showfaggery, ask questions and atleast read the asoiaf wiki when you read something you don't understand
read the books though, they're glorious
join us
He should, that's the point, all of them should matter, Ned too, otherwise why bother? In the show everything Ned did didn't matter at all, not one bit, it retroactively made him a badly written character.
must protek doggo!!
Ned, Robb, Joffrey and Tywin's deaths all contribute to advancing the overall story and actually have impact still felt for the later books. Randomly ending Jon/Dany/Cersei/Jaime's story in the middle would be a complete waste and adds nothing but cheap subversion. Would be as stupid as Stannis & The Night King's deaths in the show.
Am I allowed to post /got/ memes? Like MERYN FUCKING TRANT or 20 good men, no Bobbys
It's not fucking randomly ending their stories it's just writing them differently. You can kill a character like cersei earlier in the story and still make it have impact and meaning in the end, just like was done with other characters like tywin
Been rewatching GoT season 1 & 2. Gods I miss Joffrey and Viserys....
Cersei, Euron and the Night King are all boring compared to those mad men.
Yeah by the end pretty much nothing any character did mattered
If that's the case I would agree. For the show she should have died after blowing up the sept (either in S6 finale or early to mid S7). Most likely she is dying in Winds as well, but who knows.
Ned does matter, his actions and relationships with other characters are still important even years after his death and he keeps getting mentioned more than even other alive POV characters
But you are asking to forget already set up plot points and developments just for the sake of subverting expectations and to shill the minor characters you like more. By doing that you are just as bad as D&D
Theon looks like the little brother I want to protect and shield from the world but the character has done some fucked up stuff
sure, as long as it isn't over the top
Please stop advertising it, I don't want Yea Forums shitters in there
D&D on season 8 a few months ago:
>We want people to love it. It matters a lot to us. We've spent 11 years doing this. We also know no matter what we do, even if it's the optimal version, that a certain number of people will hate the best of all possible versions. There is no version where everybody says, 'I have to admit, I agree with every other person on the planet that this is the perfect way to do this' -- that's an impossible reality that doesn't exist. I'm hoping for the Breaking Bad [finale] argument where it's like, 'Is that an A or an A+?'
What the fuck are you talking about, the series has always subverted expectations in favor of logic. Cersei being a final villain against all logic just cause she has a lot of chapters is bad, the ending is bad
I thought the Breaking Bad finale was kinda shit too desu but not nearly as shit as this
I wonder how they feel with everyone despising it
This show need more filler scenes involving jousting and daily medieval lives to make it comfy.
>wonder how they feel with everyone despising it
They won't care and will probably thought they are too smart to be understood by the general audiences or GRRM for that matter. And don't kid yourselves these cunts will still get their beloved space skirmish schlock and normies will watch it anyway.
Why do Renly supporters ignore that he was an Oathbreaker?
Breaking bad ending was great, if you think it's too satisfying you can just pretend he died in the car and it was a dream
I honestly wonder if the normie bubble might pop on Star Wars.
I remember thinking it was a little too lame and neatly wrapped up, if that's what you meant by "too satisfying". I wasn't a huge fan of the whole techno-raid on Aryan Brotherhood angle.
Ending I would have preferred is Walter somehow gets Jesse off and hides him but then he gets capped and heads to prison where he either dies or learns that his cancer has gone into remission and now he must live in prison
It's all about the charisma and the fact that he has built lots of connection offscreen before, during and after season 1. Stannis is for the most part an unlikeable dude in-universe who is considered too much against the compromise and decadence the lords supporting Renly are benefited from. Religious reason probably count as well, since Renly is at least a believer in the faith of the seven in public view, while Stannis converts to a foreign religion that involves burning men alive.
>This show need more filler scenes involving jousting and daily medieval lives to make it comfy.
This would be comfy as fuck.
How is he an Oathbreaker? I forget
They won't give a shit either. Just look as episode IX breaks another 1 billion for the Mouse. The reason SOLO flopped is mostly due to lack of promotion and lack of potentials to develop a good story. If Dabid somehow manage to sell a good enough trailer peoples will bought it anyway.
Can anyone remind me on why Arthur Dayne even fought Ned Stark at the Tower of Joy? Rhaegar was already dead so what exactly was Arthur planning on doing if he won?
