When did Game of Thrones start to have a big dip in quality in your opinion?

When did Game of Thrones start to have a big dip in quality in your opinion?

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Season 3 but it got a little better in season 4, stayed mediocre until the end of Season 7 and had a final season that was in part terrible and in few parts absolutely perfect.


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Season 5


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Killing Tywin.

Episode 1

>S7 was as good as S3
back to redddit with you normie fucks

The production quality was never good until about season 3
As with all things, it was liked because of the interesting new shit no one had ever seen before
As soon as the intrigue turned into action it got worse tho, the cast were not skilled enough for big scenes and to be honest they didn't develop as the characters did. Maisie Williams was still ugly and a midget and Daenarys was too cute to be the mad queen
I really don't think the production quality ever changed, it was always balanced, but the story in the end was too big for the cast, too big for the budget and just impossible to pull off in general

Season 3 was bad and boring.

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I dropped it when Asha and a few good men stormed the dreadfort to save Theon, and promptly ran away from an unarmoured Ramsay. Dunno what season but that was a terrible non-book addition.

I caught an episode later on showing the wights as big standard screaming and running Hollywood zombies, culminating in someone having a duel with an Other. I knew I made the right decision.

After Joffrey died, every interesting plot thread had either disappeared or ground to a halt. I remember being really bored for a lot of the second half of season 4, and season 5 obviously didn't do anything to renew my faith in the series.

Season 5 definitely.

Season 4 was the beginning of the end, but only for certain plot lines. Arya and the Hound was awesome, Oberyn/Tyrion was awesome, Ramsey/Reek was awesome, everything else was off its game. Comparing the red wedding in S03 to the purple wedding in s04 is instructive. Joffery had a great actor, and good writing up till that point, bu thew actual scene was cringy as fuck, it didn't sell at all the emotion they meant to. Season 4 was also the point at which certain book plots ended and the writers just started making shit up, and they were terrible at it. S05 is them in free fall, and the rest are pure trash.

The proper ranking is 2,3,1,4,5,6,7,8.

unironically something around here. As the good actors (predominantly the older ones) in the show were killed off, there was a real derth of talent to keep it going. Hence reliance on spectacle and yas qween moments over substance.

What a fucking horrendous opinion

More of an obvious fact than opinion but hey.

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Season ranking: 1,2,3(quality gap)4(major quality gap)5,6(astronomical quality gap)7,8

Season 5

This is the correct answer. 4 was worse than 1,2,3 but not by a huge amount. It walked off a cliff for 5,6 but had some okay moments and then 7 and especially 8 were just horrible

When Stannis died, not because of muh stannis but because they totally shit on all the character development up to that point and him killing his daughter was just retarded

1 : S1
2 : S3
3 : S4
4 : S2
5 : S6
6 : S5
7 : S7
8 : S8

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also muh stannis