Chatacters with this personality type?

Chatacters with this personality type?

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inb4 a-bloo-bloo-bloo that's totally meeeee loser thread

Avoidant personality disorder is a lot more complex than this, you pretty much just listed some common fears people have

AvPD is made up.
female psychiatrists voted on what defines disorders.
remember that.

That's what the newfags love.

Schizoid master race
get FUCKED avoidantfags

Of course it's made up like every other concept. It's just a useful tool to describe certain behaviors.

A good way to get rid of your personality disorders is to acknowledge your faults and fix them, but continue to believe you don’t have a problem. It’s like a placebo, if you believe you’re normal you become normal. I use to be super avoidant for irrational reasons bc of the way I was raised, I then convinced myself I had no problems and fixed myself if I caught myself displaying any symptoms. It worked

I know a girl who is diagnosed with that, I’m the only person outside of her family who talks to her (and I know her through her family). She has a job in some archive where everyone has an agreement not to talk to her because if they do she’ll start crying. At home she just drinks booze and writes fan fiction with her self insert characters who can’t get laid.
Very nice girl, I don’t think she’s suicidal anymore but who knows.


Have you planned some dick therapy?

/pol/ + /r9k/ = Yea Forums = my ideal board

kill yourself wojakposting trannie

harsh but fair

boobs good? i bet shes fat though

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She’s rail thin.

boobs good?

Summer Glau?

>Never had friends in school
>Dropped out of uni
>Can't hold minimum wage jobs
>Still friendless virgin
>Only pleasures in life are driving, shitposting and movies in that order
Name me some kinos

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Me too brother, me too.

Post pics of her, we'll tell you if you should fugg her or not

ive given up
im a freak

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Trust us on this one.
You did the right thing coming here for advice

based and freakpilled