I thought it was fine, Walt hits rock bottom, then gets a chance to use his smarts to undo some of the damage he's done, get some small redemption without whitewashing his character, and goes out on his own terms. It's still in line with the whole series and is satisfying even if a little unrealistic
I honestly really like those season 1 parts when they show Robert's tourney. Maybe we can have more of that. Or show a flashback scene for the tourney at Harrenhal if they want it to be plot relevant.
I mostly thought about that after watching A Knight's Tale. Talk about that movie, Heath Ledger would have made a great Rhaegar had he still alive.
I mean I'm going to go see episode IX but only to see how much of a train wreck it is. They dialed back a lot of their gay cinematic universe plans when people weren't as taken with Star Wars as they thought they would be it seems. I wonder how many will be interested in a brand new trilogy with presumably new characters, a lot of people were interested in Han/Luke/Leia but now that that's been done very unsatisfactorily I feel like it may lose steam. Like who is going to care about Coldsteel OC tier characters in the next trilogy?
To conclude my little rant I'll say that above all these movies are just fucking boring, I feel like they have to lose the public's interest at some point. Even the worst Marvel movie has some level of bing bing wahoo to it to draw people in
I see your point. I guess the "unrealistic" part really bugs me. In any case I certainly wouldn't blame someone for liking it, maybe it would be more accurate to say it simply wasn't to my tastes. I really enjoyed the series overall though.
If I am you, I would just wait until the HD rip comes out in the internet. Maybe I am just not invested enough with these flicks as I do with GoT, but I'd rather read the wiki summary for the plot and read the threads for the spoilers and actually watch the movie months later. No point in wasting money for something you don't like anyway.
But hey, it's your money man. You made the decision.
I would but my friends and I like to go and mock the movie openly in the theater, its kind of become a odd type of event to go see the new Star Wars films just to make fun of them
i like how drogo had sex with daenerys, ruled storm's end for a bit and then just fucked off back to essos
He was kingsguard, sworn to protect him.
Protecting lyanna and her newborn. But even that makes no fucking sense since the kid had already been born, they should've been on a ship heading to essos as Willem Darry did for viserys and Dany.
Apparently those three great warriors didn't have three braincells between them so they just sat around in Dorne. Bravo GRRM
He was dead though?
Even if it was to protect Ned's sister it makes no sense because why would he think that Ned would kill his own sister?
Protect the new Targ king who had just been born but some retards will still try to tell you that Jon is Ashara's son
The only thing I thought was really unrealistic was the way he gets to funnel his money to Walt Jr through the grey matter people, but not too bad imo
Why would he be any less safe with Ned, his uncle?
There isn't a lot of information on that scene but I imagine the Kingsguard were commanded to be there. The World of a Song of Ice and Fire says that Ned found Lyanna inside the Tower afterwards, so if that's true then maybe Rhaegar commanded them to guard her during the fight?
Seems like only the king should command the Kingsguard but maybe they had a closer relationship with Rhaegar, there is a scene in Jaime's memories where he begs Rhaegar to allow him to accompany him to the Trident but Rhaegar tells him to stay.
>not executing Fat Sam for being a double-oathbreaker
Because Ned had just fought a war to overthrow their king
>maybe Rhaegar commanded them to guard her during the fight?
But why would they guard Lyanna's baby from her uncle who was known to be pretty much the most honourable man in Westeros?
I thought it seemed most likely that Lyanna died in childbirth and she was birthing Jon hidden in the Tower. It explains partially why Ned tore it down too - to hide all possible evidence that a child ever existed.
People take the gardener thing too literally, it's not like he doesn't plan absolutely anything. There is no reason to believe the ending won't be the same.
Ned wouldn't kill his own family members even if they had Targ blood
Remember when Sam was scared as fuck that his evil dad is going to chase him down for stealing his valyrian sword.
Well... Lord Tarly kind of forgot about it and so does the writer, but I certainly haven't forgot.
I thought the whole turret gun thing was kind of ridiculous
Three autistic oathfag knights don't care about that and only give a shit about whatever vow they made to Rhaegar
Which character has the strongest plot armour?
Recall that Ned and Robert's side believed that Lyanna had been kidnapped and raped. Who's to say, from the perspective of the Kingsguard, that Ned wouldn't kill the newborn in retaliation, and also to end any possible claim the Targaryens had to the Throne? Maybe this was even after Elia and her children had been killed, they had every reason to tell them to fuck off.
>Who's to say, from the perspective of the Kingsguard, that Ned wouldn't kill the newborn in retaliation
Ned had a reputation for being incredibly honourable and just
How were the Kingsguard to know? Ned probably wasn't even very well-known in terms of character around this time.
