>decide to watch Argo
>directed by Bin-Alflecki
>expect it to be filled with leftist bullshit
>surprisingly redpilled kino with accurately violent depictions of iran under islam
any similar kinos?

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>surprisingly redpilled

what's so funny?

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Iranians were pretty pissed off at the US and the UK for political interventionism both countries were forcing for some time.

For me it's:
>accurately violent depictions of iran under islam

Were you there during these times?

Political revolutions are never peaceful.

You fell for the neocon scam.

>"iran bad" is now redpilled
the absolute state of nu-pol holy shit

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You should check out his other work like Gone Baby Gone or The Town.

you must be a miserable piece of shit to inject politics into everything

DAMN RIGHT! As an Iranian I can confirm the revolution was glorious and not bloody at all

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what else am i supposed to talk about? The actress's boobs?

Thanks for the old propaganda Chaim

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>>decide to watch Argo
>>directed by Bin-Alflecki
>>expect it to be filled with leftist bullshit
>>surprisingly redpilled kino with accurately violent depictions of iran under islam
>any similar kinos?

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Argo fuck yourself

if you want more about the iranian revolution i suggest Persepolis. It's a french film directed by Marjane Satrapi. About a girl who grew in Iran and escaped afterwards

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This sans the commie propaganda is pretty fucking good

I saw Not Without my Daughter recently. Bretty gud

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>not watching The Canadian Caper

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>we are supposed to believe ben is a mexican

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6 that low?

She's got a goblina face

I think she'd look great of she lost a few pounds.

Incendies - made by Denis Villeneuve

Based Amerigolem

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