Why was it so good?

Why was it so good?

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boring bullshit desu. way to white (nerdy) for me

low IQ post and opinion desu

Because it was onions-free


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I'd been unsure about my relationship with my gf recently. This weekend I spent the night at her place. We watched three episodes of The Terror. She wouldn't shut the fuck up or put her phone down the whole time. This is par for the course for the majority of women. But then she started popping off at the mouth about how men make such poor decisions and how men were the whole reason the expedition went to hell. I didn't really say anything. I just turned it off and put on some generic netflix comedy. She barely noticed because she had her phone in her face playing some fucking candy crush knockoff. Not even actual candy crush. The Terror has helped me make a decision that will keep me from wasting years of my life. Just for that, this show is priceless.
Her ass is grass the moment she graduates her BA program in one week. It's going to feel good to be back on the market

yeah I fucked her by the way

>so effeminate he turns statements into questions
Everyone who liked that show is a confirmed fag. Chernobyl too.

Jared Harris is kino but the manbear is fucking stupid. It should have been just a polar bear

Agree that the manbearpig was awful but a polar bear wouldn't even have been a threat. A normal polar bear wouldn't attack an entire ship crew and would die after a few good shots. Better to have no monster at all.

Men on boats followed by a disaster is a recipe for kino. I don't know why that's true, but it is.

That's why, for me, it's K-dramas.

I've been on the market for 23 years user and it does not feel good

Why does his face look like a CG render?

i've been in five serious relationships and fucked about ten different women in the span of about eleven years. i know how much better it feels. you have no comparison. go jack off and come back with something less dramatic

Fuck Terror fans and fuck their pleb taste.

good show but these threads are always ruined by disgusting faggots. kill yourself op.

so when does it get good?

>start dramaposting
>complain about dramaposting
fuck off faggot, you can't tell a man who's never tasted lobster that steak is better when we all know that the rich are eating lobster

Solid mini series, Jared Harris was great

the rich eat steak too. what a fucking gormless analogy

yeah if you weren't a room-temperature iq you'd understand why that's part of it

It was good quality and obscure at the same time. And we all witnessed it together.
Seeing normies repost /rbmk/ memes around facebook gave me disdain for Chernobyl. That and Khomyuk. Why yes, i realize how pathetic this sounds.

why do incels have to bring up their virginity all the time? no one fucking asked you loser

>start posting unrelated >tfw gf problems in unrelated thread
>"gee why are you replying with your >tfw no gf problems"
This guy really is stupid.

>the rich eat steak too. what a fucking gormless analogy
kek. I love it when you tell it like it is user.

it was related. did anyone ask you if you were a virgin?

spotted the reddit nigger

Tobias Menzies was kino as well.

The cast.

It was not related. Did anyone ask you if you're going to break up with you stupid gf?

you're one of them faggot

suddenly you're uninterested? that's cool, nice talking to you incel

I'd prefer you keep your boring problems to yourself but if we're going to talk about these problems you have to understand that this isn't you're fucking soapbox. There aren't any upboats or likes here faggot, if you're posting something here it's going to exist as a part of a conversation. You can't get your little panties in a knot when everyone doesn't fawn all over you and your problems, what's going to happen is an exchange. Get it? You're not the special special center of attention, you're either going to be talking with somebody else who has their own problems and having a back and forth or you're going to fucking ignored like the window-licking retard that you are.

>ledditniggers shutting up a perfectly good thread with their incel obsession

>The Terror has helped me make a decision that will keep me from wasting years of my life.

Please dont reply to this obvious bait

You go sweetie

are you implying that rich people inherently value steak over lobster, and are somehow the only group able to eat lobster AND steak?

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Am I? What exactly makes me a normie, faggot?

>talk about sex life
>incel brings up his virginity
>conversation ends

Nice exchange you have there. Keep going to those autism classes though, something should get through eventually

I actually fucked her first, 6 times in fact

>You bring up your sex life out of nowhere
>Someone else responds with their sex life
>You sperg out and end the conversation fuming about muh incels
So...it sounds like you're agreeing you're at fault here.

you're one of them faggot

>Someone else responds with their sex life

Well I'm not wrong, which is really all I care about here

Who's ready for season 2?

my point is you have no sex life, so why bring it up? you detract from the conversation

Just a story about guys being dudes

My point is that nobody gives a fuck about your sex life and that you posting it in what could have been a /comfy/ Terror thread derails from the conversation. Go to /r9k/ next time instead of shitting up my board you nigger

>My point is that nobody gives a fuck about your sex life

why reply to me in the first place then?

Your IQ is high enough to appreciate it

>Go to /r9k/
those trannies you love so much killed /r9k/ years ago.

Writing it down might help you realize how retarded your responses are.
Only 15 year old /pol/tards like you are obsessed with shit like this. Get a grip.

Because you were wrong and the incel was right now stop talking about this stupid shit in my thread you dumb nigger.

keep outing yourself newfag

As the actual gf poster, i find it sweet how some of you have come to my aid for literally zero reason. i made a shit post about my fat stupid girlfriend to prove the terror is so good it can get you out of a shitty relationship. the secondary drama you all created is delicious to me

That might be the gayest post I've ever seen

>made gf go through 3 hours of a drama series
>surprised she got bored
well no shit retard.

t. joined during the 2016 elections

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The performances were great, the ship sets and all the period costumes were awesome but the writing was wonky.

Not the dialogue but the sequence of events and over-all timeline was disjointed, often scenes were separated awkwardly by very obvious ad breaks and the episodes didn't flow well into each other. There's also some weird red herrings/plot points that go nowhere that make to script feel loose and half baked.

Also it's well below subzero for most of the show and no one is acting like it's all that cold, I don't have any experience with Arctic exploring but I don't think you can acclimatize to temperatures that cold.

The show has some great moments but even with the amazing acting it doesn't reach kino status for me.

Honestly, it would be better without Tupaaq.

Then it wouldn't be The Terror, it would just be a fictionalization of the Franklin expedition where the only conflict is starvation.

...Which would be fucking kino