Why did everyone seems to refer Tywin & Tyrion by name (Lord Tywin/Lord Tyrion) instead of their family name (Lord Lannister)? Everyone else got referred by their family name (Lord Stark, Lord Bolton, Lord Frey, Lord Glover, Lord Tarly, Lord Tyrell, etc). Is it a culture or preference kind of thing?
>and also to end any possible claim the Targaryens had to the Throne
that's a pretty shit idea considering that there were two Targs in Essos and the fact that Jon is a bastard of Rhaegar
In the show? Arya without question. Chick got stabbed multiple times in the abdomen and then falls in a shit river, then with some soup and a few days' rest she's back in fighting condition. She probably would've died from all that shit in King's Landing too.
Arya by far.
Second will be Jon Snow.
Third will be Samwell Tarly.
Arya and book LF
Arya, Tyrion, Jon
how is LF plot armored?
I don't get why the writers/showrunners or so against it. The pilot was originally going to feature a flashback about the mad king and they actually start using flashback but only once for S5 premiere (not counting Bran's visions).
Again, how were the Kingsguard to know?
Unless Rhaegar had him legitimized, which he may very well have done.
How would Robert react to the show ending if he was alive to be in it?
Littlefinger is CHAOSH armored.
Everything he got was because of how fucking obsessed Lysa was with getting his dick
Tyrion. He gets into tons of scrapes that he miraculously survives based on some scheme
That S5 opening was the weirdest thing. Who decides to have exactly one non-diegetic flashback halfway through a show?
A lot of "I fucking told you so"s to Ned
It's more of an "inconsistent author" thing.
It involved a lot of luck on his end but it was totally plausible, and a good demonstration of his character using his smarts, I thought it was fine
That's just evidence of his manipulative ability desu, its also how the real world works. Lysa was a constant friend in a high place
He'd probably be furious that Ned didn't tell him the truth about Jon's parentage, he possibly would want to kill Jon also.
He would have been devastated to learn that Lyanna and Rhaegar were in love and that Rhaegar was not a raper
Robert was right about literally everything and normies still think he was le fat dumb king
They don't like saying Lord Lannister or Lord Baratheon because they are long names so they go for the shorter first names. They do the same with Stannis and Renly
Regret mostly. He did contribute to the state of Westeros of the finale thanks to his rebellion. Had he not do it or if he do it differently, dragons probably will never return, the white walkers will need to wait longer to break through the wall (or not assuming they don't have another plan B), thousands don't need to die in the war of the five kings, Joffrey probably never exist and many other possibilities.
You might be right. I guess its no more ridiculous than bombing Tuco
Dany should've executed or imprisoned Sam to prevent revenge, it's what any conqueror would do
Gas all retards and the people like Preston that encourage them
>ywn get BRIENNED
What's even the point of living bros?
I might be wrong, but I think there's technically only one Lord to a House, and that would be the head of the House. Whenever someone calls Edmure Lord Edmure before Hoster's death Cat corrects them, for example.
In this case I think Lord Tyrion is just a mark of respect and therefore excusable, Tyrion technically isn't a proper lord and he isn't Lord Lannister.
Lord Tywin, idk you got me there mayne.
Robert's Rebellion was completely justified though.
I am sorry your grace, you have enough wine already. It's time for me to give you a sermon about the Seven.
>tfw no amazonian knight gf who will love you back if you show affection towards her
To catch myself here, Stannis would be an exception because he is lord of dragonstone and actually owns and governs property outside of House Baratheon's claims, so he would still be Lord Baratheon even though Robert would have been head of House Baratheon
books and show diverge starting mid season 2 and break hugely at around season 4. whole characters and threads go unexplored, which leads to characters developing differently, which makes forcing them to end at the same point feel all the weirder. bran has been a non-entity in the show (and unlikable/boring since like S3) so him being king feels off, and characters like Jaime or dany that've acted consistently suddenly depart in an unfitting way from what we've seen
if season 7 wasn't a total waste of a season the show would've been cleaner, do more work building into the final roles people have and make it feel less sudden
subversion is the new meme trend and martin unironically does it very well, handing the same job to less capable hands makes it not work
Perhaps. But still, it planted the seeds to the many conflicts that happened later, most of which are beyond Robert, Ned or anyone's expectations.
If the North gets independence what's stopping every other kingdom from declaring it too?
