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Stupid racist.

>little brother dies at the end by the people he hated
I don't get it

Honestly though, did he deserve it?

what was the message there?


>what was the message there?
nigs gonna nig

The movie has such a retarded message and that whole scene with the Jew at the table is straight Soviet-style propaganda.

I don't know about the propaganda thing, but that scene was so retarded. they made him look like an agressive piece of shit because his sister and the jew dude couldn't counter the statistics he brough up, so they made him a family beater.

that's what's so confusing about this, they actually wrote good arguments for Derek and every other character just waves it away without addressing them.

>ranting are good arguments
That being said, Americans were a mistake

did we watch the same film? he wasn't ranting at all when he brough up the statistics, they were discussing race shit (which is indeed cancerous too)

If he was so smart he'd realise his friends were quite literally the niggers of the white race. They also destroyed a neighborhood store (considering the speech he held about how them immigrants are ruining everything a few minutes earlier I was under the impression they were all retarded)

are you retarded or do you not know the difference between words and actions? just because he did something you view to be wrong doesn't invalidate his arguments.

If he didn't have that swastika I'd let him walkscott free

Same if it was a nigger curbstomping a qhite guy trying to steal his car

If a guy holds a speech minutes before smashing the store of a productive member of society in which he laments how immigrants are destroying neighborhoods I am well within my rights to ask myself if this guy is retarded.
Not to mention he didn't even have a job and was still living with his parents at that point.

yeah I don't deny that. neo nazis are just white niggers. there is no defense for this. bu twe are talking about why didn't the writer find a suitable answer for the statistics he brough up, and instead chose to portrait him as a family abusser so the jew guy could "win" the argument?

>what was the message there?
around blacks never relax

>productive member of society

The local drug dealer is a productive member of society.

He is a more productive member of society than Derek was at that point.

I clapped.

What? This is an appropriate response to any scumbag who tries to steal your truck.

Derek was a watchdog and a protector of whites in that society.

How likely would it be for him to survive this, albeit in a horrific Liveleak manner? Unless he breaks his neck in the process (likely) cases where someones face is fucked beyond recognition but still alive are fairly common.

Fuck niggers.

>gets fucked in the ass
>becomes a liberal

What did he mean by this?


The mandible would've been thrust upward into the skull simultaneously as the back of the skull is caved in by his Doc Johnsons. The brain is turned into mush.