He was lying about going to Dorsia, right? just like Bateman?

he was lying about going to Dorsia, right? just like Bateman?

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yeah I think so

There are two ways you can view this scene

1. He's not lying. The film documents in great detail about the efforts of wealthy New York elites to maintain appearances appropriate to their status. However, despite the most valiant attempts, there exist a few upper-class elites that really do have everything a man could want. And in this film, Paul Allen symbolizes that elitism. In every one of his interactions, Allen manages to outshine his coeval. See: Allen's business cards to the other VPs'; Allen's tanning bed to Bateman's Salon; Allen's offer for a reservation at Dorsia to Bateman's "nobody goes there anymore"

2. He is lying. Despite all the claims Allen makes, the audience never once sees evidence of this. In fact, we might even suggest that Dorsia does not exist. Allen may just be another cog in the machine that is New York City.

>Dorsia does not exist
didn't Bateman call them though? in front of his assistant?

Paul Allen is probably just as much of a psycho as Bateman. They are likely on equal power levels.

He's definitely telling the truth; he was willing to take bateman straight there.

The irony is that if Bateman got in with Paul he could have gotten those same connections and achieved his status. But we know that Bateman only likes working because it makes him feel normal; his father owns the company, or is incredibly high up in it. Bateman wants the best but also wants people to recognise he deserves it, rather than using others for it.

dorsia might just be a phone

>didn't Bateman call them though? in front of his assistant?

Yeah and his girlfriend also says "Dorsia is nice" before he takes her out to another restaurant.

lmao a man who is paid to pick up the phone, say "Dorsia" and laugh when the person tries to make a reservation
good way to build up the rep of a fake restaurant

>he was lying about going to Dorsia, right? just like Bateman?
Bateman was Paul Allen.

well he cant take reservations what else is he supposed to do


Someone did Dorsia IRL, but for hipsters instead of yuppies

Also nobody really cared about Allen. No one was curious for his whereabouts after his supposed trip (his death).
So he probably too was just faking it. But convincingly faking it.

Paul Allen did have reservations at dorsia, and he was ahead of Bateman in every metric that he thought mattered.
Despite this, there is nothing special about Paul Allen. He is simply another character to highlight the flaws in Bateman's perspective regarding what matters in life. To the naive viewer, this film poses the question "was any of it real". The genius of it all is that the answer is not of any significance. Paul Allen was just as lifeless and self absorbed as Bateman, and he could not see his demise coming, even when it stared him in the face.

Don't think I've ever see an American Psycho discussion last this long on Yea Forums without descending into dubs

Great sea urchin ceviche...

check THESE out

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You just had to fucking ruin it

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dID YOU SAY dubs?

is this the best movie ever directed by a woman?

Yes Sir e Bob.

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Dubsias on a Sunday night, how'd I swing that?

oh well

>he was lying about going to Dorsia, right? just like Bateman?
You know, I never once considered this. But it makes sense. Good work op

It's not that he's not a connected man, it's that the whole film is about bugmen and their replacibilty, working like robots and being shallowly courtesous to each other. No one cared if Allen died, no one would've if Bateman did or any of them.

Oh yes.

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Watch this kiddos

You didn't you fucking pretender

Great sea urchin

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Batemans business card was the best. My dubs will confirm that.

Murders and executions


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Would be funnier if he continued the larp and served them all plates of dog shit

He served them microwave meals, so basically dog shit.