I'm not gay or a woman so I can't really tell, but I have a feeling this dude is actually attractive even though he's supposed to be a feminine soiboi. Any fags here to tell me if I'm right?
It was but not killing Rhaegar
>that chapter where Rhaegar tells Jaime that after the battle he intends to call council and make some changes that he had meant to make for a long time
What would he have done bros?
He's very plain
t. gay woman
Rhaegar was completely fucking insane, he started the war.
I am not gay either, but lets be honest here dude is very feminine in the early seasons before he turns into a medieval skinhead.
it was actually a pretty high iq move, with that laugh he salvaged his life
nothing, the crown doesn't really have the resources to stop regions like dorne from leaving
Even the retarded bastard blacksmith son of Robert could comprehend it. If you're highborn, you're a Lord or a Lady. Not THE Lord of something, but you have the title.
Dragonstone belongs to the Crownlands though. By your logic he wouldn't be a Lord of anything. Just the guy in charge of the island of Dragonstone.
I thought he is planning to depose his crazy dad. At least peoples in-universe think so according to 'A World of Ice and Fire'. But why he chooses to kidnap and have sex with Lyanna, I have no clue.
shit and supershit
Plus he was clearly genuinely impressed, he was the one to suggest crowning Robb later
Consider they could have had full kingship instead of only being consort, for sure considering also that Daenerys had holdings outside the kingdoms.
>And they call me mad when I told them to create a standing army for the crown!
>Can you imagine that?
he's pretty handsome imo. i might be a bit biased though as i love white guys
I imagine it was a situation where Lyanna was technically promised to Robert so they both knew what they were doing would be frowned upon but they were in love. I mean, not to mention Elia. It would have seemed like a kidnapping but it wasn't.
Also Aerys is the one who caused the war IMO. He chose to brutally executed the Starks and then call for Ned and Robert's heads for some reason. Wtf lol.
I agree Rhaegar may have been planning to depose Aerys or at least to limit his craziness with the help of the other lords. The way he says it to Jaime I think he might have been looking to free Jaime from his oaths or at least make it so that Jaime wouldn't have to be stuck guarding Aerys 24/7.
I thought Stannis is referred to as the Lord of Dragonstone at one point? Also
> If you're highborn, you're a Lord or a Lady. Not THE Lord of something, but you have the title.
Then why would Catelyn get mad at people for calling Edmure "Lord Edmure"? By that logic, he is a Lord and the tuse of the title shouldn't go amiss at all. But she seems to take it to mean "Lord of Riverrun" specifically.
I think it seems more like if you're highborn, you're a lord or lady colloquially, as in people will politely call you lord/lady, especially those who are not highborn. But in a titular sense, "Lord" refers to someone who is the head of a House or is landed, and "Lady" refers to the wife of a Lord.
They didn’t go to Viserys and Dany because Jon is the rightful king
fucked harder than dany by drogo, pikes and crossbows are made to put cavalry in the dirt, unarmored guys with no tactics will go down without a scratch
>north of the wall
kinda hard to say, in a square fight uruks no question, they're worth well more than 10 to 1 with superior everything, but wildlings wouldn't really fight, just fuck off further north
>iron islands
if uruks get boats they're beyond fucked.
>free cities
kinda depends desu. uruks have the tech and numbers to take them down (bombs, ballistae, etc.) but it's more a question of supplies
>Westerlands, Stormlands, The Reach, Ghiscari Slaver's Bay
absolutely would never want to face them in an open field. 20ft pikes wielded by frenzied niggers twice as strong as a man in armor as thick as your heavy cavalry is death on an open field, your best hope is to take them on in a siege and pray you can disable the blasting charged
basically this, they'd win in open battle but going back to the start the dornish just see battles they can't win, fuck off, and come back to snipe your shit when you aren't looking
>vale of arryn
I'm not so sure. orcs are made for fighting in the dark and across mountainous terrain, so detachments of them could do like bronn said and assault the bloody gate+others without terrible losses. and worse comes to worse, just take that OP blasting powder, drop it off at night, and send them sky high. and as impregnable as people keep saying the eyrie is, I'm not 100% sure about it. show depiction looks dangerously easy to surround and then just wait out, provided you can keep your ass covered (unironically the hardest part) the eyrie dies from its own strengths, no way in or out.
Enough chained links retard?
Lancel looks a lot better with short hair but his character fucking sucked. Pretty hard to look past the big pentagon he carved into his head all because Cersei kicked him in his broken ribs.